Scarecrow writing paper
Monday, August 24, 2020
Mandatory Vs. Voluntary Vaccincations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Compulsory Vs. Intentional Vaccincations - Essay Example It is along these lines significant for those worried to comprehend the advantages and disadvantages of the two sides of the issue. There are consistently various components to consider in the two cases and these variables must be introduced in the most definitive and orderly way for their dynamic advantage. Perisic and Bauch (2009) have pushed the perspective of specific scholars with regards to deliberate immunization. It is their conviction that â€Å"it ought to be troublesome or difficult to annihilate an antibody preventable ailment under intentional inoculation: Herd insusceptibility infers that the individual motivator to immunize vanishes at high inclusion levels. â€Å" Therefore they accept that compulsory inoculations won't have any constructive outcome on the strength of the individual youngster. Their hypothesis, depends on chronicled records of the declining adequacy of immunizations, for example, the MMR antibody and entire cell pertussis antibody. In spite of the f act that there is some exactness to their conviction, Perisic and Bauch (2009) put together their reports with respect to considers that were directed in a controlled domain for kids, for example, little networks where their presentation to air borne sickness and so forth can be controlled and forestalled. Be that as it may, there are additionally sure scholars who accept the inverse is likewise evident. Implying that for an enormous scope setting, leaving a youngster unprotected/non-inoculated puts himself and the kids around him in danger of disease and makes a system and sleeper transporters all the while. Once of the scholars who accept something contrary to Persic and Bauch is Sullivan (2010) who has attempted to get social insurance laborers the nation over immunized against the most widely recognized infections so as to ensure the individuals around them and the individuals they care for. It is the conviction of Sullivan (2010) that this absence of obligatory inoculation has prompted the production of grown-up infections bearers and permitting the change of infections en route which can undoubtedly taint both the youthful and old because of the introduction that the social insurance laborers have at work. Advocates of deliberate inoculations guarantee that it is futile to get immunized on the grounds that the administration and our researchers keep on producing blemished antibodies this is as per Wu and Wang (2011). Taking into account that there have been occurrences wherein and person's safe frameworks neglects to assimilate and fend off the controlled infection by means of inoculation, the individuals who bolster compulsory immunization accept that it is smarter to be immunized more often than not. They base their contention on what they consider to be a reality. That the legislature would have ended the immunization advancement area ages back. The discussion on whether to permit compulsory of deliberate immunizations helps me to remember a similar d iscussion seething on inside the HIV people group. Despite the fact that people in general acknowledges how effectively the HIV infection can be transmitted from the mother to the kid in the belly, HIV constructive ladies despite everything decline obligatory HIV testing during pregnancy (Armstrong, 2008). The required versus willful HIV testing strategy during pregnancy is as yet a fervently discussed issue in our cutting edge times. On the inoculation front, the significant supporters of the intentional immunization issue, to be specific the concerned guardians, add that their convictions relating to
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Expansion of Aritizia Boutique Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Development of Aritizia Boutique - Research Paper Example With a populace of more than 800000 individuals, Indianapolis is the biggest of the three urban communities. Colorado Springs follows second and last is Ann Arbor. The financial markers of the three urban communities are additionally acceptable. All have a higher work rates. The city with the most elevated work rates is Ann Arbor. Rivalry is a significant test in the three urban communities. All the three urban communities have settled Boutiques in the market with the main in rivalry being Indianapolis. Colorado Springs additionally has various boutiques, which has been in the market for quite a while. Atmosphere anyway is in favor of Colorado Springs. With more than 300 days of daylight, Colorado Springs remains the best spot to sell light garments. Contrasting all the above components, Colorado Springs is the best city to extend the Aritizia products.â This exploration includes taking a gander at the different urban communities that the extension is to happen and distinguishing t he different parts of the city that will make it the best choice for development. After all the information is gathered, investigation happens to concoct the best city among the different alternatives. In this paper, investigation of three urban communities happens to know which among them, suits the best alternative for development of Aritizia boutique. The three urban communities are; Indianapolis, in Indiana, Ann Arbor, of Michigan and Colorado springs of Colorado. The fundamental wellsprings of data utilized in this paper originate from different books about the little American urban communities, the web and different papers. Examination of the populace pattern of every city, its general monetary gathering in the previous decade comes to fruition to show the best city among the three urban areas listed.â â
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Even Waitresses Under 30 Call Me Sweetheart
Even Waitresses Under 30 Call Me ‘Sweetheart’ (Hey, I never finished those entries from the summer, so I have to sprinkle the remaining photos in somehow.) ;-) I was dining in Providence Saturday night, and the waitress serving my table, who couldnt have parted ways with her mid-20s long ago, kept asking variations of How is everything, Sweetheart? in the manner of an elderly grandmother. I started thinking a bit about age and about what it means to be eighteen, anyway, and what I should be doing here before its too late. Certainly, the first and foremost purpose of going to college is to learn, but Im torn about whether that means classroom learning, or something else entirely. Im not terribly interested in the core freshman classes I mean, really my lifes work and calling do not lie in the theoretical disciplines of calculus, chemistry, and physics. Heck, my seatmate on the train, Freddie, thought I was a musician at first glance! And coming from what essentially amounted to a two-year break from school, Im finding that my passions consistently lead me out of the classroom and into projects more applied or practical. Luckily, at MIT, many of the classes you take outside of the core will do this for you anyway. :-) My advising seminar, 1.A24, has proved to be a worthy contender for most intriguing class this term. We meet for an hour and a half every Monday afternoon to nibble on biscuits and talk about transportation challenges around the Boston area. Weve examined the various subway lines here as well as historical transit maps from decades past, and weve all compared the levels of public transit available in our respective hometowns. Our latest assignment involves measuring the bus service on Massachusetts Avenue to determine the estimated average waiting time for a randomly arriving passenger. Tetazoo hallmate Brian and I set out for the front steps of MIT on Wednesday evening, and counted both numbers of passengers and arrival times for two Boston bus routes. The results gathered by the participants of our seminar will be sent to MBTA executives, who use them for quality control purposes. :-) Next Monday, well be going to the MBTA Control Center on a field trip to see how Bostons subways and bus lines are managed and controlled, and then well have dinner somewhere downtown as a group. I genuinely enjoy my humanities class, Becoming Digital. We meet for an hour and a half on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and the ten students sit in a circle of chairs with the professor to discuss ethical and social implications of the evolution of media. As it is a writing class, there are about two essays due per month, each with a draft and a revision. Aden, the professor (yes, he insists we call him by his first name, which I think is awesome), returns detailed, very helpful commentary after each submission. Our last assignment involved the consideration and comparison of two images from very different eras, in search of something interesting and provocative they share. From the assignment: The nature of the comparison is up to you, and the strength of your essay will likely rest on whether you find an interesting claim to make about the juxtaposition of these two images. Whatever you choose to say, you should support your contentions with close examination of the images themselves, o ffering concise, descriptive language to capture the relevant aspects of the images. The images were New York City by Robert Frank, taken in 1955, and an image of Klaus from Inez van Lamsweerdes The Forest series, from 1995. (Take a look at the other images from The Forest.) Forty years separate these images, but we looked at the common questions of gender identity they each raise. (left: New York City, right: The Forest (Klaus)) The images in the Forest series have been digitally manipulated and include the subtle substitution of female body parts (hands, mouths). What stands out to you when you view these pictures? (Feel free to comment.) We spent several class periods examining and discussing these, as well as other, photographs, and the discourse was always fascinating and insightful. Our current assignment asks us to examine ethical questions raised by, and in the context of, the Internet. As found on the materials page for the course, we read various articles on topics such as plagiarism, copyright, file sharing, security, pornography, and piracy, and formulated our thoughts both in three-person class groups and in emailed predraft assignments. Many chose to focus on the issues of copyright and piracy, but I picked a different approach: examining the cultural effects the Internet (particularly, chat and instant messaging) has had on interpersonal communication and relationships, and why they present an ethical dilemma. Heres how awesome MIT can be. From reading Adens comments on my predraft, I learned that a faculty member in our very own Program in Science, Technology, and Society has authored definitive works on the subject. Professor Sherry Turkles books include Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet and The Second Self: Computers and the Human Spirit, and she is the founder of MITs new Initiative on Technology and Self, which is working to create a center for reflection and research on the subjective side of technology and to raise the level of public discourse on the social and psychological dimensions of technological change. Aden pointed me to an exceptionally relevant article by Turkle in Wired Magazine, and I encourage you to give it a read if this topic sounds at all interesting. Ill likely be checking her books out of the library to use as material inspiration for my essay. (MITs libraries have several copies of each available.) Much of being a freshman here (and of being on pass/no record grading) is finding the equilibrium between what you do in class and what you do out of class. I live on a very interesting and active hall in East Campus, and if Im ever not doing homework, chances are people are both awake and doing something compelling. Yes, thats right, I dont think there is one hour of the day when less than two or three people are up and around. And with all that Boston (and the region) has to offer, spontaneous subway rides to and fro, events I learn about through the email, and requisite mealtime jaunts, its difficult to find much free time to speak of. This phenomenon has somewhat negative consequences of productivity. First of all, it leads to less studying and homework time, which directly translates into markedly lower exam scores. I cant stress enough that time management is every freshmans gravest folly. Even if you have the good sense to conduct yourself in a legal, moral manner away for the first time from parental supervision, youll probably still have trouble managing all of your new stimuli. I know I am. Second, any long-term projects or commitments you thought youd freely continue after coming to MIT tend to [at least temporarily] lose the personal significance they once had. The amount of activities and opportunities here is overwhelming. Some personal examples? Im carrying my job forward on a limited work schedule throughout the term, and its been difficult to juggle that along with everything else (though this will change as I further refine my schedule and time management this month). I was working on a train schedule archiving project as a personal endeavor, and thats been pushed back, too. My rooms a bit disorganized, my online time has markedly decreased, and my priorities are generally transforming with each new week. Is it possible to juggle outside commitments, like a job, alongside your academic obligations and everything else? Yes, but you need to be disciplined and devoted to making it work. I think I read once that the average working MIT student spends nine hours per week on his or her job. Thats probably a suitable amount if youve got your time management in check, which I dont, yet. As if to encourage the culture of procrastination :-), my hall has a tradition of cooking things in the kitchen for consumption by the residents at large, often during times of study. I suppose its a way for the people cooking to put off work, and the end result is a way for those eating to put off work. Whether its someones birthday and theres a cake, or whether its just any old day and someones making cookies, its a tradition to run up and down the hall yelling pancakes!. This summons students hard at work from their chambers and into the Goodale lounge and kitchen for some victuals of great promise. In the image above, freshman Stephanie and sophomore Rod are dealing with some baking concerns while senior Kevin thoughtfully munches in the background. A shirtless Nick, orange Caltrans shirt-sporting Ryan, and a couple of others complete the scene. And yes, this occurred while I was writing this entry, hence the inclusion. ;-) So what are we really supposed to be learning in college? The practical skills with which well secure a lucrative job upon graduation? Or are we really here to forge a better understanding of who we are, using our time and effort in class to steer us toward the rest of our lives? My idealistic side favors the latter, and I suppose Ill trust my instinct and continue to explore. After all, thats what Id do anyway, even if I werent at MIT.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Friday, May 8, 2020
Compare And Contrast Joyce Carol Oates And Where Are You...
It’s inevitable that no one is perfect, yet it doesn’t stop us from trying to achieve the unachievable by molding ourselves to fit into the standards that society has brought upon us . Tillie Olsen; the writer of Tell Me A Riddle ; as well as Joyce Carol Oates; the author of Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been; both wrote their stories in the 1960’s, however both capture an interesting topic that can be related to present-day situations. Both Olsen and Oates unveil to the reader the idea that intense yearning for societal approval comes from a lack of attention and acceptance from a loved one. Olsen and Oates feature both their protagonists to be compared to their sisters, while at the same time they go through issues with their†¦show more content†¦Emily’s mother comments â€Å"[Susan is] everything in appearance and manner Emily is not†; (Olsen, pg. 5), which links back to the build up of Emily showcasing self doubt, and wanting to change herself. This also correlates to Emily’s yearning for attention from society as she feels that she isn’t gaining any from her mother;as she doesn’t have the fitting look; and that is all she is striving for silently. â€Å"Susan telling jokes and riddles to company for applause while Emily sat silent (to say to me later: that was my riddle Mother, I told it to Susan)†(Olsen, pg. 5). This I feel is the last resort Emily takes to get the attention from her mother. She feels that Susan is taking all the attention, and at this point the applause and praise should be going to her, not Susan. Emily telling the mother is the key point in where she is trying to tell her that this attention should be coming towards her instead. Connie seeks for societal approval else where as she takes on an effort to make herself more appealing in a sexual manner as part of her search for her independence. Connie also believes that her mother doesn’t appreciate what she has and she is being compared to her older sister and doesn’t feel a sense of belonging in her family. â€Å"Why don’t you keep your room clean like your sister?/ How’ve you got your hair fixed–whatShow MoreRelated Comparing Where Are you going, Where Have You Been and Hills Like White Elephants1320 Words  | 6 Pagesof great stories often use good technical writing skills. The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast two short stories: Where Are you going, Where Have You Been by Joyce Carol Oates and Hills Like White Elephants by Earnest Hemingway. The comparison and contrast will be done based on their use of plot, point of view and character development. The short story where are you going, where have you been is about a teenage girl who is, vain, self-doubting and affixed in the present. She doesRead MoreThe Invisible Man Character Analysis1150 Words  | 5 Pagesand Joyce Carol Oates utilize negative emotions of their characters in order to showcase the complexities of their motives. Griffin, the protagonist of the book The Invisible Man, is egotistical and selfish, but this is just his outer emotions. Throughout the story there are hints at a complex background behind the famed invisible man that contribute to the reason for his erratic behavior. This is the same with the Arnold Friend, the main antagonist for Wells short story Where Are You Going, WhereRead MoreEssay on Franz Kafkas Use of Humor1619 Words  | 7 PagesFranz Kafkas Use of Humor Franz Kafka, born on July 3, 1883 in Bohemia, in the city of Prague, has been recognized as one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century. His works have been called cloudy, mysterious, inexplicable (Oates ix). Most people hear the term Kafkan or Kafkaesque and think of dark, fantastic tales with almost no basis in our known reality. But what of Kafkas sense of humor? I personally laughed out loud several times while reading Kafkas Amerika. Were these snippetsRead MoreWuthering Heights by Emily Bronte1979 Words  | 8 Pagesof Chris de Burgh, â€Å"It’s the classical dilemma, between the head and heart.†Love can cause people to do crazy things and act in irrational ways. They think of their love first before considering the consequences. Heartbreak can also cause people to have odd behavior. â€Å"Like an addict chasing a high, someone in love might act rather odd or lose inhibitions or their sense of judgement.†(â€Å"The Head versus the Heart †“ Is Love Rational?) In the following novels, the characters are blinded by love and passionRead MoreFailed Mother-Child Relationships in Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake2805 Words  | 12 Pagesvoice†(44); placing mothers in the home reinforces patriarchal structures. Jimmy later realizesthat the animals were able to adapt successfully to the wild; they survived when mosthumans did not. He considers the possibility that his mother may have been better offby leaving also. Atwood seems to make an underlying argument for allowing morefreedom for women/mothers here that continues from The Handmaid’s Tale.Jimmy’s father attempts to fill the void left by his mother, but fails to compensateforRead MoreEudora Welty a Worn Path12166 Words  | 49 PagesCriticism 10. Compare and Contrast 11. Topics for Further Study 12. Media Adaptations 13. What Do I Read Next? 14. Bibliography and Further Reading 15. Copyright Introduction Eudora Weltys A Worn Path, first published in Atlantic Monthly in February, 1941, is the tale of Phoenix Jacksons journey through the woods of Mississippi to the town of Natchez. The story won an O. Henry Prize the year it was published and later appeared in Weltys collection The Wide Net. Since then, it has been frequentlyRead MoreEudora Welty a Worn Path12173 Words  | 49 PagesCriticism 10. Compare and Contrast 11. Topics for Further Study 12. Media Adaptations 13. What Do I Read Next? 14. Bibliography and Further Reading 15. Copyright Introduction Eudora Weltys A Worn Path, first published in Atlantic Monthly in February, 1941, is the tale of Phoenix Jacksons journey through the woods of Mississippi to the town of Natchez. The story won an O. Henry Prize the year it was published and later appeared in Weltys collection The Wide Net. Since then, it has been frequentlyRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 Pagesmultiple study paths, to self-assessment, to a wealth of interactive visual and audio resources, WileyPLUS gives you everything you need to personalize the teaching and learning experience.  » F i n d o u t h ow t o M A K E I T YO U R S  » ALL THE HELP, RESOURCES, AND PERSONAL SUPPORT YOU AND YOUR STUDENTS NEED! 2-Minute Tutorials and all of the resources you your students need to get started Student support from an experienced student user
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Role of Literature in the Age of Technology Free Essays
Literature refers to the realm of letters and the writings of a particular period, mostly those whose value lies in the beauty of form or emotional effect. Technology is the science of the industrial arts. Scientists have played an important role in promoting human welfare, but the benefits of science may not have reached the masses, at any rate in ample measure, without technological devices and practical applications. We will write a custom essay sample on Role of Literature in the Age of Technology or any similar topic only for you Order Now We live in the world of both science and technology and many people, who take a rather superficial view of things, have begun to feel that in the technological world of tomorrow the role of literature seems poor. In fact, literature in its pure form is believed to have little relation with science and technology. Science provides knowledge and power and both science and technology affect human life at several points, though the extent and utility of the applications are determined by our culture, our wisdom and our priorities. Literature reflects the moods and emotions of the times in which it is produced; it is conditioned by the reflexes which, in turn, are created by the impact of science and technology. Modern technology increasingly dominates the world, and the domination is likely to become more pronounced in future, because of the fast developments tending to subdue creative human thinking and expression. But the belief that literature would have no place in future and in futuristic calculations is erroneous. There is no reason to believe that the mechanical way of life, in which our actions are governed more and more by computer culture and electronic calculators of all types, will destroy the talent of writers, authors, poets, biographers and artists. Technology does not discourage natural, multi faceted talent; rather, it generally promotes the climate for expressions of talent in countless channels. All round prosperity helps a great deal in creating literature of lasting value, and it is technology which has made many countries wealthy and prosperous. Jawaharlal Nehru cautioned us some four decades ago that it was only through the growth of technology that our country would become prosperous. In some cases technological development and automation may cause misery, through the resultant unemployment, for instance. But it has to be noted that both science and technology also provide additional avenues for employment; countries which boast of maximum employment, or nearly so, are those which are technologically advanced. In fact, our country may go down, instead of progressing fast, if we do not keep pace with technological developments and march in step, as far as possible, with the industrialised and technologically progressive nations. It is not only for the sake of the material benefits, the comforts and conveniences of life that we must opt for the latest technological processes, even by discarding our traditional practices, but for our art and literature, too, we shall have to make the best of technology, which would enable talented people to put in their best in art and literature. Some people think and they have a reason for doing so, that since science demolishes faith and tradition, it tends to produce scepticism, anxiety and even tensions, and it doubts everything, even cherished values. Science has eliminated superstitions. Technology helps to provide weapons of war; war stimulates technologists, but it depresses the artists and those who prepare literary pieces. Sensitivity and the urge to create new masterpieces get suppressed; reckless destruction, bloodshed and hostilities ruin the very climate that helps to create literature and artistic masterpieces. Culture and literature, after all, indicate the cultivation of man’s inner nature. Culture prompts men and women to seek perfection; they are not motivated by curiosity and the endless sense of enquiry which characterise scientists and technologists. Literature expresses feelings and innermost thoughts and ambitions, while technology has other ends and other fields to explore. Literature may at first appear to be out of place in a technological milieu, but surely scientists and technologists do not encroach upon the field of literature. There seems to be no reason why both literature and technology cannot flourish side by side. A society that is highly progressive technologically may also become rich in literature. We may take the example of the world’s most industrially advanced country and the mightiest military power, the USA, where technology has registered unprecedented achievements and yet the USA has produced rich literature. Technology results in affluence and prosperity and economic prosperity promotes good literature and masterpieces in the arts. So there is no contraction involved. It is only during war and the all out preparations for war, that literature gets a setback. Science and technology, it has been truly said, have radically altered the face of civilisation, but nothing, not even the most sophisticated mechanical devices and the most fruitful applications of new inventions, can change human nature or replace human being, who must indeed remain in effective command of all scientific inventions and their day-to-day application. Technology has created robots, artificial intelligence in the shape of â€Å"thinking computers†which can read, translate, interpret and give decisions with amazing speed and accuracy. But not even the most sophisticated technological advances can by themselves produce literatureâ€â€poetry, prose, plays, novels and stories. In a sense, science and technology may be said to be of direct assistance in promoting literature, because they help to create leisure by introducing labour saving and time saving devices and by eliminating drudgery as well as duplication of effort. The leisure thus created can be put to literary pursuits. In such a context, the talk of a contradiction between technology and literature is not well founded. Scientific know how may thus be viewed as technology which, examined dispassionately, has an important bearing on arts and literature. Good literature makes a lasting impact on the human mind; it entertains, instructs and ennobles the spirit of human beings; it does not debase or corrupt the mind in any way, and it certainly does not lead to destruction of any section of mankind. Science and its handmaid, technology, however, have placed in the hands of man vicious and highly destructive tools in the shape of lethal weapons the like of which he has never had before. Literature builds, but technology, if misused by vicious statesmen and politicians may cause havoc on a massive scale, destroying both litterateurs and technologists without discrimination. Technology does make for concentration and centralisation of economic and political activity. A person’s individuality, sense of fraternity and selflessness tend to get eroded. Where there is less patronage of art and talent, there is bound to be less of literature of permanent value, because the right spirit and mood are not there to promote it. The depersonalisation of modern life which, it appears, will get stronger as the years pass, is likely to discourage writers and poets; misery, anguish and a generally noisy atmosphere are hardly conducive to the production of sound literature. But we need not give up all hope of a better world tomorrow, from the standpoint of culture and literature, simply because science and technology tend to predominate over human values. It is within the power and capacity of man, provided he exercises his sound judgment and pursues the right priorities to shape a better world, where literature flourishes along with industry and technology. How to cite Role of Literature in the Age of Technology, Essays
Monday, April 27, 2020
Repeated Debut of Mice and Men Story, Us Best-Seller over 15 Years, Written by John Steinbeck
Repeated Debut â€Å"of Mice and Men Story†, Us Best-Seller over 15 Years, Written by John Steinbeck â€Å"Of Mice and Men†it is a very famous work, which was written in 1937 by world-known storyteller and famous essay writer John Steinbeck. A long  time ago, the story has been granted with the classic status. â€Å"Of Mice and Men†text is so powerful, but it is not as simple as  it may seem when you just begin to read it. Once more a bitter tale about â€Å"little†people. John Steinbeck’s Story The story of John Steinbeck shows us the tragic story of two hard workers in the Great Depression period in California. It concerns such concepts as â€Å"a dream†, â€Å"a guilt†and â€Å"a compassion†. The book is based on Steinbeck’s  personal experience, who worked in agriculture in 1920. Steinbeck does not differ some particular points, there are even pictures in black and white upon the eyes which help to feel complete the America’s atmosphere of those years. The author described everything so deep and clearly that no one could not pass heartless through this story. Be ready to hear and feel all voices, all sounds all emotions of that book. It is so hard to write an analysis about this work. There are so many thoughts in the head. The Great Depression,  America of The twenties, the lack of money and the most important thing for everyone is to survive by anyways. People plough to feed their families from morning till late at night, everyone is looking for a corner in this cruel world, everyone wants to find someone with whom you can just talk heart to heart, and whom to trust and each person has a dream, all of them dream about something internal, theirs own. George and Lenny â€Å"Of Mice and Men,†it is a very touching and tragic story about love and friendship, loyalty and unfulfilled dreams. Of course, the work wins with its characters described there. They are incredibly alive and realistic. Two friends, two vagrants, George, and Lenny have been searching for a work arrived at the following ranch. Lenny is the mentally retarded man, but a very good and strong one, George is his friend who always protects his companion who is in twice larger. They will never leave each other. Lenny, an amiable â€Å"idiot†, constantly forgets everything and is completely harmless, like a child, but he can harm himself and always brings trouble, that is why, George permanently have to keep an eye on him, and friends always travel from farm to farm. And they are dreaming of their own one: to breed chickens, pigs, rabbits and other animals, to plant a vegetable garden and walk on circuses and fairs. And only they will be the owner of all the farm and nobod y can expel them. Lenny is in some kind very unmindful and always asks George to repeat about what awaits them in the future, about the farm, about independence  The main thing is they are in each other: â€Å"Because I have you, and you have me†. Lenny sincerely believes in that dreams and George, always faithfully protecting his illusions and hopes, starts to believe in them too. How few people need to be happy and how much people need to be happy The destiny has always her own plans. Almost from the very first paragraph, this short story was imbued with some kind of despair. The fate smiles so rarely to  such simple hard workers like George and Lennie. First of all, the story is about a collapse of hopes, about something unrealizable, which always supports human life, even if he knows that this will never happen. In some moments, it is simply hurt to read this story because you start to pass it through yourself. So naive and timid mentally retarded people had to face with that cruel, vile and insolent world, and they are forced to live in it, looking in it with their uncomplicated innocent and kind eyes, expecting only the best. I would like to have a better world that would accept them. The author’s subtle and vital  description of all events and experiences, which are close to each of us. The story language is so simple and soulful. There are no frills, no cobwebs, and nevertheless, the characters fate and their relationship are so catchy that it is impossible to break away. After all, this is still a rarity, when two friends meet such loyalty and affection for each other, when they cherish common dreams about the future. This story is about the family responsibility,  taking responsibility for those â€Å"whom we have tamed†.  And on the difficult choice that could put lives. The story about the fact that our world is not black and white, but there are people and mice. The characters came to the story homeless and exhausted. They initially have the dramatic fate. A tragic outcome, which will wait in the final, in actual fact, was already predestined. The reader sees that with the naked eye. The harbinger of this is a dead mouse, which Lenny keeps in his pocket. Manslaughter more than once will appear in the story. But will the killing as a deliverance from suffering (the dog Stumpy). And, of course, the apotheosis of the book is George’s act. But it will not just murder. This rescue attempt. The act of self-denial, the recognition that there will be no happiness. At the same time, it is the highest manifestation of love that can take a terrible responsibility. Love and Responsibility The love and responsibility are here not just empty words. George and Lennie are connected with each other with the purely human love and devotion. It is clear seen from the text that they are not relatives, and George is not obliged to be responsible for the unlucky Lenny. But their love is based on Christian values. And we are talking not about loneliness, which so scares other  barracks inhabitants. The point is in the ability to feel love and pity for the man. That feature makes us different from mice. And the fairy tale about the future in their ranch, which George tells Lennie is a simple lie. Probably we will go against general opinion and say that this book is not about dreams destruction. It is about a high â€Å"Love†one person to another. Story’s Discrepancies Honestly saying there are bunch of inconsistencies which Steinbeck generously scattered throughout the text: Lenny, big and strong, but, in fact, the perfect child; Lenny’s remarkable strength and love for soft fluffy baby animals; The woman’s presence (à  ¡urley’s wife) and totally masculine world of ranch; Stub, who is so tied to his old dog, but still allows to shoot it. A small, but SO strong story. Completely another story about little men, which disinterested friendship, wealth and poverty, the racism subject and attitudes toward mentally handicapped people. And, of course, about the dream, the light, and pipe. Everyone has a dream, it warms the soul in a difficult time and forces to live. The amazing book! So many feelings, emotions, thoughts, it is difficult to take a breath. It does not let go for a second, and you gulp page by page. This is the story of wealth and poverty, but first and foremost about the dream Unfortunately, which did not come true. And what a pity that our present live have nothing in differing with characters’ position. We also humpback from morning till night to feed our families,  dreaming, looking for better places in the life where we would be taken for what we are, without condemnation. We are hoping to find at least someone who can be trusted, but just to talk heart to heart. And the story end just broke at all. How much courage need  the person to decide on that? How deep need to be tied to the man to do so? And, what is the most importantly, how to live with it hereafter? It is unimaginable†¦ Do you have a dream? Is something like that, what do you want with all your heart? You think about it constantly, aiming for its execution? Then this book is for you. This book is worth to be read! And always keep dreaming, because there is no reason to live for without hope and something to believe inThe story is about a dream. About its creating and falling to the ground. To learn how to create those dreams, and how they crumble. The fact that even in the most critical situation the person is open to the dreams, and it warms person’s heart. The book opens something new in everybody, something that they even did not know about themselves. And more, the story has absolutely incredible end which no one expects
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