Saturday, August 31, 2019
Owning a car when one turns 16 Essay
There are many advantages and disadvantages to owning a vehicle. A life style change can occur or an empty wallet or purse I can almost expect someone will have when they first start driving a vehicle of their own. This impact in ones life can not only change their life style and their money situation but also there grades, sports, social life, and most of all their physical health. These advantages and disadvantages can be for the better but most of all the worst. In my opinion, owning a vehicle at a young age develops a good source of financial planning, responsibility, and awareness of what can happen to them if they become an uncontrolled driver. Next, with the purchase of a car there can be a life style change and also a huge financial decrease. If one owns a car, especially a teenager, they become cocky and act like a hot shot because they have a vehicle. With this problem a teen may start to develop a new driving style. They will drive with only one arm and will constantly change the CD player to different compact discs and radio station. With having them do this they will increase the chances of not paying attention to the rode and will cause an accident. So, a driver needs to keep their eyes on the rode to not only protect to their own life but the lives of others. Then, the new driver has already developed the bad habits of driving and this will lead them into a having bad grades, missing practices for sports, and lose a social life. The bad grades can come from driving too much, but if one drives, they will need a job. A job is where a loss in a social life comes together. If they are working to drive, they will not have enough time to spend with their friends. Now that they are trying to find time out of work to drive, hang out with friends, and play sports. Sports are after school each day. I don’t expect a driver to play sports all week and only work two days and still have enough money to pay for their vehicle. Finally, the most difficult sacrifice to give up is their physical health being tampered with. By working all the time and constantly trying to join sports and hang out with friends this will affect their health. Where is their time to sleep? One will be doing it all but; they do need time to sleep. All of these advantages and disadvantages will change their entire life style. I believe owning a vehicle will do that but in some cases a change is a good thing so there is always something to look out for. Change can be good but the time will keep ticking away. So, do what makes one happy and make it how you want it.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Comparison of Mark Twain and F. Scott Fitzgerald Essay
Mark Twain and F. Scott Fitzgerald are two widely known American authors who wrote great novels, but differ in many ways. They both wrote stories on life journeys, however; Twain used pre-adolescent characters to show how an individual should behave in society. Whereas, Fitzgerald uses adult characters to show how an individual is harmed by society. Mark TwainA? a‚ ¬a„? s characters have many dreams in all TwainA? a‚ ¬a„? s stories. On the other hand, FitzgeraldA? a‚ ¬a„? s older, adult characters who still have dreams allow the larger community to affect them from pursuing his or her aspirations. The community doesnA? a‚ ¬a„? t put a lot of pressure on TwainA? a‚ ¬a„? s characters because most of them are just children. But on the contrary, F. Scott FitzgeraldA? a‚ ¬a„? s characters are expected to fit in and do whatever the crowd does. So in the long run, Mark TwainA? a‚ ¬a„? s characters benefit from society by pursuing their individual goals, and F. Scott Fitzgerald characters falter because they let society affect their dreams. Mark Twain was born on November 30, 1835. His birthplace was in Florida and he grew up in a relatively small town. Mark TwainA? a‚ ¬a„? s original name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens. Mark TwainA? a‚ ¬a„? s father was John Marshall and his mother was Jane Lampton Clemens. Samuel’s father, John, was a judge. When little Samuel was four years of age he moved to Hannibal with his family. His parents enrolled him in a private school there. Samuel had many health problems as a child. Therefore, they had to keep him indoors for the first half of his childhood. Although, when he was around ten years he joined the rest of the town’s children outside. He grew up in a two-story house at 206 Hill Street. One of SamuelA? a‚ ¬a„? s major life events was when his father died of pneumonia. Because of his fatherA? a‚ ¬a„? s death, Samuel left school and became a printerA? a‚ ¬a„? s apprentice. Samuel found his first love of writing after two years as a printerA? a‚ ¬a„? s apprentice. He became an editorial assistant with his older brother and really found writing fascinating. When Samuel Clemens tuned 17 years old he left Hannibal. He found a printerA? a‚ ¬a„? s job in St. Louis. There, Clemens became a river pilot assistant and got his license in 1858. This was a very important time for Samuel because itA? a‚ ¬a„? s where he got his writerA? a‚ ¬a„? s name, Mark Twain. In piloting the expression â€Å"Mark Twain†means that is safe to navigate. Many authors use other names when they write books and Samuel decided on Mark Twain because of his piloting experiences. Later in his life, Mark Twain began working as a newspaper reporter for several newspapers all over the United States. Mark Twain married Olivia Langdon in 1870. Together, they had four children. Unfortunately, one died as an infant and the others died in their 20A? a‚ ¬a„? s. Clara was their only child who lived a long life. She lived to be 88 years old and had one daughter. Mark TwainA? a‚ ¬a„? s first successful writing was â€Å"The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calavaras County. †It gave him a lot of fame and the critics really liked it. Twain’s first book was â€Å"The Innocents Abroad,A? a‚ ¬A? and was published in 1869. The arch of his fame was probably when he wrote â€Å"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer†in 1876 and A? a‚ ¬Aâ€Å"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,A? a‚ ¬A? in 1885. He has a long list of stories, books, and newspaper article. He wrote 28 well know ones in all. Mark Twain passed away on April 21, 1910. He leaves a big legacy of childhood stories and many people still read his books. He is a very respectable American author and his books are brilliant. Scott Fitzgerald was born on September 24th, 1896. His father was Edward Fitzgerald. He grew up in St. Paul, Minnesota. As a child he was brought up as a devote Catholic. The first School he attended was St. Paul Academy. When he graduated he went to Princeton and was part of the class of 1917. ScottA? a‚ ¬a„? s first engagement was to Zelda Sayre. She later broke their engagement. One of his major life events is when he went to St. Paul to write, A? a‚ ¬Aâ€Å"This Side of Paradise. A? a‚ ¬A? The critics loved this story and got many sales. Another major life event is when Zelda Sayre took him back and they got married. They took a trip to Europe where is wife had their first child. The first time he wrote something he was in a school newspaper club. The first thing that got published was the A? a‚ ¬Aâ€Å"Romantic Egotist. A? a‚ ¬A? He had immediate success at the age of 24. The subject he wrote on was young love. His style was life journeys of adults. He wrote his journey stories with clarity, with color, and with music. His style changed a little when he started to drink in 1923. His best book got great reviews, but not many sales. The A? a‚ ¬Aâ€Å"Great GatsbyA? a‚ ¬A? written in 1924 probably marked his arch of fame and all the critics fell in love with it. When Scott ran out of money he would write short stories. Most of his income came from his short stories because his novels didnA? a‚ ¬a„? t have many sales until after his death. Some of his most popular works were: A? a‚ ¬Aâ€Å"The Vegetable,A? a‚ ¬A? A? a‚ ¬Aâ€Å"The Offshore Piddle,A? a‚ ¬A? A? a‚ ¬Aâ€Å"Bernice Bobs,A? a‚ ¬A? A? a‚ ¬Aâ€Å"Her Hair,A? a‚ ¬A? A? a‚ ¬Aâ€Å"May Day,A? a‚ ¬A? and A? a‚ ¬Aâ€Å"The Beautiful and Damned. A? a‚ ¬A? Many things influenced Scott Fitzgerald. Aspiration, literature, Princeton, Zelda Fitzgerald, and alcohol are some of them. All of these things explain why he writes more about adults and their journeys instead of children. Scott Fitzgerald leaves us a legacy of one of the greatest American authors in history. He was a great man who became friends with another great author, Hemmingway. In a strange way they fed off each otherA? a‚ ¬a„? s stories. Scott Fitzgerald pasted away on December 21st, 1940 of a heart attack.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Welcome back to the black-hole time-sucking wasteland known as Youtube, HipsDontLie6969! It’s been an eternity since we’ve last seen you. What, a whole two days? Unacceptable. You have 53 videos piled up in your subscription box– a record high! How have you managed to survive without staring at Michelle Phan slap makeup on for five minutes or watching yet another adorable puppy video? No, don’t look away from the screen. You still need your daily dose of prank-gone-wrong videos and low-budget trailers for movies you’ll never see. There we go, two hours you’ll never get back! Oh, but you’re not done yet. In fact, we’ve barely just started! To tell you the truth, we’ve been worried about you. First you haven’t posted an Instagram picture in three days, now you’re talking with your friend and haven’t checked your phone in over five minutes. What’s next, no more selfies every three seconds?Don’t make Siri ask you what’s wrong. This is getting incredibly unhealthy and you’re showing signs of all the symptoms: being attentive to other people, engaging in conversation, good god, even LOLing (or as the prehistoric barbarians used to call it, â€Å"laughing†). I’m afraid you have a severe case of the â€Å"Life’s So Much Better Not Looking Through A Screen But Actually Enjoying the Present Syndrome†. I’m afraid recovery is not going to be an easy process. People complain about recovering from cancer or a surgery, yet they don’t understand the amount of work it takes to find a post-worthy selfie with just the right cleavage-to-duckface ratio. Then you need to find an adequate (usually irrelevant) caption, maybe another Taylor Swift lyric or movie quote? How about a good ‘ole hashtag? â€Å"#selfiesunday #hashtag #love #girl #boobs†it is . Oh, don’t even get me started on the filters. Yet the hardest part of healing is relearning the unspoken rules of â€Å"text language†: to be able to typeâ€Å"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA†without a remnant of a smile on the face or decimate the English language so u tlk lik dis and sound rly smart lol:) Recovery is also hard on your loved ones, as you slowly sink back into to the habit of taking pictures of your food at the dinner table instead of eating it or texting while your Mom has, or at least attempts,a one-sided conversation. This journey back to health will be full of glazed eyes and relapses back to reality, but #webelieveinyou. We see a large cause of this sickness is due to that boy you’ve been flirting with in math class. Don’t think we haven’t noticed like Google, we know everything. Also like Google, we’re here to help and make sure you don’t have to use your own brain for anything. If you would like to talk to him, text him instead! Everyone knows talking online is the same if not better than in person. You get to filter your true thoughts and hide behind a rampage of smiley face emojis. If that doesn’t work out, welcome to Tinder! With just a swipe right, this mobile dating app matches you with sweet sentimental guys who are looking for nothing short of a lifelong romance (long walks on the beach and kisses in the sunset not included). Next, we’ll prescribe a strong dose of Twitter; make sure to take this at least once an hour. After all, everyone is dying to know where you are, what your mood is, and what youre wearing at all times, Now don’t forget, if you want to heal faster, make sure to also subtweet your ex-boyfriends new girlfriend around once a week, because who doesn’t love a good twitter fight.Sure you could be paying attention in class, but Nicole’s status on the cloudy weather seems much more important . Favorite. As the saying goes, pictures/videos or it didn’t happen. This treatment is one of of the best cures towards your diagnosis. What would be the point of going to a concert if you didn’t take a video? Concerts used to be about the live experience, the intimate connection between artist and fan, and the swarming energy that causes people to dance, laugh, sing along. Never mind that when now you can capture it and just re watch it again later. This applies when you hang out with friends as well. Make sure to take as many pictures as possible so you can brag about your friendship through â€Å"candid†laughter photos and Snapchat storiesthen you can go back to â€Å"hanging out†, aka being in each other’s presence as you both stare away at your phones. Have you ever walked into a silent room where everyone’s heads were craned down, scrolling through their Facebook newsfeed? Satisfying, isn’t it? Silence speaks louder than words. You seem to be doing much better pale ghastly skin, a sore neck from constantly looking down, and the inability to go to the bathroom, or anywhere really, without your phone seemingly attached to your hand. You used to make small talk with the stranger in the elevator or only Facebook friend people you really knew, but fortunately we’ve successfully removed those malignant actions. Now you’re a living success story: socially impaired with+800 Facebook friends who couldn’t give a rats ass about you! With our current treatment, less and less people are getting struck with this contagious virus. Luckily, we are starting vaccinations at a younger age, with little kids playing on smartphones instead of outside and taking bathroom mirror pictures before they’re tall enough to reach it. By the next five years, kids are projected to have smartphones handed to them right out of the womb! In the age of technology and advancement, those struck down with the syndrome are dying out while the rest of the population is progressing forward. I’m glad you were able to recover and join us.Make sure to follow the necessary steps to prevent the â€Å"Life’s So Much Better Not Looking Through A Screen But Actually Enjoying the Present Syndrome†from resurfacing. Have as many social media applications as possible and when in doubt, never look up. Your screen is your reality. If you’re reading this off paper (does that still exist?), you’re doing it wrong. Oh , well pardon me, I forgot to look at the time! It’s that time of the day again. Welcome back to the black-hole time-sucking wasteland known as Youtube, HipsDontLie6969! It’s been an eternity since we’ve last seen you. What, a whole two hours?
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
BUS WK4 HOMEWORK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
BUS WK4 HOMEWORK - Essay Example The following section discusses the literature review in support of universal precautions and identifies gaps in the research. Research on the topic supports the use of universal precautions over contact barriers. Kirkland (2008) explains that the emphasis on contact isolation in most hospitals is not based on strong evidence. Instead it is based on conventional beliefs about patient safety. Similarly, in an important study Ribner et al. (1986) share the opinion that a more effective substitute to strict isolation may be available in the form of a modified approach based on a case by case analysis. Although they do not recommend doing away with the use of gloves and gowns, their study reveals the potential for developing precautions on the basis of the necessity for preventing the spread of infections in each case. Allegranzi and Pittet (2009) state that hand hygiene is the most important factor in preventing the spread of infections in a hospital setting. Furthermore, Brouqui (2003) is of the opinion that the practice of adopting hand hygiene procedures among hospital staff can be encouraged by the use of alcohol sprays in hospitals. Cepeda et al. (2005) also show in their study that the continuous use of gowns and gloves is likely to increase the transmission of infections. They also state that the use of gloves tends to reduce adherence to hand hygiene practices among health professionals. In addition to cost savings, the research will also study the effects of universal precautions on the emotional well-being of patients. Barratt et al. (2011) explain that the use of gloves and gowns can be restrictive and may act as a barrier to the information and empathy needs of patients. This can result in the patients experiencing greater anxiety and frustration. In a similar research, Skyman et al. (2009) also reported that patients who were isolated for risk of spreading MRSA infection described their experience as a
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
The Effective Media Tool In Communicating With Arab Audience. Which Of Essay
The Effective Media Tool In Communicating With Arab Audience. Which Of The Four Media Tools, (Newspaper, Radio, Internet Or Television) Is Mostly Preferred By Arab Audience In The Middle East - Essay Example Many factors will give me a competency in doing this research. I was born and reared in that region. During my work in the media field in the Middle East, I was in direct contact with people and their concerns. The study about the audiences has always been an essential part of my undergraduate and graduate studies. Additionally, I am a native Arabic speaker and I have easy access to the researched region and its population with regards to surveys. This study enables me to apply my research techniques and know the role of each medium in influencing public opinion. The September 11 terrorist attack in New York City and the recent bombings in London made communication with the audience of Middle East a main priority for United Kingdom and other countries. Arab audience have become a very important issue for the western countries. Infact, the BBC World Service, will be launching an Arabic TV station dedicated in communicating with the audiences in the Arab world. This paper examines political, physiological and social issues that affect an audience towards the medium.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Ready means of fashion through which individuals can make visual Essay
Ready means of fashion through which individuals can make visual statements - Essay Example The essay "Ready means of fashion through which individuals can make visual statements" analyzes fashion ready means and visual identity. According to the theory of the Leisure class, some people may struggle to distinguish themselves form others. This is may be by dressing in extremely expensive clothes. Some people also go to extreme ways of looking even different through plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery (Tseëlon, 1995). Wolf infers that women have, in most cases suffered for beauty. This is by trying to portray their identities and lifestyles. According to her, women have the right to expresses themselves the way they want. Women are increasingly modifying their bodies to look different. This is by turning to plastic surgery cosmetic surgery and anti aging products in order to look perfect. Women are using their bodies as a display of identity, class and income. This got contributed mainly by the use of the body as a symbol in marketing, advertising, and in business to dis play a particular image. Fashion industry improves women’s lives by provides them with ways to visually express their personally and professionally (wolf, 2002). Wolf condemns the way women and represented in fashion and how they got treated by largely patriarchal societies around the world. In most cases, women like to express them as young. This leads them to using plastic surgery, diets, make up and aging prevention treatments. Aging psychologically and socially affects women in regards to fashion.
Discuss the design needs for a plant producing a million tubs (150 ml) Essay
Discuss the design needs for a plant producing a million tubs (150 ml) per week of fruit yoghurt, with emphasis on the hygiene aspects. Make clear your assumpt - Essay Example 8) Cheap labor - Labor is an important part of the business without whom any business can run successfully. Labor helps in flourishing a business. So it should be available in adequate amount and on cheap wages. 9) Others facilities - The structure of the plant should be well designed with proper lighting, ventilation, sanitation, cleanliness, rest rooms and waiting rooms, wash rooms etc. It should be spacious, noise-proof and have adequate number of large windows to allow the entry of maximum natural light and free circulation of natural air. It should have fire alarms and emergency alarms also. 10) There should be a proper place for the disposal of the waste material. This would help in maintaining the neat and clean surrounding and thus saving the environment from getting polluted and finally keeping the beauty of the nature at esteem. This diagram shows the working of different departments with each-other's cooperation and coordination. One is responsible to answer the other and the other is responsible and dutiful to help the rest of the departments. Like production department has to maintain the records of sales department as well as of purchase department because three of them are tightly knotted with each other. This diagram shows the working of different levels of management. ... Internal management of the plant:- This diagram shows the working of different departments with each-other's cooperation and coordination. One is responsible to answer the other and the other is responsible and dutiful to help the rest of the departments. Like production department has to maintain the records of sales department as well as of purchase department because three of them are tightly knotted with each other. This diagram shows the working of different levels of management. This type of structure is known as "Vertical division of labor". In this kind of scenario, the chief function of top managers, or executives, typically is to plan long-term strategy and oversee middle managers. Middle managers generally guide the day-to-day activities of the organization and administer top-level strategy. Low-level managers and laborers put strategy into action and perform the specific tasks necessary to keep the organization operating. Conclusion:- The success of the business not only dependent upon the architecture of the plant but also on the nature of the business, facilities available, activities performed and internal management of the plant i.e. how is work going on and the coordination and cooperation of the staff right from the lower level to middle level and finally to the top level. Design of the plant not only shows the impact of the owners of the business on the rest of the world including competitors but also their duty to present and build the strong infrastructure. Organization, Work & Technology are formerly known as Behaviors in Organizations so each is equally counted in terms of profit and reputation of the
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Recommendation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Recommendation - Essay Example His strength of character has made him a noteworthy individual and has propelled him into positions of leadership. This leadership is especially shown on the individual level as he has proven to be a very caring individual. We understand that these schools provide challenging academic environments. This student does not have a strong GPA, but there are reasons for this fact. His transfer from a low level school to one that was more challenging resulted in a period of adjustment. Once the adjustment was made, however, he has shown that he is capable of ever-increasing academic challenges. He is not a finished product. He is still growing and learning and needs the challenge of attending Emory, Carnegie or NYU. Thank you for considering this request. We feel that this student must be recommended to one of these schools because this is where he can realize his full potential. He may not appear to be the typical candidate when the raw numbers are examined, but his work ethic and strength of character warrant your
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Ashura practices (religious practice) Research Paper
Ashura practices (religious practice) - Research Paper Example gious practice may depend on the commitment that a follower ascribes to the act as well as the pledge to keep practicing that act even among future generations. Usually, meaning increases when members of the faith agree the symbolic value of the happening on, and if it is associated with the historical roots of the religious group. Typical examples of religious practices include baptism, where members are immersed in water and transformed into new spiritual beings; this mostly happens in Christian groups. Fasting is also common among a series of faiths such as Islam, Buddhism and Christianity; it involves abstinence from food for a certain period in order to focus and strengthen one’s religious conviction. Even a simple act like attendance of a religious ceremony in a Jewish temple, mosque or church may also be regarded as a religious practice. Islam, just like other religions, has a series of practices; some may differ depending on one’s sect or religious conviction but others are common to all. The five pillars of Islam are religious practices that all believers in the faith agree on, and they include shahada, salat, zakat, sawm and hajj (Chibli 34). The first one refers to acknowledgement of the supremacy of the God Allah and his prophet Muhammad while the second one focuses on five obligatory prayers. Giving the poor alms, fasting in the holy month of Ramadan and visiting Mecca at least once are the other shared religious practices respectively (Wheeler 59). Ashura is a religious practice that is also common to all Muslims, but the meaning of the day and its manifestation are significantly different between the two predominant religious groups. Sunni Muslims largely centre on the Prophet’s interpretation of the day; it commemorates the day that Noah‘s ark was rescued as well as the day when God gave Moses the ten commandments (Wilfrid and Nourallah 141). It is also historically significant because it is believed that this was the day when several
Friday, August 23, 2019
Technology Evaluation Same time, Same place Essay
Technology Evaluation Same time, Same place - Essay Example This is because the information is present in people’s profiles and also it is easier to ask the chat friends to find the information you need. This technology reduces efforts of working together where you have to organize meetings and spend a lot of time arguing and in conflict resolution, hence the amount of time spent working on tasks is reduced. In the political dimensions, the technology helps reach relevant people needed for achievement of the performance goals. The technology can reach managers due to many people being connected in the chat and this enables sharing of ideas, challenges, saves time and costs hence meeting the expectations and goals of the job description and valuing workers whom much information is shared with (Chickowski, 2009). The Internet Relay Chat helps the team members in the organization to complete tasks quickly because they reduce time for paper work and searching customers and suppliers, this therefore improves productivity. Due to the chat containing personal information of different individuals, team members understand each other well in terms of their strengths and weaknesses hence effective working relationship among those team members. Technologically, the Internet Relay Chat enables individuals to use their personal computers and even their mobile phones to chat. This therefore means that connectivity with individuals in remote parts is enabled due to the use of mobile phones and personal computers. The technology of the internet chat enables integration with applications in the intranet of the individuals using the technology hence allows its wider
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Discuss the character of Banquo and his role in Macbeth Essay Example for Free
Discuss the character of Banquo and his role in Macbeth Essay Banquo was one of Duncans brave generals. He was a man of honour and integrity. He held the same rank as Macbeth and they were very closely linked characters. They were courageous and loyal warriors. They both witnessed the Witches prophesies and their future successes were foretold throughout the play. Banquo had a generous spirit and a rational view of the world and had the attributes required by a good King, however, Banquo was an ambiguous character, in that he was sceptical of Macbeths manner following their encounter with the Witches. Macbeths beliefs worried Banquo, as he was a good man and he believed deeply in upholding Gods rule of order. Banquo sensed that the Witches prophesies prompted new reactions in Macbeth further encouraging his ambitions towards kingship. Banquos first encounter with the Witches was quite unbelievable to him and he remarked to Macbeth, What are these, So withered, and so wild in their attire, That look not like thinhabitants oth earth, And yet are on,t? , Banquos words describe Macbeths startled and uneasy reaction to the Witches prophesies, touching moral confusion in Macbeth by saying to him, Good sir, why do you start, and seem to fear Things that do not sound so fair? The half rhyme fear and fair echoes the Witches previous fair and foul. Although Banquo was not afraid of the Witches, he still wanted them to speak to him but at the same time he wished to remain detached from them. He addressed the Witches, saying, Speak to me, who neither beg, nor fear Your favours nor your hate. The Witches in turn replied, Thou shalt get Kings, though thou be none. The Witches directed most of their prophesies towards Macbeth and Banquo noticed how lost in thought his companion was because of this experience and remarked, Look how our partners rapt. When the Witches vanished, Banquo and Macbeth were astounded, wondering if what they had just witnessed was indeed real or just fantasy. When Banquo heard that Macbeth was to become Thane of Cawdor, in contrast to Macbeths excitement, he showed wariness and sensed that the Witches words might be deceitful by telling Macbeth, And oftentimes, to win us to our harm, The instruments of darkness tell us truths, Win us with honest trifles, to betrays In deepest consequence. Banquo is clear-sighted in his summary of the way of temptation. However, resisting the prophecies was a struggle, even for Banquo. He said to his son Fleance, Merciful powers, Restrain in me the cursed thoughts that nature Gives way to in repose! Banquo was clearly disturbed by all the strange events that had taken place. He was afraid to sleep and the Witches words returned to him in his dreams when he did so. After King Duncan was murdered, Banquo became very suspicious of Macbeth and was becoming concerned about his destiny. He spoke of this to the Kings son Malcolm, In the great hand of God I stand, and thence Against the undivulged pretence I fight Of treasonous malice. However, I criticize Banquo because of his passivity when he says, soon afterwards, Thou hast it all now, King, Cawdor, Glamis, all As the weird women promised, and I fear Thou playdst most foully fort: It was obvious that Banquo suspected Macbeths involvement in Duncans death, yet he took no steps against Macbeth. I suspect this was because Banquo had ambition too, like Macbeth when he says, May they not be my oracles as well, And set me up in hope? But hush, no more. Macbeths prophecy had come true, so he hoped, perhaps it would all happen for him and he would father a line of Kings. Banquos inaction and suspicions of Macbeth attracted Macbeths attention as his soliloquy in Act 3 denotes, Our fears in Banquo Stick deep, and in his royalty of nature Reigns that which would be feared. Then at the end of his soliloquy he really expresses his innermost thoughts by saying, Only for them, and mine eternal jewel Given to the common enemy of man, To make them Kings, the seed of Banquo Kings! This showed that he was determined that no- one would interfere with his kingship. Macbeth saw Banquo as simply too strong and honourable a rival to be left alive. Here again, we see that Macbeth and Banquo were closely linked. They were both tragic and doomed with flaws within themselves. Macbeth became obsessed by irrational passions, then anger and fear took hold, resulting in Macbeth having Banquo murdered. Macbeth held a banquet to celebrate his kingship which Banquo had agreed to attend as chief guest. He was indeed chief guest, but only visible to Macbeth as a ghost, taunting him, driving him insane with guilt. Macbeth felt this ghost was real, but it was only an extension of the evil in Macbeths troubled mind. This hysterical reaction in Macbeths vision aroused the suspicions of the lords attending. All this behaviour exhibited Macbeth as totally deranged, however, it was Banquo who finally exposed Macbeths deceptiveness by appearing to him as an avenging angel and deeply highlighting Macbeths guilt. There were contrasts in Banquos character. He was honourable to the King, yet, he was pathetic, unable to act when his suspicions of Macbeths evil were obvious. There is also evidence of contrast between Macbeth and Banquo in Act 2. I, when neither of them can sleep. Banquo was tormented by the Witches predictions and Macbeth was driven by them. Banquo really wanted what the Witches predicted, but at the same time he wanted to keep a clear conscience. He also observed how Macbeth changed from a loyal warrior into a self-seeking tyrant, but with everything happening so hastily he might not have had the time to act upon his suspicions and maybe he thought about the fact that his suspicions may have been wrong. Banquo clearly displays signs of ambiguity throughout the play.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
What is Public health and Community health Essay Example for Free
What is Public health and Community health Essay Public Health is an aspect of Health Services concerned with threats to the health of the population of a community based on population health analysis. It generally includes surveillance and control of infectious disease and promotion of healthy behaviors (health promotion) among members of the community. Both vaccination programs and free distribution of condoms are Public Health measures. Public Health promotes not simply the absence of disease but mental, physical and emotional well-being (Public Health). Community Health is a discipline that concerns itself with the study and the betterment of the health characteristics of a given community. While the term community can be defined, community health tends to involve everyone working together (Public Health). What is type of structure and function at each level of government? The type of structure of each level of government and their functions tend to overlap in regard to how the dilemma of teenage pregnancy is handled. Although on a national level, in 2006, in more than 10 years, for the first time, teenage pregnancy increased to 3% from 2005 to 2006. At a state level, in 2005, Texas had the highest number of teenage births accounting for 62 births per 1000 women, in addition to New Mexico, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Arizona possessing the same number of teenage pregnancies. New Hampshire was the state with the lowest teenage births, 18 births per 1000 women, in addition to Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Jersey possessing the same number of teenage pregnancies (Hamilton, 2009). From a local level, it is like trying to figure out, which came first, the chicken or the egg? Some causes of negative outcomes for teenage pregnancy are educational failure, poverty, unemployment, and low esteem could result from early child bearing before the female is ready. In 2006, a study conducted, has released that adolescents watching sexuality on television and in the media, are more likely to have sex out of curiosity. How are the levels of government working together? Each level of government support promising approaches such as abstinence education, family planning, Adolescent family life program, which was enacted in 1981 as an approach to prevent teenage pregnancy, community collaborations and youth development programs for boys and young men. All the levels of government share the same ideal goals and directives for young people. Although teenage pregnancies have decreased, it is not apparent in all regions, due to increased incidence of teenage pregnancy seen in some areas. The message is the clear ways need to be provided to help with decreasing the incidence of teenage pregnancy. Questions have been identified regarding if a 50% decrease in the 1998 levels will be met by the 2010 target date. As a way of reminding the students that abstinence is the best way to prevent pregnancy and diseases, some schools are offering the â€Å"abstinence only†education. Virginity pledges have become quite popular in this day for some young people, making a point. Conclusion Some health departments give out condoms to young women along with advice on ow to use the contraceptive. Laws against child marriage have been put into place, yet people are still marrying young people barely able to make good choices for themselves. All parents should take action by making sure that branches of government and health and education services work together, including helping them work effectively, get better support for teenage mother, including ways to obtain better education, better childcare, in addition to providing a way for them to obtain housing. Advising, counseling, and providing support can make a difference in their young lives.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Contracts in Commercial Law
Contracts in Commercial Law COMMERCIAL LAW where a person contracts as agent, the contract is that of the principal, and not that of the agent and prima facie the only person who may sue is the principal and the only person who may be sued is the that rule, there are of course many exceptions Per Wright J in MONTGOMERIE V UNITED KINGDOM MUTUAL STEAMSHIP discuss the situations in which an agent may be liable to a third party. A relationship of agency arises where one person, an agent, acts on behalf of another person, a principal, in making legal arrangements with third parties that confer rights and impose obligations on the Principal. It is the Principal that can sue and be sued on the contracts made between itself and the Third Party (Richards, p.449)[1]. However, in some cases, the Agent may be personally or jointly liable to the Third Party. Where there is joint liability, the Third Party must decide whether to sue the Agent, the Principal or both. An agent will be liable when he intends to enter into an agreement as joint principal. This may be apparent from the express terms of the agreement, or from the way in which he signs it. An example of such arrangement can be found in a solicitor’s partnership, where each partner is an agent of the firm and any agreement entered into by them is as agent and joint principal (Denny, p.33)[2]. The case of Shack v Anthony (1813)[3] demonstrates that where an agent executes a deed on behalf of the principal in his own name, he will be held personally liable. For the Principal to take the benefit of the deed, he must be named on it and it is not enough that the Principal is simply disclosed. In some cases, it is trade usage and custom that give agents liability under a contract. For example, insurance brokers take liability for non payment of premiums, and ship brokers accept liability for payment of charter parties (Fleet v Murton 1871)[4]. In both examples, liability is joint with the Principal. A further commercial example is found with Del Credere agents, who take personal liability as surety for their Principal. Several outcomes can follow from contracts made with a non existent principal. If the contract is made prior to the incorporation of a company as in Kelner v Baxter (1886)[5], the Agent will be held personally liable. If the contract is entered into where the Principal is in fact fictitious, again the Agent will incur personal liability, and the same applies where the agent uses someone else’s name. If however the identity of the other person is material to why the third party entered into the contract, the agent will be liable for misrepresentation (The Remco 1984)[6]. An agent will incur liability to a third party if by his conduct he indicates that he intends to be liable to that party. He may, for example, enter into an agreement where there is no reference made to an agency, and which is signed in his own name or profession. In this scenario, he is jointly liable with the Principal. A further example of such liability that might arise can be found in Sika Contracts Ltd v B L Gill and Closeglen Properties Ltd (1978)[7], where an agent acting on behalf of a disclosed but unnamed principal signed contracts in his own name and profession, and was held to be personally liable. This situation could have been avoided had the agent added â€Å"as agent†after his signature, although the mere use of the word â€Å"agent†may indicate either a description or qualification and is not therefore conclusive (Gadd v Houghton (1876)[8], Halsburys s.184)[9]. The agent will always be jointly liable to the third party when acting for an undisclosed Principal because, for all intents and purposes, he appears to the third party to be the Principal (Halsbury’s s.183[10], Saxon v Blake (1861)[11]. Although it is the contract that the Agent has entered into that the Principal is entitled to enforce, the Third Party retains the right to elect to sue either the Agent or the Principal if he subsequently becomes disclosed (Bradgate, p.169[12], Richards p.456). The agent is not however liable where the contract is entered into with an unnamed (but disclosed) Principal, unless there is evidence of intention to be personally liable (Benton v Campbell, Parker Co Ltd 1925[13]). The above examples consider where the agent has found himself either jointly liable under the original contract, or personally liable and in fact, he becomes the principal and takes on all rights and liabilities of that contract, which is binding. However, the case of Collen v Wright (1857)[14] establishes that where an agent enters into a transaction as if he were acting for a Principal and by implication, he warrants that he has the Principal’s authority to act in the matter, if the third party acts in reliance on his representation and it transpires that he has no such authority he may be liable to the third party for breach of warranty. This principle is based on an implied unilateral contract which is formed when the agent, by implication, promises that he will warrant he has authority if the third party enters into a contract with the principal. By entering into the contract with the principal, the third party accepts the offer of the agent and provides consideration for the agent’s promise. This brings about a collateral contract between the third party and the agent. Where the Principal remains liable under the main contract, the agent is not liable as the third party has suffered no loss despite the agen t’s lack of authority (Richards, p.457). Liability under this principal can be extended to warranting the authority of a fellow agent, as was the case in Chapleo v Brunswick (1881)[15]. The agent may also find themselves liable to any third party in the transaction – for example, the mortgage company in a property transaction (Penn v Bristol and West 1997)[16]. The third party may claim damages under the usual principals of contract law, being all damages that flow naturally and directly from the breach (Hadley v Baxendale (1854)[17], the aim being to put the third party back in the position he was in had the breach not occurred (Suleman v Shahsavari 1989[18], Nimmo v Habton Farms 2003[19]). Liability is strict and there is no defence in saying that the agent acted innocently in the matter (Yonge v Toynbee 1910[20]). However, the amount that can be recovered is limited by the amount the third party would have been able to recover from the Principal so if, for example, the Principal becomes insolvent, the amount is limited to how much the third party could have claimed from the Principal’s insolvency. In addition to liability for breach of warrant of authority, if an agent deliberately or recklessless misstates his authority he will be liable to the third party in the tort of deceit (Derry v Peek 1889[21], Richards p.200). However, fraud is very difficult to prove and rarely gives right to recovery against an agent. He can also be liable for negligent misstatement under the principle in Hedley Byrne Co v Heller Partners (1963)[22] if it can be shown that there is an assumption of responsibility by the Agent to create a special relationship between the Agent and the Third Party, giving rise to a duty of care. The Agent, in failing to exercise due and reasonable care in representing the extent of their agency or the fact of its existence, breaches that duty. The Third Party would also need to show that they had suffered loss as a result of breach of that duty (Bradgate, p.175). In conclusion, although an agent is not generally liable to the third party where both the existence and name of the Principal have been disclosed, there are many exceptions to the statement of Wright J in Montgomerie v United Kingdom Mutual Steamship (1891)[23] that only a principal can sue and be sued where an agency exists. The law of agency protects third parties who must be able to rely on an agent’s assertion of authority as a matter of commercial convenience, and where that assertion is incorrect, the agent may find himself jointly or personally liable to the Third Party. As can be seen, it is preferable to explore contractual remedies including breach of warrant of authority rather than negligence or deceit, as these carry with them the strict liability inherent to the law of contract. Bibliography: Richards, P (2006) Law of Contract, Pearson, Essex Denny, R (2002) Commercial Law, ITC, Bedford Halsbury’s Laws of England : Agency Bradgate, R (2000) Commercial Law, Butterworths, United Kingdom Sealy, L.S, Hooley, R, Berwin S.J (2003) Commercial Law: Text, Cases and Materials Lexisnexis UK, England Footnotes [1] Richards, P (2006) Law of Contract, Pearson, Essex [2] Denny, R (2002) Commercial Law, ITC, Bedford [3] Shack v Anthony (1813) 1 M S 573 [4] Fleet v Murton (1871) LR 7 QB 545 [5] Kelner v Baxter (1866) LR 2 CP 174 [6] The Remco (1984)2 Lloyds Rep 205 [7] Sika Contracts Ltd v B L Gill and Closeglen Properties Ltd (1978) 9 Build LR 11 [8] Gadd v Houghton (1876) 1 ExD 357, CA [9] Halsbury’s Laws of England : Agency 7(1)(i)(184) Liabilities of Agent on Contracts – Identity of Principal Not Disclosed [10] Halsbury’s Laws of England : Agency 7(1)(i)(183) Liabilities of Agent on Contracts – Fact of Agency not disclosed [11] Saxon v Blake (1861) 29 Beav 438 [12] Bradgate, R (2000) Commercial Law, Butterworths, United Kingdom [13] Benton v Campbell, Parker Co Ltd [1925] 2 KB 410 [14] Collen v Wright (1857) 8 E E 647 [15] Chapleo v Brunswick Permanent Benefit Building Society (1881) 6 QBD 696, CA [16] Penn v Bristol and West Building Society [1997] 3 All ER 470, [1997] 1 WLR 1356, CA [17] Hadley v Baxendale 1854 9 exch 341 [18] Suleman v Shahsavari [1989] 2 All ER 460, [1988] 1 WLR 1181 [19] Nimmo v Habton Farms 2003 1 ALL ER 1136 CA [20] Yonge v Toynbee). 1910 1 KB 215 [21] Derry v Peek (1889) 14 App Cas 337, 58 LJ Ch 864, HL [22] Hedley Byrne Co Ltd v Heller Partners Ltd [1964] AC 465, [1963] 2 All ER 575, HL; [23]Montgomerie v United Kingdom Mutual Steamship Association Ltd [1891] 1 QB 370;
Monday, August 19, 2019
terror :: essays research papers
1.     There are many definitions of terrorism. Some of them are: Brain Jenkins said that terrorism is the use or threatened use of force designed to bring about political change. While Walter Lacqueur said that terrorism constitutes the illegitimate use of force to achieve apolitical objective by targeting innocent people. Yet another definition comes from Edward Herman, who said that terrorism should be defined by terms of state repression, such as the corrupt Latin American governments. Still another view of terrorism comes from Alex Schmidt, who said that there is no true or correct definition, because terrorism is an abstract concept with no real presence. A single definition cannot possibly account for all potential uses of the term. The final definition that is covered here is the official definition of terrorism issued by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. They state that it is the unlawful use of force to intimidate a government to further political or socia l goals. Though these are only a few of the definitions of terrorism, they provide a good cross-section of the term terrorism. 2.     Martha Crenshaw said that terrorism means socially and politically unacceptable violence aimed at an innocent target to achieve a psychological effect. She also sited three criteria to make it a terrorist attack. The first is that there must be military methods used. Second there must be a millitary target involved, and finally there must be some chance of victory. 3.     J. Bowyer Bell stated that there are six types of terrorism, and each part has a purpose. The six are; psychotic which attempts to achieve psychological gratification. The second is criminal witch attempts to profit the terrorist. Next there is the vigilantly type of terrorism witch attempts to achieve retaliation for some act, fourth there is endemic terrorism; witch is an internal struggle of some type. The fifth type of terrorism is authorized terrorism, which deals with state repression of a group. Finally we have revolutionary terrorism, which changes a behavior through fear. 4.     One of the many types of terrorism, according to Bell, is revolutionary terrorism. Here are some of the forms of revolutionary terrorism. One form is organizational which is meant to maintain discipline in a terrorist group. The next is allegiance which attempts to achieve public support for a given terror group. Thirdly there is functional revolutionary terrorism, which attempts to accomplish the missions of the terror groups. Another form is the proactive type, which incites governments to repression of a group of people.
Revolutionary War Essay -- essays research papers
How the Revolutionary War Begun Following the French and Indian War, or otherwise known as The Seven Years War, Britain was in major debt as with many countries after war. On the other hand the Colonies were thriving from trade and agriculture. At the end of the war the parliament in England had no organized plan to reduce the enormous debt they had bestowed upon themselves. Financing the French and Indian War had almost doubled the national debt. The parliament had stumbled into the beginning of the Revolutionary War without even knowing it. They were looking in an entirely different direction when the colonies exploded with a rage that eventually turned into the American Revolution. The Seven Years War 's outcome also affected the impacted the Revolution by giving soldiers experience that would later help them lead armies and make decisions to win the Revolution. Among these men were the prestigious names of Paul Revere, Ethan Allen, Horatio Gates, Charles Lee, Daniel Morgan and the man who is known as our founding father George Washington. During the French and Indian War Washington was assigned a mission which was a success and he was considered a hero which later helped his success in the revolution and the presidency later on . The King's minister were trying to find a way to finance the King's military policy. During the French and Indian Wars England had paid for the defense of the Colonies as well as providing most of the troops and leadership in the war. But, rather than demobilize at the end of the war, King George III decided to keep the army at 3/4 strength. Eighty five regiments were kept on alert in case of renewed hostilities between the British and French. There was still the problem of paying for the regiments though. They could not tax the countryside any more because of current taxes that were already too great. The solution, however, was to station most of the army in Ireland and the Colonies requiring locals to house and feed the soldiers. They also made up the Sugar Act, Stamp Act and the Towshend Duties to cover the Å“359,000 needed yearly to sustain the regiments in the Colonies. The first of all the taxes or Acts was the American Revenue Act of 1784, or called the Sugar Act. It wasn't even a new tax even. It was a change of an old customs duty. In order to stop trade from the West Indies to the Colonies Parliament in 1733 had passed... ...on the outside, that it was for change it was mostly to keep things the way they were. Without having to pay new taxes or having to change to be ruled by England. A leading historian once said, "A salient feature of our Revolution was that its animating purpose was deeply conservative. The colonials revolted against British rule in order to keeps things the way they were, not to initiate a new era." We agree with this completely. Instead of accepting change as it came. Every bit of change from Britain was challenged in America by revolutionists and even Loyalists. All the new taxes no matter if they were good or bad were hated. Then again there is always the taxation without representation saying. That is true but they still did not want to be represented that was the last thing they wanted. They wanted local government and taxation like it was before the Seven Years War. The driving force behind the war was the continuing effort to keep thin! gs that same and not different. But after the war they were not prepared for the drastic changes that would come about. But we still got out independence from England and now have the most powerful, successful country in the world.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
A Womans Place in Fantasia and So Long a Letter Essay -- Fantasia So
A Woman's Place in Fantasia and So Long a Letter Throughout history women have always had to stand behind their men (whether it be rules, tradition, etc.). In almost every history context, whether it about wars or people, they have almost been written by men for men. It is not even until this century that women in this country have gained new grounds for the equality that we hope will be as substantial with men’s equality. Despite women’s hopes for equality, there is always old traditions that are so hard to be break that they sometimes keep women in inferior positions. In these two novels, Fantasia and So Long a Letter ,we will explore how the women in these novels deal with modernity and the ways in which it conflicts with some of the traditions of their society. In So Long a Letter, the main character of the novel, Ramatoulaye is coming to grips of the hardships placed upon her when her husband takes on a second wife. In Ramatoulaye’s case, we see her conflicting emotions for she considers herself a feminist modern woman, however she is still somewhat submissive to the ways of tradition. She ponders on the alternatives, yet she comes to one conclusion, to stay with her husband. Her marriage paralleled that of her good friend’s Aissatou, however Aissatou was able to forge ahead with a new life that did not involve polygamy. Armed with her education and her strong will, Aissatou did not let tradition or fear sustain her in a relationship that she deemed degrading. Aissatou is the embodiment of all the hopes that Ramatoulaye and Aissatou had when they were young, to become strong independent women who would hold their heads up high in times of hardship. Ramatoulaye is envious of her friend Aissatou who is able to cut ... ...y had to, for they needed to recruit the help of all Algerian to help them in their cause. However, as time passes these freedoms are revoked. The women are left veiled once again and domesticated to the indoor. We’re able to see that Cherifa’s freedom as a fighter has changed. As the Revolution has ended, she is no longer able to run around freely as a man. In old age â€Å"[Cherifa] is housebound, As she sets her voice free, she sets herself free again; what nostalgia will cause her voice to fail presently†. Through these two novels, we’re able to see the quandaries that women must face when modernity and old customs come head to head. Both of these women remain brave and to try to sustain their new found freedoms, despite any difficult encounters. It is these women with their fierce ideals that would make them pioneers for all women liberation movements.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Application of Epidemiology Concepts Essay
Introduction Epidemiology is defined as â€Å"the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related stated or events in specific populations and the application of this study to control of health problems†(Gordis 2003). Over the past year Cohort 7 has grown to appreciate the value of the epidemiology and the practical application of this knowledge. As current and future leaders in healthcare systems, it is important to not only to understand the concepts learnt in epidemiology, but to use these concepts in the drafting of policy, the designing of programs and in making contributions to national, regional and international healthcare systems. The three epidemiological concepts to be discussed are; estimating risk, study design and ethical & professional issues in epidemiology. The basics of each concept and its importance shall be outlined followed by a discussion of the perceived benefits to policy makers and populations at large and the application of each concept individua lly. For the purpose of this discourse, I have selected the chronic non-communicable disease, type 2 diabetes to illustrate the applications of the listed concepts through the eyes of a policy maker and programme designer. This paper shall be closed with a summary of the application of the concepts and a conclusion. Concept I: Estimating Risk Risk has been defined as â€Å"the probability of an event occurring†(BMJ). In our current course of study, epidemiology, risk is often used to express the likely-hood that a particular outcome will happen after a particular exposure. It is important to understand risk and exposure in the capacity of policy maker. Chronic-Non-Communicable-Disease (CNCDs) is a growing concern nationally, regionally and internationally. In Trinidad & Tobago the prevalence of diabetes is estimated to be as high as 1 in 5 of all adults (Ministry of Health 2010). Diabetes is the second leading cause of death and the leading cause of adult blindness in Trinidad & Tobago. The measurements of risk are; absolute risk or incident rate, relative risk, attributable risk and odds ratio. According to Gordis 2003, absolute risk is the incidence of the disease in the population, i.e. the number of new cases of the disease in a specified population over a given time. The incidence of diabetes in Trinidad & Tobago has been estimated as 1,000 cases per year (John Hopkins 2012). This information about the absolute risk of diabetes has an important implication in public health policy formation. It tells the policy designer in the Ministry of Health that there would be an estimated 1,000 new cases of type 2 diabetes per year and so the current out-patient clinics for diabetics would need to be expanded. With that number of new cases per year there will be a greater demand placed on the Ministry of Health’s Chronic Disease Assistance Programme (CDAP) and more funding will have to be allocated to deal with diabetes. Since absolute risk gives no consideration to risk factors or exposure, it is necessary for the policy designers and planners to look at the other measurements of risk to formulate appropriate plans to reduce spending associated with the morbidity and mortality of this CNCD. This benefits the country as it improves the well-being of the human resource. Relative risk is defined as the probability of exposed persons developing disease compared to non-exposed persons developing disease (Gordis 2003) while attributable risk is the amount of a disease incidence that can be attributed to a given exposure. The odds ratio or relative odds can simply be defined as a measure of association between an exposure and an outcome. It represents the odds that an outcome will occur given a particular exposure, compared to the odds of the outcome occurring in the absence of that exposure. Knowledge of the risk factors for type 2 diabetes is valuable in looking at the relative risk, attributable risk and relative odds of type 2 diabetes. A risk factor is a variable associated with an increased risk of disease (Burt 2001). The risk factors for type 2 diabetes are; family history of diabetes, increasing age, ethnic background, inactivity, metabolic syndrome, being overweight and history of gestational diabetes in women (Joseph 2010). In designing policies and programs to combat type 2 diabetes, there would be an attempt to target members of the population with these risk factors. It would be prudent to provide funding to institutions which are conducting studies to clarify relative risk, attributable risk and relative odds in diabetes as these studies would help in the understanding of the etiology of type 2 diabete s. Concept II: Study Design There are four basic study designs; cross-sectional studies, case-control studies, cohort studies and randomized clinical trials. As stated previously, it would be prudent to fund institutions conducting studies to clarify relative risk, attributable risk and relative odds in type 2 diabetes as such studies would aid in the understanding of the etiology of type 2 diabetes. In clarifying the etiology of type 2 diabetes in a given population better strategies for management and prevention of the diseases can be adopted. In the capacity of policy and programme designer, it is useful to have an understanding of study design so that the proposals for studies which can produce the greatest data on etiology in the shortest time-span can be selected for funding. In cross-sectional studies both the exposure and disease outcome are determined simultaneously for each subject (Gordis 2003). The prevalence of the disease can be determined with this type of study; hence the study can also be ca lled a prevalence study. The prevalence of diabetes in Trinidad & Tobago is one in every five adults (Ministry of Health 2010). Cross-sectional studies are useful to policy writers and programme designers as it provides a ‘snap shot’ of how many individuals within the population have the disease. However the association with the risk factors does not prove temporal relationship. For the justification of policy and programmes, etiological relationships must be established. These etiological relationships can be justified through case-control and cohort studies. Case-control studies are useful in examining the possible relation of an exposure to a certain disease. At the beginning of the study individuals with the disease (cases) and individual without the disease (controls) are identified. The exposure of both of these groups is then compared. So in the case of type 2 diabetes, persons with type 2 diabetes can be identified (cases) then separated into two groups on the basis or exposure to a given risk factor. Persons without type 2 diabetes (controls) can also be identified than separated on the basis of exposure to the same risk factor. Then the two groups of exposed individuals can be compared. By identifying cases & controls and looking at exposure, the relative risk, attributable risk and odds ratio can be calculated. Case-control studies are invaluable in finding the etiology of disease. In cohort studies the researchers select a group of individuals from a given population. These individuals are then categorized as either exposed or non-exposed. Cohort studies can either be prospective or retrospective. In prospective cohort studies the exposed and non-exposed individuals are followed forward in time and the development of disease is noted. In retrospective cohort studies the end result, i.e. disease or no disease is noted at the starting point. The researcher can then trace the individuals backwards through time to determine their exposure or non-exposure. Prospective cohort studies are expensive and time consuming as they may take many years to be completed. In the case of diabetes, it may take many years for exposure to lead to disease. Retrospective cohort studies may be better for proving causal relations in diabetes, but records may not be easily available. The high prevalence of diabetes is a good justification for conducting a cohort study. Once again relative risk, attributable risk and odds ratio can be calculated. A randomized clinical trial is an experiment in which the effectiveness of a mode of treatment is evaluated. Cross-sectional, case-control and cohort studies are all observational studies. However, in randomized clinical trials, the effectiveness of treatment modalities are measured. Usually individuals for the study are assessed for eligibility before hand and subsequently randomly placed into one or an alternative treatment group. The merits of preventive strategies can best be illustrated by means of randomized clinical trial. Considerable work has been done in ascertaining the risk factors of type 2 diabetes. After review of the literature I have concluded that there is the need for more experimental studies for better management of type 2 diabetes. As a policy writer and programme designer it is critical to ensure th at approvals are granted for ethically sound randomized clinical trials. It is important to note that a good knowledge of study design is essential to a policy makers/ programme designers. The type of study to approve for funding will undoubtedly be based on maximum benefit to the population, cost effectiveness and ethical considerations. Concept III: Ethical & Professional Issues in Epidemiology The ultimate objective of epidemiology, according to Gordis, is â€Å"to improve human health†. Ethical consideration must be high on the agenda in public health since epidemiological findings are socially relevant, often publically funded and the research is conducted on human subjects. As discussed previously, there are two broad types of studies in epidemiology; the observational studies which include the cross-sectional, case-control and cohort studies and the experimental study or randomized clinical trial. As a policy writer and programme designer, I am obligated to ensure that investigators and researchers obtain informed consent from their subjects, where possible, and that there is privacy and confidentiality. There is a need for research on type 2 diabetes to be conducted in Trinidad & Tobago and the wider region so that there is relevant and timely data for the implementation and improvement of policies for reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with typ e 2 diabetes. There have been many studies which contribute to the body of knowledge compiled by the International Diabetes Federation. While there is merit in conducting observational studies, I believe that there must be more experimental studies aimed at improving the prevention and management of diabetes. In the design and execution of experimental studies, the rights of the individuals and the welfare of society must be balanced. Careful oversight of experimental research can protect individual confidentiality while ensuring that there is no conflict with the welfare of society. Even though there is the objective of improving human health, there is debate on how much of the findings should be made available to the subjects in both observational and experimental studies. While I believe that the findings of research should be held in the public domain, it is important not to create undue panic or hope of a ‘miracle cure’ when publishing results. Summary Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related stated or events in specific populations and the application of this study to control of health problems. Consequently the objective of epidemiology is to improve human health (Gordis 2003). The three epidemiological concepts discussed were, estimating risk, study design and ethical & professional issues in epidemiology using the disease type 2 diabetes for illustration. It is important for a policy writer/ programme designer to understand risk and the measurement of risk so that there are policies and programmes that benefit the greatest proportion of the population are designed and implemented in the reduction of the prevalence and incidence of type 2 diabetes and its associated morbidity and mortality. Studies, both observational and experimental, should be encouraged but these studies must be conducted within the confines of ethics and professionalism. Ethics and professional are integral building blocks of study design since the findings are socially relevant, public funds are often used and the research is conducted in human subjects. There must also be publishing of the findings of these studies but researchers should neither create undue panic nor give false hope. Conclusion The three epidemiological concepts discussed for this paper were; estimating risk, study design and ethical & professional issues in epidemiology. These were discussed concepts through the eyes of a policy maker and programme designer using the disease type 2 diabetes for illustrations. Studying the distribution and determinants of health-related states is not simply a course that constitutes part of a master’s degree that a student must â€Å"pass†or â€Å"get over†but rather a guiding principle to be incorporated into decision making, so that the application of this study can truly be used to control health problems. These health problems can range in simplicity from common childhood ailments to pandemics. Therefore participants in this course of study are expected to make sterling contributions to national, regional and international healthcare systems based on understand of concepts learned in epidemiology. Bibliography 1. Burt BA. Definitions of Risk. Department of Epidemiology School of Public Health University of Michigan, 2001. 2. Center for Statistics in Medicine BMJ Statistics Notes. (Undated) Retrieved May 13, 2014. URL: 3. Gordis Leon. Epidemiology. 3rd edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier 2004. 4. Josepha Joseph, Johan Svartberg, Inger Njà ¸lstad, Henrik Schirmer. Incidence of and risk factors for type 2 diabetes in a general population. The Tromsà ¸ Study. Scand J of Public Health, 2010;38 (7):768-775. 5. 6. Last JM, ed. A dictionary of epidemiology. 4th edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Pacs Essay
Groups and Teams at Kluster 1. What are the challenges of working together as a team? How have members of the Illuminator project overcome these challenges? What are the benefits of a team-based approach? Teamwork is a huge factor of the success for many companies around the world. The performance of teamwork in the workplace will bring the sense of trust, loyalty and security among every worker. The morale and productivity will be higher as a result of that. However, working on a team has its own challenges. Working with people that have different personalities, ideas, cultures, backgrounds, ages, needs and values is one of the most challenges that teamwork faces during its performance. Conflict, mistrust, poor performance can be created as result of these differences. Finding a way to overcome these obstacles is the foundation of a strong and successful teamwork. Illuminator project has overcome these challenges by respecting and using every skill and idea that each team member delivers. That makes every team member feel important and productive. Also communication among each member is very critical for the success of the Illuminator project. Today, teamwork has been found to be as a better way on using every employee’s talent and skill toward a more effective and efficient organization. †Management has found that teams are more flexible and responsive to changing events than are traditional departments. Teams have the capability to quickly assemble, deploy, refocus, and disband. †Robbins and Judge, pg 323. 2. What type of individual would fit in well on the Illuminator team? What characteristics are important? According to the engineer of the Illuminator project, each team member should have self-disciplined and self-leadership. Individuals that are careful, reliable, organized, hardworking, persistent, and honest are those that are more likely to give a higher performance than those that lack any of these characteristics. Conscientious personality which describes someone that is responsible, persistent and organized would fit in well on the Illuminator team. Also, someone who is emotionally stable meaning a confidence, calmness and secure personality would fit in well on this team. . How has technology changed the way we do business? Identify how Kluster has embraced technology in its operations. Advanced technology such as computers and computer networks have changed and helped businesses on being more efficient and effective. Downsizing, outsourcing and empowerment are some of the substantial gains of the organizations due to the technology. New ways of communicating among members, stor ing information and researching for ideas and ways to achieve and succeed are result of the advanced technology. Kluster has taken advantage of the technology by using the telecommuting as a way of communication among team members. Since members of Kluster project live in different areas and some of them travel to different cities, it’s very important to communicate with each other at all the time. Therefore telecommuting through Web based program has made it possible. â€Å"Telecommuting refers to employees who do their work at home on a computer that is linked to their office. †Robbins and Judge, pg 223. 4. Describe the different parts of the Illuminator team. Why is it necessary to have each of these parts represented? The illuminator team is created by combining different ideas and skills of different individuals. Each team member has to be self- disciplined and committed to their job. As every organization, Illuminator team has the founder, the project designer, the engineer of the team and the project manager. The importance of this system is to keep the work in place and run effectively and naturally. Each member has different responsibilities that need to be established and require different skills. Illuminator project runs under job enlargement design which increases the degree of each member to control, plan and evaluate the work done. â€Å" An enriched job organizes tasks so as to allow the worker to do a complete activity, increases the employee’s freedom and independence, increases responsibility, and provides feedback so individuals will be assess and correct their own performance†. Robbins and Judge, pg 220. 5. Ben Kaufman, founder of Illuminator, says it is important to recognize that sometimes people need a break from the team. Explain what he means by this. Sometimes, personal life issues can cause stress, pressure, disorientation and weak performance. Therefore, it’s very important that every team member to have the right and be able to work sometimes on their own away from the team as long as they work on their job responsibilities. Depending on the personality, some individuals can perform better while under stress when they work alone. Being able to accept that break from the rest of the team, the organization is helping their member to establish his/her responsibilities required for the organization’s success. . What two or three suggestions would you provide to address ways that virtual teams could celebrate successes? How would you implement them? I would give two suggestions that could help virtual team succeed. The first one is to set a time of the day every week for all the team members to participate in a meeting via internet. In this way, everyone will be able to get the same feedbacks, ask questions and receiv e answers at the same time and share their ideas with the rest of the team. So every week the meeting will provide each member with the result of their work, how much has been achieved and where they need improvement. The second suggestion would be for the virtual team to have a leader where the team members can address all their questions and concern. The team leader should be reached at anytime of the day and be able to address these concerns in the best way possible. 7. As a manager, what two or three suggestions would you implement to ensure that individual members were recognized for their contribution? Obviously, financial incentives will help motivate every employee to perform better. A pay raise would be one of the suggestions that would ensure that the good work of a member has been recognized. Also, bonuses such as a paid day off or a gift card would be another suggestion. Employee of the month nomination can be a third suggestion. This way the competition to get any of these recognitions among employees will provide a better performance and more productive workers. Therefore, I as a manager will be able to lead a successful organization.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Cultural Tourism Essay
Tourism is one of the largest industries in the world today that consists of eco-tourism, beach tourism, cruises, cultural tourism and business tourism. This essay will mainly discuss the authenticity of cultural tourism. Meethan suggested in 2001 that modern cultures and societies are just as authentic as those that are present since decades and even centuries. Meethan here is correct, because the tourists really seek a dispersed experience in cultures both modern and old. However, many people think that only the traditional cultures and original artefacts come under the definition of authentic cultural tourism. Even the tourists have a different insight of what constitutes the authenticity in cultural tourism. This essay will talk about these issues and their implications for cultural tourism. Cultural tourism, according to World Tourism Organization (WTO), is the visit of the interested tourists to culturally rich destinations and their visit consists of a range of activities such as visits to heritage buildings and sites, attending performances of the local artists, taking part in traditional festivities and pilgrimage of holy places. Many do not agree with this narrow definition by WTO as the cultural tourism is synonymised with the civilizations and the way of living of the historic societies in that tourist destination. The local residents are mostly ignored from the definition and also from the concept of cultural tourism. However, the truth is that the locals make up for the major part of the experience of tourists. Their way of living and the current culture of the residents if often revitalized for enhancing the experience of the tourists. This forced influence on the local cultures for attracting more tourists is hurting the authenticity of the cultures in tourist destinations (Clarke 2003). Although it is true that tourists seek a combination of modern and traditional cultures on their destinations, but they prefer to consume traditional and modern tourism separately. Some of the tourists just fly from East to West for sinking into the beauty of traditional culture. These tourists want to enjoy the tradition by visiting cultural heritage buildings, attending traditional theatres and listening to the cultural songs of the destination. However, some cultural entrepreneurs try to blend the modern aspects with the traditional culture for the promotion of the destinations. There is a triangle of the cultural entrepreneurs, the tourists and the residents of the destination. The culture of the destination is defined by the way of living of the residents and the activities of the entrepreneurs. For the purpose of expanding the business, attracting more tourists and enhancing their sales, the local hosts and cultural entrepreneurs force the residents to change their way of living and link it to the culture. This is done in order to present the tourists with a cultural experience. Hungary has been known for the production wine and the tradition of small wine shops with their own vineyards. These shops and the people involved in the production of wine were of a particular attraction to the tourists as they saw this tradition of wine production as a rich culture. As tourism thrived, there were attempts to increase the production of wines through both, the government authorities and through the cultural entrepreneurs. However, this mass production of wine was not as successful as the wine from small wineries. This is the threat to the authenticity of the culture and the tourists proved that they did not like this blend of modern and traditional culture in Hungary. They proved that they preferred the traditional culture over the modern culture as the mass production of Hungarian wine was not successful. The tourists came to this Hungarian destination for the experience of the traditional small wineries and not for the wine. The tourists also did not get any special treatment by the independent wine producers in Hungary because they considered the tourists as a source of sales. The tourists were not treated any differently from other customers and they were given the sale offer; taste it and purchase it if you like it. This was because the only interest for the wine producers was the revenue from the sale of the wines and nothing more. In this case, the original culture was not touched by the cultural entrepreneurs, and minimal accommodation was made for the tourists such as the use of local wood for furniture. This resulted in the reduction of wine tourism in this area as there was no cultural entrepreneurship. There was nothing more in the offer except the wine, but afterwards some food dishes were also added to the menu but the tourism still was low because of the more complex wine tourism efforts by the other countries. The other countries excelling in wine production attracted more tourists than Hungary because they were able to blend the modern and traditional culture. Another case that supports the view of Meethan is the case of â€Å"Valley of the Arts†which attracted millions of customers each year at the arts festival that was organized by Istvan Marta. The organizers gave a deep thought on the cultural perspectives of the valley and they came to the conclusion that different tourists have different needs. The high spenders would require different type of product than attending just a simple art festival. The venues were made better and redesigned and the marketing efforts were doubled. The organizers attracted sponsorships and media coverage and hence added to the appeal. The locals were also involved and were allowed to attend the shows and these events were transformed into a very fashionable one. Soon the streets became crowded with high end cars owned by the German tourists. Hence, from these two case studies, the lessons learnt are that an entrepreneurial spirit is necessary for the promotion of the cultural tourism focusing on the core of the activity. Hence, modern and traditional cultures need to go hand in hand for the attraction of the international tourists. The commercial intent is necessary but the tradition should be kept alive which is the driving force for the tourists. The tourists should be given added facilities to augment the sales and attract the high spenders and luxury seekers. While Alan Clarke was working in the rural areas of Hungary, the local tradition was kept alive but still the communication technologies had a lot of penetration. The list of available international channels was far more than the number available in United Kingdom. The rural areas had access to Hungarian, Italian, Spanish, French, German, American and Russian channels (Clarke 2003). Jaipur, a culturally rich city of India, is particularly selected as a destination by tourists because of its historical attractions including the handicrafts and the heritage. Jaipur inhibits some of the forts built by the Moguls, centuries old paintings, the preserved sculptures and the traditional excellence in architecture that is preserved in buildings such as mosques. The tourists are also keen to visit Jaipur because of the folklore dances and Sufi music that was inspired by pundits and saints centuries ago. However, the city is continuously gearing up and adding more hotels and hi-tech facilities for the tourists. The core product of tourism in this city is the same for all tourists, but different income level groups can enjoy different class of tourism in this city (Kala 2008). High spenders can opt to spend their evenings in luxury spas while the people belonging to lower income group can live in small hotels and save money to spend on the purchase of handicraft and sculptures. According to a survey on the local residents, around 85% of the residents of Jaipur think that there was an evidence of development of city because of tourism and more entertainment facilities such as pubs, bars, hotels, swimming pools and parks were being developed. In the city, the local small scale industries were also being promoted by the government as the handicraft items were in demand by the foreign tourists. New hotels were also being built for accommodating the increasing number of tourists over time. This has induced employment and created new job opportunities for the local residents. Around 81% of the respondents in Jaipur thought that employment was being generated in the city because of the increasing tourism. Hotels and restaurants are labour intensive and hence they require the locals to work in their facilities. This generates more jobs for the local residents. Increasing tourism had positive impacts on the economy, but the locals have to face the problems such as increased traffic jams in the city and change in the culture. The way of living of the locals change as the standard of living gets better. Once the international tourists start coming in, and development start, then the primary culture is forgotten. 71% of the respondents of a survey in Jaipur commented that the increase in tourism has affected their traditional culture (Kala 2008). This change in traditional culture and way of living could harm the cultural tourism industry in the long term because the tourists will not be attracted to the city once the way of living of the locals is changed. The tourist-host interaction is very important in cultural tourism because it is an integral part of cultural tourism. The cultural tourists expect a spontaneous interaction with the locals and their traditional hospitality. However, if these important elements are vanished from the Jaipur culture, then the cultural tourists will no longer be attracted to the city. From the case studies presented, it is proved that only those tourist destinations have been successful which integrated modern and traditional culture. Authenticity of the culture is affected by designing attractions for the tourists but this depends upon the definition of cultural tourism. The modern tourist, however, can no longer enjoy cultural tourism that is untouched by modernity. There are also some issues when there is a blend of the two types of cultures. If these issues are managed properly, cultural tourism can be of great help to the economy of the destination and it can be responsible for raising the standard of living of the locals too. WORKS CITED Clarke, A. â€Å"The Cultural Tourism Dynamic. †Conference on Developing Cultural Tourism. UK: University of Nottingham, 2003. Kala, N. â€Å"Host Perception of Heritage Tourism Impact with Special Refernce to the City of Jaipur. †entrepreneurs 1, no. 1 (2008): 65-76.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Marketing and Tasty Snacks Jenny
Specimen Paper for UPF Marketing-1 with answers Section A – Multiple Choice Questions – 2 marks each (10 marks) 1. __________________ is the process of evaluating each market segment's attractiveness and selecting one or more segments to enter. a. Mass marketing b. Market segmentation c. Market targeting d. Market positioning Answer: c 2. _______________ factors are the most popular bases for segmenting customer groups. a. Geographic b. Demographic c. Psychographic d. Behavioral Answer: b 3.The stage is the product life cycle that focuses on expanding market and creating product awareness and trial is the: a. decline stage. b. introduction stage. c. growth stage. d. maturity stage. Answer: b 4. A price reduction to buyers who buy in large volumes is called a(n): a. quantity discount. b. cash discount. c. seasonal discount. d. trade discount. Answer: a 5. A company is practicing ________________ if it focuses on subsegments with distinctive traits that may seek a special combination of benefits. a. micromarketing b. niche marketing c. mass marketing d. segment marketingAnswer: b Section B : Case Study Read Item A and then answer the questions that follow. Item A Tasty Snacks Jenny is studying for her A-levels. At the same time, she enjoys working part time in a local cafe in the village where she lives. She has noticed that the prices charged to customers in the cafe seem to be much higher than the actual costs of making the meals and drinks. She is sure that the owners must be making a good profit. Jenny is now considering whether she should carry on with her studies or whether she should just leave school and set up her own cafe.Jenny could set up the cafe in the village where she lives which is in a tourist area. She is also considering a busier but more expensive location such as the shopping centre in the town near to where she goes to school. A recent advert has caught her attention. It is advertising ‘Franchise opportunities with well known fast food brands’. She would need at least ? 5000 to take up one of these opportunities. Jenny is unsure whether to set up the cafe as a sole trader or as a franchise. Questions: (20 marks) 1.Identify two methods of market research and explain how each method might help Jenny to make her business successful. (10 marks) 2. Jenny is unsure where the best place would be to locate her cafe. She is considering two locations: ? the village where she lives ? the shopping centre in the town near to where she goes to school. Advise Jenny which is likely to be the best option. Give reasons for your advice. (10 marks) Section A- Answers: 1 – c 2- b 3- b 4 – a 5- b Section B – Expected Answers: Q1. Market research methods could include: Explain/Elaborate †¢ surveys questionnaires †¢ focus group †¢ internet research. or primary and secondary research as methods. Q2. Possible areas for discussion include: Analyses- benefit(s) Village location: â₠¬ ¢ likely to cost less to buy/rent and run †¢ convenient for Jenny †¢ tourist area so will get customers †¢ likely to have less competition. Town centre location: †¢ would be more expensive to buy/rent and run †¢ all year round potential †¢ likely to have more customers †¢ likely to be more competition †¢ Jenny will need to travel to work.
Ethic theory on the Workplace Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Ethic theory on the Workplace - Case Study Example First, there are two kinds of ethical theories, consequentialist and non-consequentialist. There are two consequentialist theories that include egoism and utilitarianism (Shaw et al., 2009). Ethical egoism is the first theory that can be used to give an answer as to what Kehal should do. According to the theory, Kehal should give the gifts that the influential individuals are demanding. In this way, he will be acting in his own interest as prescribed by the theory. This is because it is assured that the airline will be granted the landing rights once the influential individuals receive what they demanded. Once the company has obtained the landing rights, Kehal will receive the promotion as well as a bonus. This will help him to cater for the medical expenses of his ailing parents and sort out all his commitments. Egoism is largely viewed as a consequentialist theory since it focuses on the consequence of an action for the agent instead of the final outcome. In other words, the theory is based on self interest and its major strength is that it evades the possibility of a conflict between self interest and morality. It would be rational for Kemal to offer the gifts to the influential individuals since by pursuing his interest morality is equated to rationality. The second consequentialist theory that can help in cracking the ethical dilemma is utilitarianism. Based on this theory Kemal should not hand the gifts demanded by the local manager to be given to the influential individuals.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Strategic Management Company Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Strategic Management Company Report - Essay Example This expansion program made it become the first international hotel brand to have a truly international presence with hotels in Latin America, Asia/Pacific, Middle East and Africa. The original goal by PanAm was to assist local entrepreneurs and organisations design, build and operate hotels in important international airway gateway destinations and traffic centres to enrich the international travel experience (InterContinental 2012b). Currently, InterContinental Hotels & Resorts comprises of 169 hotels globally that have a capacity of 57,598 rooms. It has also been named as the World’s Leading Hotel Brand for three consecutive years (2009 to 2011) by the World Travel Awards, the ultimate travel accolade worldwide (InterContinental 2012a). Also, the company is owned by the InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG), a mega-corporation that owns five other leading global hotel and resort brands. The other brands owned by IHG are Crowne Plaza, Hotel Indigo, Holiday Inn, Holiday Inn Express, Staybridge Suites and Candlewood Suites. Given that the InterContinental Hotel is a significant part of the IHG, most of the available research data is presented within the context of the IHG / group. For this reason, this report too shall evaluate this particular business within the same group context. 2.0. Analysis of the Internal and External environment According to Gillespie (2007) analysis of the macro-environment allows management to get a clearer picture with regards to external factors that are likely to change and which among these will have a greater effect on the future survival, profitability and growth of the organisation. In this document, PESTLE analysis is used to evaluate the macro-environment. Within the same macro-environment, Porter (2008) argued that there are five forces that determine the structure and profitability of any given industry. For this reason, this paper uses the five forces framework to analyse InterContinental Hotel’s indust ry structure. This section also evaluates the internal environment of the company using strategic capabilities. 2.1. External environment 2.1.1. PESTLE analysis I. Political factors The InterContinental Hotels are found in over 60 countries across the world. This represents a diverse geo-political landscape that the company needs to balance. Political factors affect government policies which in turn affect either one or more than one of the five competitive forces that influence an industry’s profitability (Porter 2008). Two key areas that global politics has embraced is offering support for increased international trade and increased interdependence of national economies. This has naturally led firstly to increased business travel and then to leisure travel as the business travellers get exposed to new cultures and tourism sites. This implies that globalization – which Barnes (2008) referred to as increase in international trade, increase in interdependence of nat ional economies and increase in cross-border social, cultural and technological exchange – indirectly promotes the travel and lodging industries. II. Economic factors Both the Asia-Pacific region and in the United States (US) –
Monday, August 12, 2019
Management of change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Management of change - Essay Example In addition, the experience and leadership skills of the change agent are also critical in the change management process. The strategy used should also relate to the type of change needed in an organisation, for instance, a change can be immediate or take a gradual depending on the situation (Atkinson, 2014). This paper explores the approaches to change management that Mark can use to solve the problems at NFW Corporation. Mark has been assigned a new role as the HRD at NFW Corporation, a retail Company that run fashion stores in UK. As the new HRD, Mark is faced with key issues that need to be resolved to achieve success in the implementation of new changes. While Mark has his plan for implementing changes at NFW Corporation, he lacks the necessary experience to carry out the new mandate. Some of the key issues that Mark has identified include the need to downsize workers to cut costs and improve the quality. In addition, Mark also has issues with the organisational culture that may affect the implementation of new changes (Molineux, 2013). The new role that Mark has been assigned at NFW Corporation requires consultation with the key stakeholders in identifying the key issues prior to implementing his new plans. Essentially, consulting the key stakeholders will provide Mark with an insight regarding the organisational culture of NFW Corporation. In addition, Mark will have an idea regarding the areas that need change immediately and those that can be done gradually. Because Mark lacks experience regarding HRD work, it is important to for him to collaborate with the long serving and experienced employees to understand the dynamics related to human resource development. Consequently, Mark will be in a better position when developing his strategy for change at NFW Corporation. The key issues that Mark has identified require an appropriate approach that can solve the identified problems. In this case, a change management approach such as Kotter’s eight
Sunday, August 11, 2019
The impact of videogames on players especially the violent ones Research Paper
The impact of videogames on players especially the violent ones - Research Paper Example Ever since video games were introduced, the level of violent content in them has been a controversial matter and the major question is whether they result in violent behavior among players. Video games are often seen by older people as childlike thing and do not worry about their negative impacts on behavior. Unfortunately, parents and the older people in society fail to focus on the dark side of some games and their impact on younger players especially the violent ones. Numerous studies have been conducted on the impact on violent video games on the players’ behavior. Emerging literature has focused on â€Å"the benefits rather than perils of video game play†(Blumberg et al. 41). These studies show increasing concern about the impact of video games on young players who play these games (Becker-Olsen and Patricia 84). There are two issues surrounding this discussion. First, is whether players with violent tendencies are more likely to act out violent acts from playing these games? Secondly, is whether video games exacerbate violent behavior among players? In order to understand the debate surrounding this topic, one must get a clear understanding of the concept of violence. Various studies have found that violent behavior in real life is a consequence of the violence that is contained in video games. Others disagree with this as they failed to clearly define violence or why the games being studied were termed as violent. Overall, the definition of violence varies among different individuals. Although video games consist of fictional characters, they are based on the themes of death and battle whereby the winner becomes more powerful. Others can be characterized by a form of blood violence and high gore as the reward system. It can be observed that the definition of violence in video games has evolved over the decades as video games in the modern times are
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