Monday, September 30, 2019
Background to the drama Essay
‘A View from a Bridge’ is a play inspired by Miller’s own background, in terms of plot and context. Miller grew up in America and was the son of two immigrants. In the late 1940s he became interested in the work and lives of the communities and Longshoremen of New York’s Brooklyn Harbour, a place where he had in fact previously worked. Many of the workers were exploited by their bosses, underpaid and had only recently immigrated to the United States. It was during this time that a young lawyer friend of Miller’s ‘mentioned a story he’d recently heard of a longshoreman who had ratted to the Immigration Bureau on two brothers, his own relatives, who were living illegally in his very own home, in order to break up an engagement between one of them and his niece. ‘ Miller took this story combined with his upbringing and experiences on a recent trip to Sicily and provided the background to the drama ‘A View from a Bridge’. The play takes place in Brooklyn around 1950s. Catherine is an orphan who lives with her aunt and uncle, Beatrice and Eddie Carbone. Eddie agrees to Beatrice’s two relatives, Marco and Rodolpho, both of whom are illegal immigrants. Eddie, the plays protagonist, has a very particular view of the qualities of a man. When other characters don’t conform to these masculine expectations it leads to hostility and aggression resulting in death. Our first impression of Eddie is that of a simple, average man. He comes across as a hardworking, friendly, kind and generous husband and uncle: especially as he is prepared to accept and welcome his wife Beatrice’s illegal immigrant cousins into his own home. However Eddie has a very strong point of view of the qualities of manliness, believing that a real man should be strong, tough and mean. The appearance of a man should be with dark features and big size. He thinks that a real man should be like him, the breadwinner who works hard, doing work that uses muscle and not much brain: â€Å"I worked like a dog†. He perhaps also thinks that a man would always look at a pretty woman in a sexual way rather than just another person; this is shown when he says there are â€Å"bad men†at Catherine’s workplace. Another quality which Eddie considers to manly is power. Eddie’s views on manliness are also based around the ideas of protecting your family and loved ones, providing for your family and keeping your pride and dignity. Eddie tries his very best to keep to these things as he feels very strongly of being a man. He shows this by showing concern when Catherine buys a new skirt. He says, â€Å"Where you going all dressed up? †and, â€Å"It’s too short ain’t it? †He is concerned because he doesn’t want her attracting too much attention from other men, like when he says, â€Å"I don’t like the looks they’re giving you in the candy store†. This overprotectiveness leads to conflict on a small scale between him and Catherine as she says â€Å"Eddie, I wish there was one guy you couldn’t tell me things about! †This dialogue shows that Eddie has been overprotective before and Catherine has realized it. She does not say it seriously but rather, a joke; however she is actually trying to express that he’s being too overprotective. This power that Eddie considers to be manly also creates many other incidents on small scales and Eddie starts to show open hostility towards the other characters. Firstly when Rodolfo, Marco and Eddie are talking about oranges and lemons Eddie becomes very hostile when Rodolfo corrects him, â€Å"Lemons are green†. Eddie lashes out at Rodolfo when he corrects him about the colour of the lemon and becomes slightly aggressive â€Å"I know lemons are green for Christ’s sake†. Eddie becomes hostile and aggressive because he believes knowledge and being ‘right’, amongst other things, is where the power lies. Miller uses this to show how something as insignificant as a lemon can create hostility and aggression all because of a manly characteristic of wanting power and respect. Another example of Eddie’s pettiness is during a conversation about Marco’s family back home in Italy. Eddie tries to suggest an affair with Marco’s wife but Rodolfo again corrects him saying â€Å"it’s more strict in our town†We are able to see how Eddie is becoming aggressive through Miller’s stage directions. Eddie goes from being hostile and sarcastic â€Å"(laughing)†to aggressive â€Å"(rises, pacing up and down)†as a direct reaction to the immigrants differing culture. The stage directions often say a lot more about the characters then the actual script itself and also greatly contribute to the heightening of tension throughout. Not only do they describe the positions of the characters on set; they help the audience to identify with their feelings. Miller begins a scene with a simple conversation about a recent trip to Africa which Marco and Rodolfo had undergone through work. However, tension is still created, regardless of the triviality of the conversational subject, by Eddie, who, from a simple glance at Catherine, appears to be sceptical about whether the trip took place â€Å"They went to Africa once. On a fishing boat. (Eddie glances at her. ) It’s true, Eddie†. Eddie then retreats to his rocker, a prop which Miller makes significant throughout the play as it acts as Eddie’s position of authority, as his â€Å"throne†– when in his rocker, he feels very much at the helm of the household and Miller uses this in order to show how Eddie feels he has power yet a rocker is slightly unsuitable as it does not assume a fixed position The conversation then continues further, though it is clear from Miller’s use of stage directions that Eddie is disregarding anything Rodolfo says to him, and talking to Marco exclusively, creating an uneasy atmosphere and increasing the tension further.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Africa During Colonialism
Africa of course, would be colonized by the many Europeans. However, a lot of African groups/colonization would start too. They would start and older ones would be expanded. The slave trade had decreased due to British pressures and so Africa started trading more of other items with the rest of the world. This same thing was happening in Asia and the Middle East too. In South Africa, the Zulu kingdom would be formed, and in Western Africa, an Islamic caliphate, Sotto Caliphate would be formed. Many of these civilizations were being formed by a bunch of African peoples around the continent.At first, In Southern Africa, there were the Unsung people, Just farmers and cattle herders that existed for a very long time. Soon, however, a drought would strike, hurting their agriculture. This caused the end of the Unsung people. A military genius and leader, Shake Zulu would take control and create a new civilization, the Zulu people, who, compared to all other tribes In Southern Africa, was t he most powerful and formidable, because of its strict military drills and practice and they even used ox-hide shields. The Zulu warriors expanded their kingdom, by attacking many other tribes andInvading them, taking their cattle, children and women. Parts of the Zulu, they split off making their own military bands and they too did the same thing as the Zulu. Soon, this made so many new kingdoms going up all the way to Lake Victoria. As this increased, so did the number of refugees and terrified, depressed people from these To stop the Zulu tribe's growth and power, two kingdoms formed, Swaziland to the north and Lesotho to the east, which was made up of many refugees who came to those mountains there. Both Lesotho and Swaziland exist today.Shake successfully made a national identity and a nation in just 10 years of rule. He took all the young people in the nation and split them into deferent groups, called regiments, based on age. These people of the regiment lived with each other and they all celebrated Shake. Etc. They celebrated his rule and they were all heavily disciplined. Cow herds were a measure of wealth in this kingdom. Meanwhile, in the Western Savannah of Africa, there was a big religious struggle. Islam was prevalent over there. However, that was only In the cities and trade areas, ND not in the rural areas.The rural areas still followed regular customs. At first, Islam allowed people to mix their older beliefs with Islam. Now however, Psalmists started denying this idea of allowing them to have their customs and wanted them to follow pure Islam. They made a â€Å"holy war†, called Jihad, which made Assaults take over many rural and other new lands where they enforced Islamic laws and spread the religion. These Islamic retorts first took place in the Hausa states to northern Nigeria. A leader in the Hausa states, Susann Dan Food, called a lot of the kings there, unbelievers of religion or Islam and led people away from god.He led a Jihad on the King of Gobi, overthrowing him. A lot o f Muslims Joined to gather to spread Islam and spread it all around Hausa. All this Islam would come together to make a caliph under the capital city of Sotto, called the Sotto Caliphate. The Sotto Caliphate became a center for teaching Islam and reform. It added many new centers, quickly, to teach Curtain and Islamic subjects to boys. Many people were attracted to it because of the Sotto library, which was pretty huge. Muslims ere allowed people to follow their own religion but had to pay a special tax.They were not allowed to do their tribal dances and rituals and any who opposed the spread of the Jihad were killed, slaved or converted. The Sotto caliphate sent off tons of slaves for the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, mainly women and children. Slaves mainly farmed, and so this allowed women to actually leave the home this time. Sotto not only sent a lot of slaves, but it also had a lot of slaves in itself too. In fact, it had more slave s than any other American commonly. Napoleon would come and fight in Egypt. This would last in Egypt as a great triumph for the Europeans and a great loss for the Egyptians.After Napoleon left Egypt from his losses, Muhammad All took rule. Muhammad All took rule of Egypt. He modernized and industrialized Egypt, making it follow a lot of the Western styles. He increased trade of Egypt. He brought a lot of education to Egyptians, and allowing them to replace the old aristocracy. He replaced all the European experts and sellers of products with Egyptians. However, one bad thing was, that he made a burden on the peasants to give military and labor service. The army and Egypt was making its own textiles, paper, weapons, military uniforms.Seeing this western movement, many groups in Egypt, of Islam mixed with this Western Culture. For example, European technical manuals were translated to Arabic. Small was the grandson of Muhammad All. He was more keen on westernizes than All. But his eff orts, in the end, would Just create a bunch of Egyptian debt to French and British banks. At first, in his first 10 years of rule, it was all good with a lot of wealth thanks to increased trade, more exports, new irrigation annals, railroads 800 miles, postal service and Cairo.However, after the American Civil War, exports went down again and debt would be one of the reasons for French and British partial occupation of Egypt. Ethiopia was Christian for 1 500 years. They too were trying to modernize themselves. Ethiopians Emperor, Terrors II of Ethiopia was the one who first started Westernizes and ordered a lot of weapon purchases from Europe and also encouraged some local maturating. One time, they even made cannon that could shoot a half ton shell with the help of Protestant missionaries.However, they tried to get some more weapons by holding British officials hostage and demanding for weapons, but the British would end up actually invading Ethiopia. Terrors would commit suicide t o prevent capture. Then the British would withdraw, and then King Haynes would take the throne. King Haynes took over a lot of the lost land of Ethiopia, except for one major land part, Shoo Kingdom, ruled by King Moonlike. The beginning events of Rupee's scramble for Africa were when France took over Algeria. Algeria originally was a major supplier of olive oil and grain to France.They even gave them grain to Napoleon to take over Egypt. Now, France still owed them for this and several disputes took place. The new French government wanted to show nationalism with an easy overseas victory. However, the struggle for Algeria would go on for 18 years, even after French government would be overthrown again. Bad al- Qatar was an Algerian holy man who led them against France but he would die, weakening and nearly ending their 18 year struggle. However, conflict in the mountains would take place for 30 years. Settlers would then come in and kill off 140,000 people.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Current Issues in Intellectual Property Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Current Issues in Intellectual Property - Essay Example Most of the legal principles to encourage and establish the intellectual property rights have evolved over decades. The intellectual property laws were strongly established in the 19th century due to the different evolutions in the global business environment. Today the intellectual property laws and rights have become a commonplace concept in almost all countries accrues the globe. Intellectual properties are not only applicable to artistic creations but are also used to protect inventions and discoveries which have commercial value. Intellectual properties are protected by the law due to the usefulness of these properties in enabling the general people and society to earn financial and economic benefits and recognition from their discoveries, creations or inventions. It can be ascertained that striking a right balance between the interests of the public and those of the innovators is likely create an environment which will support the flourishing of creativity and innovation. Intellectual property laws can be used to protect a wide range of products and services. It includes all types of innovations and some discoveries made by individuals, teams or organizations. The intellectual property rights can be gained under copyrights, patents, trademarks, confidentiality or trade secrets. Patents can be obtained for a wide range of products including any method, substance, process or device which is inventive, new, authentic and useful to the society, technology or any other domain. Patents can be enforced legally and can be used to commercially protect and exploit inventions and creations. Some innovations like mathematical models, schemes, artistic creations, plans and processes which are completely dependent on mental processes are not eligible for getting patent rights. The copyrights are commonly used under the intellectual property laws to protect mental creations like literary works, music compositions and other forms of artistic,
Friday, September 27, 2019
Quanttitative Social Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Quanttitative Social - Research Paper Example Marijuana legalization is a big issue where society is supporting or arguing against it. When the driver smokes marijuana, the THC goes into the blood rapidly and the smoker remains high for an hour or so (Jones, Holmgren & Kugelberg, 2008, pp. 452-461). When the driver mixes marijuana with food it takes a long time for it to be digested and absorbed into the blood. Consequently, the user remains high for approximately twelve hours. Clearing the user's blood of THC takes one month. Additionally, marijuana has been ranked fourth after caffeine, alcohol and nicotine as the world's most widely used. Most people believe that the bad effects of marijuana outnumber its benefits. According to the Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF), 1.5 percent of drivers who were surveyed in the Road Safety Monitor of 2002 had used marijuana two hours prior to taking the wheel (Kelly, Darke & Ross, 2009, pp. 319-344). The survey discovered that young men are the most likely to drive after using marijuana and other illegal drugs. A third of those who admitted to driving after using marijuana had also been involved in drinking. ... 38-52). Furthermore, 20 percent reported to have driven within an hour after using marijuana (Bingham et al, 2007, pp. 23-37). Limitations of the tool for answering your research question Time and level of study restraints played an important role when considering the scope of the research. These were two factors of particular importance when setting the parameters in regards to the breadth and depth of the work to be presented. For that reason, this study did not attempt to present all the researched material in detail but rather to provide a concise, yet thorough overview of the chosen material. The analysis of practical considerations such as economics or logistics or the discussion of opposing points of views was not taken up in this study. Part B Introduction and overview of the proposal While marijuana remains illegal, it is now classified with barbiturates and amphetamines rather than heroin. The advisory council responsible for recommending this change stressed that marijuana is undeniably harmful and was anxious that the drivers be informed of the dangers associated using it. While responding to recommendations made by a special committee on illegal drugs, the US government is not close to decriminalizing possession of marijuana. Drivers can be charged if impaired by marijuana. Criminal charges can be laid if a driver is high on marijuana. The likelihood of a crash when a driver is high is known to increase substantially depending on how much THC is in the blood. Proposed participants A study showed that marijuana raises the danger by 10 times of non-lymphoblastic leukemia in children of mothers who used marijuana just before or during pregnancy. Leukemia was not increased by other drugs such as alcohol
Thursday, September 26, 2019
FAMILY SYSTEM THERAPY Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
FAMILY SYSTEM THERAPY - Term Paper Example II. First Set of Questions. Who is the main theorist? ?What are major concepts, strengths, and weaknesses? ?How does this theory best fit with your value system and personal beliefs? ?What population do you hope to work with (e.g., chemically dependent, domestic violence, families, general mental health, severely mentally ill, etc.)? Why do you think the theory is the best choice for this population? (505 words) ? The main theorist on whom we are going to focus is Epstein. His idea was the McMaster Model of Family Functioning. According to Barker (2007), â€Å"The McMaster Model of Family Functioning addresses the current functioning of the family [than worrying about the past or present developmental stage, [including]: 1) problem solving; 2) communication; 3) roles; 4) affective responsiveness; 5) affective involvement; and 6) behavioral control†(pp. 51). There are six major concepts that have been mentioned that clients must work on in therapy in order to reach their thera py goals. The major strengths of this model is that clients will begin to see success almost immediately if they begin to work in therapy with this particular model. The major weaknesses of this model is that it does not integrate the past or the future into therapy. This could be detrimental for a number of reasons, one reason being that the client must able to have a sense of where he must go and where he has been in order to know how to act in the present. This is a major flaw in the model. However, this theory best fits with my own value system and personal beliefs, because it is my strong belief that a client must deal with how he or she is functioning within the family. I hope to work with populations that suffer from mental illness. I definitely believe that the family has a lot to do with how the mentally ill receive their care. According to Rasheed, Marley, & Rasheed (2010), â€Å"†¦data began to indicate that the locus of pathology was in the context of the family, a nd not simply the afflicted individual†(pp. 213). Also, I am concerned about the fact that people only tend to seek therapy when things are falling apart in the family. According to Carr (2006), â€Å"[People often] seek therapy because they feel that they have grown apart and cannot communicate with each other†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (pp. 405). Dealing with mental illness can be a tough challenge, especially because of the societal malaise associated with mental illness and the people who suffer from it. According to McBride (2006), There are some â€Å"†¦stigma and misunderstandings associated with mental illness†(pp. 63). Families must realize how to care for their family members, depending on the type of mental illness that is at the core of the issue. According to Barry and Farmer (2002), â€Å"[It is important to identify] the core value of mental†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (pp. 43). There are several drawbacks and setbacks that can affect the clients if they donà ¢â‚¬â„¢t receive proper treatment. Mental illness can wreak havoc on a family’s finances and drain its energies. According to Abosh and Collins (1996), â€Å"Families experience chronic emotional distress from the episodic disruptions caused by the illness†(pp. 68). Truly, the family must pull together when someone in the family is thought to have or is diagnosed with a mental illness, because all members of the family are needed to be supportive at that time. Family issues
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
New tourist market in Slovenia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
New tourist market in Slovenia - Research Paper Example Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries in South Africa that generates revenue reaching up to 1% to 3% of the gross domestic product. Directly and indirectly, it constitutes 7% to the employment (South Africa’s tourism industry, 2008). South Africa holds special attraction for the tourists interested in sports. South Africa has successfully hosted international events like; 2101 FIFA World Cup,The Rugby World Cup, Cricket World Cup, A1 Grand Prix, Indian Premier League, World Cups of Golf, Athletics, Swimming etc. (Morgan, n.d). The country also offers people from overseas, some fantastic events like bungee jumping, hiking, fishing, yacht racing, rock climbing, scuba diving, paragliding and horse riding. Target Market: The growth in the popularity of sport-oriented leisure travel can be viewed daily. The highways are, more often than not, seen busy with cars laden with bicycles, skis, and canoes. The number of vacation destinations offering sporting facilities is also growing tremendously (Gibson, 1998). Sports tourism involves either viewing, or participating in the sporting events. It is the fastest growing segment in the global travel agency. This tourism can be divided into three types; Sports Event Tourism, Celebrity and Nostalgia Sport Tourism and Active Sport Tourism. ... South Africa has a great potential for this sector of tourism industry, as it caters to both the spectators and the players. Vision: South Africa is a beautiful and prosperous country. The aim is to; Promote sports event tourism and active sport tourism Attract international organisers and tourists and make them fall in love with the country. Encourage international organisers to host their future events on South African soil. Increase the employment rate. Concept: South Africa has fantastic rivers, breath-taking surroundings, sublime coastal scenery and consistent high-quality surf, horse riding trails as diverse as the terrain, a huge variety of superb scenic hiking trails and a climate made for the outdoors enthusiast. So, if a person is interested in canoeing, rafting, kayaking, hiking, horse riding, surf skiing, sailing, he/she is in for a treat. There is no better place for a person looking for an adventurous and fun filled vacation. And what more could a person ask for when ev erything he wants is present in one place. Just one vacation and he gets a lifetime experience. While some sport lovers come to explore their own talents, there are some diehard fans that come to watch world cups and tournaments held there. With the success of 2010 World Cup, the tourism players are now aiming at promoting the country as an outstanding host for future large scale international events. The 2010 World Cup has left an everlasting mark on the South African landscape. Tourism industry is not all about attracting foreigners; it holds some incentives for the locals as well. All kinds of sport attract fervent support, both at the event and at home. There are both social and economical advantages, on a national and regional level, that come from hosting sports events,
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Letter to senate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Letter to senate - Essay Example As a senator, if you choose to support the idea it would be very close to committing political suicide. It is strongly suggested that you vote against the notion of a national ID card. The supporters of the national ID card may suggest that it would decrease the chances of terrorism and would make official government business easier to conduct. However, it must be understood that terrorism is not prevented by easily falsified documents (no matter how difficult to duplicate they may be). It is stopped by effective security measures and the sacrifices made by hardworking men and women out to stop it with positive intelligence gathering and old fashioned detective work. On the issue of making matters easier for the government bureaucracy, identity itself is currently verified in all instances where it needs to be done. Adding another layer or requirement to identity documents would only complicate matters while being a significant expense for the government that tries to issue cards to millions of Americans. Overall, having a national ID card is not only an unworkable idea, it is also a dangerous one in political as well as social terms as it would create a lot of difficulties for those who demand the simplest of rights to their privacy i.e. the right to be left alone (Garrett, 2001). A senator who values the rights of the people would certainly vote against any such plans to impose a document which does nothing to improve matters but does a lot to harm anyone who desires not to be engaged in
Monday, September 23, 2019
Various aspects of S&O management in the Atokowa Company Essay
Various aspects of S&O management in the Atokowa Company - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that management of systems and operations can be viewed as the organisational in built building, designing, and structuring mechanism for effective daily operations of organisations. According to Chase et al, management of systems and operations is an essential process of converting a firm’s internal input (human resources, energy, or material) into output (goods and services). Actually, management of systems and operations entails the effective management of organisational resources, which gear towards production as well as distribution of goods and services of an organisation to its end customers. Operations and systems management could be summed up into management systems, which are proven frameworks for the management as well as continuous improvements of the policies, processes, as well as procedures of organisations. Individually, system management refers to an enterprise’s management of the systems of information manage ment. This entails gathering necessities, purchasing software and equipment, distribution of software and equipment to their places of use, their configuration, their maintenance through service updates and enhancement, setting up of processes of problem-handling, and determination of whether objectives and goals are being realised. Systems management is thus the enterprise-wide distributed systems’ administration including (and usually in practice) the computer systems. It is stoutly affected by telecommunications’ initiatives of network management. ... The purpose of this paper is to examine various aspects of S&O management in the Atokowa Company and give recommendations for improvement of the management operations in systems and operations segments. Background Information of Atokowa Advantage The Atokowa advantage Company is a key player in the industry of office supplies and stationery in Australia. The firm sells an array of office supplies and stationery to businesses, individuals, as well as other organisations. It owns several retail outlets, which deliver office supplies and stationery directly to the organisations as well as carry out customised printing for firms. Lachlan Atokowa founded Atokowa in 1964 in Sydney, Australia as a mere photocopying business in Atokowa’s garage after purchasing Xerox 914 machine. His business grew and in 1970, he purchased one retail outlet as well as expanded his business from just photocopying activities to business printing in addition to brochures, letterheads, flyers, compliment slips, business cards, fax headers, no carbon required (NCR) pads, and memo slips. These developed Atokowa’s status as a printing firm of high quality. Atokowa’s business continued growing and he developed his vision of becoming the one-stop office supplies and stationery shop. Lachlan expanded as well as purchased additional outlets in Perth and Melbourne areas, which were stocked quite adequately with an array of office supplies, paper, office furniture, besides the original business of printing. In 1980, Atokowa printing was renamed to Atokowa Office Supplies. Lachlan retired in 1983 and handed the business to Jonathan Atokowa, his eldest son who focused more on technology. In fact, Jonathan commenced sale of IBM PC 5100 and Commodore
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Liberalism by Immanuel Wallerstein Essay Example for Free
Liberalism by Immanuel Wallerstein Essay This article tries to analyze the works of Immanuel Wallerstein (after liberalism) mainly on his views of what liberalism is especially in this era of globalization. After liberalism published in 1995 and it is a collection of essays, which all look at the issue of international capitalism either from a country’s perspective all from the perspectives of earlier influential writers within this context like V I Lenin. The book gives a good overview of the nature of liberalism especially in the context of international capitalism. In his analysis, Wallerstein argues that the emergence of theories like liberalism in modern times was all because of new beliefs within the political arena as well because of people’s moral sovereignty. Among the theories, Wallerstein claimed that in a modernizing world there were people who saw the changes as immoral. These people pursued Consevativism. Because of the rise of conservatism, the liberalist theory arose to defend the modernizing processes of new technologies new ways of integration as being non-expedient processes for a better global society. After the rise of liberalism and its application, a new theory emerged (socialism). Unlike the conservatisms, socialists did agree with the liberalists that the issue of modernization or progress was both desirable and inevitable. However, unlike the liberalists socialists were strongly suspicious of the top-down system of reforms advocated by liberalists. Liberalism: This broad field encompasses many different ideas and theories concerning the roles of governments. Liberalism generally advocates for individual liberty, mixed market systems, liberal democratic governments (transparent) as well as the application of the rule of law. International capitalism: international capitalism is the system of processes that allow for the growth of globalization. It is the practice of capitalism on a global perspective. Thus, it involves the international ownership of modes of production by individuals and the unrestricted transfer of international funds and investment projects globally. In his argument, Wallerstein claims that the classification of third world countries is uncalled for. This is because as he says the so called third world has been intertwined in the structure of international capitalism in such a way that there are even subsidiaries of multinational firms based in the third world countries that contribute money to the parent company countries that is in excess of what the parent companies pay. After liberalism is quite clear on the issue of national development. Wallerstein goes ahead in Borrowing ideas from such authorities as Adam smith (the wealth of nations), as well as ideas from people like Vladimir Lenin and Paul Kruger. Wallerstein concludes that even with the advent of international capitalism and globalization, the issue of national sovereignty and national development is very crucial in ensuring that the vices of capitalism are always kept to a level minimum. CONCLUSION: After liberalism is an authoritative collection of essays that tries to expose the nature and processes associated with international capitalism and globalization. However, the book fails to explain issues of under development especially in the third world more clearly. In addition, the process of colonization and its impacts on both the colonizing states as well as the colonized should have been analyzed. This is because issues of international capitalism affect all nations alike and thus the root causes of under development in some of the countries would have to be addressed. REFERENCE: Wallerstein Immanuel (1995), after liberalism, new press, New York.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Fast Food Nation Essay Example for Free
Fast Food Nation Essay One thing that most people don’t seem to understand about fast food restaurants is the harmful and unethical practice that comes with an order of a double cheeseburger with a side order of medium fries and a drink. Eric Schlosser, the author of â€Å"Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal,†had made several negative interpretation about the functionality of fast food corporation. Such interpretation can be in relations of what a typical Marxist would complain about, such as the fact that fast food corporation tends to do whatever means possible to reach the end of making a substantial amount of profit. In â€Å"Fast Food Nations: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal,†Schlosser targeted on the unethical practices of producing profit which includes the fabrication of sediment phrases, the systematic of mass production, and the management of poor quality with emphasis of large quantity. Some of the claims that Schlosser made can be viewed similarly to the aspects of Karl Marx and his believers, the Marxists. Many Marxists can strongly support Schlosser’s claim with a Marxist interpretation of an accusation of Capitalism. Marxist is known as a group of socialist and they believes that the government’s economy should be equally shared amongst all working classes. Without a doubt, Schlosser had exposed the fact that corporations like McDonalds, Carl’s Jr, Burger King, and so forth had made great profits from exploiting the nation’s vulnerable workers who are willing to work at any cost. These vulnerable workers can be just about anyone from teenagers to first generation immigrants. All in all, Schlosser had made a strong argument to persuade the nation from supporting profit-hungry Corporation by revealing of its unethical practices that may be a convincing factor for the nation to think twice before entering another fast food restaurant. One of the many reasons why fast food restaurants are successful is because they know how to market themselves properly with small sentimental message that appeals to the community. Sentimental message might not mean much, but when families of the community are convinced that the restaurant cares about them, they will be inclined to support their business. It’s a shame that the community does not see the irony in their sentimental messages. Example of the irony would be Mcdonalds creating the Ronald McDonald House of Charity to ask customers for additional donations, in which all proceeds of that donation will help other counties hospital. The irony of this all is that fast food is also the reason why kids are unhealthy. It is also common knowledge that fast food is the leading cause of obesity and obesity can lead to various amount of health-related problem. Another reason why fast food restaurants are successful is because fast food industries target a younger audience such as children. Their techniques on children are simple, because children love collecting toys and items that relates to cartoon figures that they are familiar with. Therefore, these corporations would purchase patents and the rights to use their cartoon figure or icon on their product, which typically sells efficiently with kids. These items are not just popular amongst the children’s age group, but â€Å"many adult collectors have also bought Teenie Beanie Baby Happy Meals, kept the dolls, and threw away the food†(Schlosser 48). These cross promotions between brands has done two things; strengthens ties between fast food industries and companies and also create an irresistible addiction between collectors and the industries. Another marketing strategy that these fast food industries utilize is to slightly modify the collectible’s colors or parts to attract customers to spend a fortunate collecting a whole set of the same kind of toys. The surface of the fast food industries may be deceiving to the general public, but it certainly is not easily deceitful to the workers who dealt with jobs within a fast food industry. While the economy continues to look like steep slide, workers are becoming more willing to work at any jobs in order to financially support their family and themselves. These very same workers that work for fast food industries, are typically teenagers or first generation immigrants because fast food industries knows that these two candidates are perfect for exploitation. Also, because they are less likely to form unions, complain about conditions, and complain about long hours. Fast food industries, like most Marxist-invaded counties, know how to exploit their workers at their fullest potential. They hire the uneducated youth with the least potential to start a union. They view workers as cheap objects that they can be hired and fired at the will of their employers. Unlike a business firm, these fast food industries rarely give raises to their employees, but instead they ould motivate their workers with encouragements or compliments. Since these workers are uneducated and don’t know their rights enough to argue, they would simply respond to their employer’s encouragement or compliment with better performances. Aside from the wages, these jobs are more than often dangerous. It is not certain whether these companies have spent enough money to properly train workers to diligently use the restaurants equipment which would prevent health inc idents and work injuries. Reasons being that these companies are profit-focused. They will try to minimize their spending as much as possible to make sure that they maximize the profit. Some of these jobs are even done by illegal immigrants or anyone desperate enough for a job at a later night shift, because it’s extremely dangerous and companies do not want to risk going into law suits or paying for higher life insurances for their workers with all means to maximize their profit. Schlosser had mentioned a story about Kenny Dobbin, as an example of a worker who was a victim of such unethical offense. Kenny was an uneducated man with no literacy skills, but was tall and strong. He was hired by Monfort, a meat-packing plant company, whom took advantage of Kenny’s kindness and abused him by placing him in dangerous working condition. After sixteen years of pure dedication, Kenny was fired because of his severe injuries from work, because the company does not want to pay for a higher insurance coverage for him. Kenny was â€Å"once strong and powerfully built, he now walks with difficulty, tires easily, and feels useless as though his life were over. He is forty-six years old†(Schlosser 190). Kenny, however, is still considered to be one of the fortunate one because he is able to get his story out unlike many other victims who weren’t able to get their stories out because they are still working with the injuries that they have attained from work. Some of the reasons that explain why they don’t complain about their injuries are because they don’t want to be fired and stress the difficulties of finding another job. These are just some of the examples of the inhumanely acts that fast food industries had commit to their workers. Workers might understand the cruelty that lies within their job, but they might not know what kind of quality the management has selected for the product that they are working with. Aside from managing workers and their wages, fast food industries also manages their food supplies to ensure the greatest amount of profit. By doing so, managements of fast food industries would choose the cheapest quality of meat that’s barely edible, refrozen fries that have been made with preservatives, and also wheat from a wheat field that have been sprayed with pesticides on a regular basis. Many fast food critics, including Schlosser, argued that fast food industries are more concern about the superficial image and the smell of the product rather than the natural healthy content of the product. Schlosser had mentioned that the â€Å"Food and Drug Administration does not require flavor companies to disclose the ingredients of their addictive, so long as all the chemicals are considered by the agency to be generally regarded as safe,†which means that the government had betrayed the consumers and had gave fast food industries the additional power to make substantial amount of profit. Most fast food restaurant took advantage of the governments’ lack of responsibility and would spend as little as possible on meat. This course of action might be good for business, but it is absolutely terrible for the consumers who invest their health in these fast food products. In the early years of fast food industries, many fast food restaurants have been criticized for their contaminated burgers because of the hospitalized and illness trend that consumers are recognizing prior to eating their burgers. The fast food industries did not know how to react to such immense pressure, so they attempt to shift the blame to the farmers. Eventually the government realized the decline of fast food industries and initiated the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to run a federal inspection test for all the meat packaging industries of the fast food industries. This might have been a good sign of improvement for the government, until the government decided to be secretive about their findings and had agreed with fast food industries to not reveal the details about the company’s distributed meat. Today, Fast food industries is still one of the largest marketing industries across nation, but let’s not forget about the labor policies, marketing strategies, and agricultural techniques that comes within their products. Schlosser had made enough strong argument about the business tactics that are responsible for the success of fast food industries. Such tactics that targets children and families with collectibles and sentimental values, hiring workers that are more willing to work with minimum wages, and also managing a horrible quality of food supplies. These factors might be great for the industries because they prospering a substantial amount of profit, but it are unhealthy for the consumers across the nation. Hopefully in the near future, United State’s Department of Agriculture would interfere with regulations that would prevent fast food industries from exploiting the community of its self-motivated individuals. Schlosser also believed that the government should create a federal agency that promotes â€Å"more safety laws that could also reduce the number of slaughterhouse workers who get hurt†(Schlosser 264). With the worker’s safety conditions controlled, it would also be the nation’s best interest to end obesity, by controlling the establishment of fast food restaurants allowed per community and to open up healthier restaurants. Now on a more practical basis, students and the community should raise awareness of the unethical practices of fast food industries, and promote healthier eating habits within their community. With this practical practice, fast food industries will be prone to being eliminated, and the community will live a longer and healthier life.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Evaluating Statements Made By Criminal Profiling Criminology Essay
Evaluating Statements Made By Criminal Profiling Criminology Essay The purpose of this essay is to critically evaluate the statement made by Hicks Sales in their paper on Criminal Profiling: Developing an Effective Science and Practice (2006) that Profilers have a substantial and sustained contribution to make to criminal investigations It is this authors opinion that the field of offender profiling, or criminal personality profiling is, put quite simply, educated guesswork and is not an exact science. However, in many criminal cases, typically those of a violent nature, it has proved useful to the authorities involved by providing a psychological glimpse of, or an insight to, the offender, or criminal mind that committed the offence. Prior to 1986, profiling was not in common usage by police forces in the UK and it was the first offender profile created in the UK by a professor of applied psychology at Surrey University, David Canter, in the case of the Railway Killer, John Duffy, that led to the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) setting up a special committee to discuss the results of the Duffy case. In that case, Professor Canter composed a psychological profile of the killer that was accurate on 13 out of the 17 points he made. This was hailed as a breakthrough in the psychological understanding of criminal behaviour and as a result of the special committee meeting a research project was established, led by Canter, to draw up a proper framework for criminal profiling. (Murder Casebook, 1991, p2681) Offender profiling should be understood to consist of a range of methods used to develop advice for investigators, based on the study of behaviour exhibited in the commission of crime(s) and the drawing of inferences about the offender(s). Association of Chief Police Officers policy on offender profiling from the University of Portsmouth Offender Profiling course handbook, p6 In further accordance with the ACPO guidelines on offender profiling for England Wales, it may be considered useful so long as the profile is treated with caution. This author suggests a created criminal profile should not be used to lead an investigation, but may support lines of enquiry relating to the investigation. As already mentioned, there have been many criminal cases resulting in convictions, in which offender profiling has proven useful as an investigative aid, but it should also be noted that there are some cases where an attempt at psychological profiling has proved more a hindrance to an investigation, either by diverting resources away from capturing the actual criminal or creating avenues of fruitless research. For example Richard Jewell as the US Olympic Park bombing suspect in 1996, and in the UK, again in 1996, the case against Colin Stagg in the Rachel Nickel murder. Both were suspected by law enforcement and subsequently treated badly by the media, as a direct result of offender profiles that had been created. Both Jewell and Stagg later successfully claimed monetary compensation from various media corporations that had cast aspersions on their involvement in the two cases cited. ( and ( /law) In the case of Colin Stagg, the use of deception and false pretences and a profile developed by Dr Paul Britton, at the time the head of the Trent Regional Forensic Psychology Service, resulted in evidence presented to the court being dismissed. Britton (1997, p537) himself has written; the notion of a psychological profile being admissible as proof of identity in any circumstances was redolent with considerable danger. Whilst the profile created by Britton may have accurately portrayed the type of person who could have committed this type of crime, it could not be used as evidence in a court of law that this is the person who committed the crime. Ormerod (1996) agrees, and states both that profiles should be treated as opinion and not as statement of fact, also he writes; Profile evidence generates great prejudice for the accused who possessed the stated characteristics, yet it is insufficiently probative to point to the accused as being the guilty man Referring back to Canters first psychological profile, accurate on 13 out of 17 points, again this appears to be an indication that offender profiling is not an exact science as his assertions were 76.47% accurate, certainly a good indicator but not proof beyond reasonable doubt. A scientific experiment should be reproducible, providing the same results regardless of the individual conducting the experiment. With offender profiling, differing results may be induced, or deduced, depending on the education, experience and knowledge of the person creating the profile. The UK Coals to Newcastle (CTN) project (1995), jointly developed by the London Metropolitan Police and the Home Office, aimed to provide operational assistance to law enforcement in the investigation of serious crimes, as well as attempt to develop offender profiling as a science. (Gudjonsson Copson, 1997) The main question asked by the CTN project was that of whether or not that profiling told an investigating officer only what he or she already knew, or if it could provide information that could assist with an investigation. The report did show that of the 184 instances covered by the project, 88 of them were dealt with by only two individuals, an academic psychologist and a clinical psychologist, both of whom had been accredited by the chief police officers committee. (Gudjonsson Copson, 1997). The qualifications held by profilers used by law enforcement tend to be in the fields of psychology and psychiatry, for example Dr Paul Britton specialised in psychopathology and sexual dysfunction and Professor David Canter in applied psychology, later developing the field of investigative psychology. ( So, it is here, that this author feels that proof is presented, that education plays a vital and important role in the development of a profiler, especially if one is to be accredited for use by the police in the UK. Professor David Canter, in his paper on Offender profiling and criminal differentiation (2000), notes that there are some promising results shown in some areas of study and that these results are most likely to be of value to police investigations if the police officers are trained accordingly and that the methods described are utilized during the construction of the systems that can support the decision making process. It was Canters development of the Radex model (2000) that attempted to offer a different approach to classifying criminal behaviour by identifying dominant themes in behaviour rather than oversimplifying criminals into certain types. Figure 1 shows a general model for a radex as applied to criminal actions with, at its centre, actions that may be considered typical of all criminals and moving to the periphery, actions that are more specific. Figure 2 is a representation that attempts to distinguish the different qualities of behavioural science in criminal behaviour. The Radex model proved useful to Hodge (1998) and lent to the conclusion during her analysis of spatial patterns in serial murder that in crimes of extreme violence there is likely to be a substantial level of interpersonal interaction between victim and offender. Source: Canter (2000) Offender profiling and criminal differentiation It was Canter Heritages published study of rape in 1990 that first demonstrated the existence of a radial structure for crime and that using a multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) analysis by correlating the variables collected, they were able to represent these correlations in relation to each other allowing for trends, patterns and a behavioural salient analysis of criminal behaviour. This method of analysis may be described as inductive criminal profiling, in that the information gathered is from limited population samples and is not going to be specifically related to any one single case. Also, inductive profiles can be rather generalised and tend to be averaged from the data. Information is only collected from those offenders that have already been caught and this author notes; from those who agree to interview or answering a prepared questionnaire and those captured offenders that are actually capable of doing so. This would seem to indicate that there is going to be a possibility that those individuals with either no speech or understanding and certain social dysfunctional disorders may have difficulty comprehending the nature of the questioning and would therefore be unable to provide reliable answers. Also, there must be some consideration to the fact that they may not actually tell the truth. In addition, the most skilful and perhaps, most intelligent criminals that avoid being caught are not going to be included in the data set. As a result, information could be missing from the criminal profile. (Turvey, 2001) In contrast to inductive profiling, deductive offender profiling relies on the examination of scenes of crime, forensic evidence as well as behavioural motivation for criminal behaviour in relation to a single crime. This is the source for the many successful drama and crime shows on television and film, including Cracker, the CSI series, Criminal Minds and Silence of the Lambs, where, on TV, they usually solve the crime within the hour. This could possibly lead to a false impression in the public eye of just how effective and fast paced offender profiling really is. Deductive profiling takes time and relies on several aspects when the profile is created, such as the offenders emotional state during the offense, patterns of behaviour and personality characteristics at the crime scene as well as a study into the choice of the offenders victim, known as victimology. (Kocsis, 2006) In 1973, Howard Teten, Pat Mullany and Robert Ressler of the FBI used the then new criminal investigative analysis techniques to create a profile of a white, young, male, peeping tom with sexual and homicidal tendencies that led directly to the arrest of David Meirhofer for the abduction and murder of a seven year old girl. The 1978 FBI profile of the so-called Vampire of Sacramento, Richard Chase, was created following a study of the disorder of the crime scene, body type and mental temperament and concluded that the offender was disorganized, hed be unemployed, live alone, would be ethnically white, thin, undernourished and his mid-twenties. (Lerner Lerner, 2006) Deductive reasoning is useful in establishing a Modus Operandi (MO) and the signature of a particular criminal. Geberth (1996) defined both the MO and signature as being a dynamic method of operation that changes over time as the offender becomes more experienced and that the significant personal identifiers can distingui sh the nature of the offenders crime scenes and methodology respectively. The classification of offenders as being either organised or disorganised (Ressler et al, 1995) has been debated and Turvey (2001) dismisses this dichotomy of organised versus disorganised for several reasons, including that of psychopathy being a complex personality disorder and should not be assumed simply by the lack of psychotic behaviour or evidence. A disorganised crime scene could be the result of non-psychotic events, such as those created in domestic violence, anger-retaliatory offences, those that involve the use of controlled substances and those scenes that have been changed by the offender for the purpose of staging a crime or possibly as an anti-forensics exercise. Turvey further states that this false dichotomy as he describes it, does not take into account the fact that an offender may learn from their mistakes and/or successes and subsequently may develop and modify their criminal behaviour with experience. The 2004 study by Canter, Alison, Alison and Wentnik of serial killer behaviour through secondary sources showed that most offenders will exhibit, and the crime scene may reveal, a mix of both organised and disorganised characteristics. For example, whilst an attack may initially start as a premeditated organised assault, if it deteriorates or an unexpected event occurs, such as the inability to control a victim, it may lead to an escalation in the level of violence. It is also noted that Canter et al proposed the offenders emotional state, victim resistance and the fact that more than one offender is involved may create a different emergent patterns. The Behavioural Analysis Unit (BAU) of the American Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the result of the initial development by Howard Teten and Pat Mullany in 1969 to try and explain the actions and behavioural characteristics of violent offenders. Robert Ressler, who invented the term serial killer (Murder Casebook, p4311) was responsible for founding the National Center for Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) and it is within this section of the FBI that the BAU is a component. Whilst popularised in the media, and specifically the current American CBS TV series, Criminal Minds, it is noted that, despite their appearance on TV and in film, there is no position with the title of Profiler within the FBI. ( The FBI utilises this deductive style of profiling and appears to rely less on clinical psychology methodology than perhaps the British profilers do and has over time created a considerable knowledge base that is used to assist Federal, state, local and international law enforcement agencies. According to former FBI Special Agent Gregg McCrary, and contributing author to the Crime Classification Manual (1992), the FBI methodology is based upon investigators trying to collect information about the offender including the what was the antecedent, or trigger, for the events that took place, the method and manner of the victim and attack, information relating to the disposal, or not, of the victim as well as post-offence behaviour, such as being close to the investigation and contacting investigators or attempting to inject themselves in to proceedings. The FBI methodology for profiling violent crime is a four stage process beginning with the collection of data at the scene, forensic anal ysis and also coroner, autopsy and witness reports. Next, the methodology involves classifying and then reconstructing the crime through experienced observations about the MO, signature and motivation for the offence. This will include trying to ascertain why the offender chose this particular victim on this particular day, why they used the tools they did and also the whether the motivation for the crime was that of power reassurance or assertiveness or anger in a retaliatory or excitational way. That is to say, the observations raised will look to answer whether the offender could be a serial psychosexual sadistic killer or if the crime was one of passion or revenge. The final stage of the FBI methodology is that of creating the profile and this may well involve demographic information, educational background and intellectual functioning, family and personality characteristics, legal and arrest history, habits and social interests as well as any evidence in relation to the actual scene of the crime. (Shalev, 2010) Offender profiling and crime analysis can also be aided by profiling the geography of an area in which a crime was committed. Research by Holmes Holmes (2002) attempted to define crime scene locations as being either an encounter site, an attack site, a crime site or a victim and vehicle disposal site. This, when combined with information previously gathered, may give clues as to the residence of an offender and assist with creating the overall criminal profile. Rossmo (2000) had earlier defined geographic profiling as a methodology that can be used to identify locations connected to a series of crimes that may determine the most likely area of residence for an offender. In conclusion, the author would like to return to the assertion made at the beginning of this essay, that offender profiling is educated guesswork. It has been shown through this essay that education, as well as experience, or life education, plays a vital role when considering all aspects of creating a profile for the purposes of aiding a criminal investigation. Whether this education is that of a clinical, research or field based experience, it can bring with it valuable knowledge that can assist an investigation. Copson (1995) and Gudjonsson Copson (1997) asked respondents whether they thought that the advice supplied by profilers proved to operationally useful and 82.6% replied that it was. Although, when asked if the advice opened new lines of enquiry, 82.1% replied that it did not and only in 2.7% of cases did the profile lead to the actual identification of the offender. The author also stated that offender profiling is not an exact science and this has been demonstrated from Canters first profile being accurate to around 76% through to the Association of Chief Police Officers guidelines that offender profiling should be treated with caution and should be considered as one of many tools that can provide advice and lines of inquiry for the investigative team to follow. So, if offender profiling, as it is commonly known, is not an exact science, could it be that this field of study is an art form? If it is considered an art, then as Pablo Picasso said, Art is the elimination of the unnecessary. Perhaps there is a parallel that can be drawn between that statement from the famous artist and the subject of criminal profiling, in that, through being able to eliminate certain aspects of an offenders personality and behaviour and consider the alternatives, useful information may present itself. Therefore, it is this authors opinion that profilers will continue to make valid and sustained contributions to criminal investigations, whether it is substantial will very much depend upon the profiler tasked with the job and the type of offence committed.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Changing Attitudes Of Ferhat Abbas :: essays research papers
Changing Attitudes of Ferhat Abbas Introduction Ferhat Abbas believed in the peaceful solution and that the French are willing to co-operate with the Algerians. With this co-operation, he thought, it was possible for all to live together. He was brought up and thought to believe in democracy and parliament, to look for these in a peaceful fashion and that the people have to be asked what to do with their country and not to be terrorised to be convinced differently. However in the 1950's we can see a clear change, a turn in his thoughts. He accepts more violent ways in order to gain what he believes in. In order to explain the change in attitudes of Ferhat Abbas it is important that we first look at his background. In 1899 Ferhat Abbas was born. He had, like many others, received entirely French education at Constantine and at the University of Algiers. After finishing his studies he had served the French Army for two year after which he founded a pharmacist shop in Setif. There he also founded a student union which was a start of his political career. Soon he was accepted into the city Council where he fought for the emancipation of Algerians from the French. In 1938 Abbas founded the Union Populaire Algà ©rienne which peacefully fought for the equal rights of Algerians and French. Believing in the possible co-operation of French and Algerians he had, fought alongside the French. Political Career During the war Abbas still continues his work towards the equality. In 1943 he wrote the 'Manifesto of the Algerian People' which was than proclaimed and several times sent to the French authorities. "The French colony only admits equality with Muslim Algeria on one level; sacrifice on the battlefields." This manifesto represented some very revolutionary ideas and proposed the equality of rights and "immediate and effective participation." Also in this manifesto Abbas continuously condemns the French oppressive colonialism and even asks for the self- determination of the whole population as a different culture. Soon afterward he wrote an addition to the manifesto in which he sees the Algeria as the country separate from France. In the book 'A Savage War of Peace' his attitude is described as following: "Of pacific temperament, although he was a skilful debater, he was no rabble- rouser..."(Horne,1979, p.40). The A.M.L On its rejection by the French governor general, Ferhat Abbas and an Algerian working-class leader, Messali Hadj, formed the Amis du Manifeste et de la Libertà © (A.M.L. ; Friends of the Manifesto and Liberty), which envisioned an Algerian autonomous republic federated to a renewed, anti-colonial France.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
A Glimpse of Culture From the Eyes of an Engineer :: Personal Narrative Cultural Essays
The 8:50 a.m. bell rings. Thirty faces look up at the board. "The Refrigeration cycle begins with refrigerant R-134a proceeding to ..." Most pencils are hard at work, taking diligent notes. Some students stare into the board, attempting to imprint the entire schematic of the Refrigeration cycle into their memories. Others take a shot of Mountain Dew to clear the mental passages, or wake up from the previous evening. Concentration levels run high, as we all endeavor to excel at what we have been doing for the last several years -- pursuing an engineering degree. Each student in that Thermodynamics classroom had by this point in his or her undergraduate engineering career settled comfortably into the American engineering lifestyle. We had all gone through Statics as freshman, struggled with Dynamics as sophomores, and went on to tackle the curriculum that lay ahead. Gradually many of us became involved in campus organizations or committees. We bought organizer calendars, and watched the days fill up with meetings and activities that quenched our thirst for involvement and drove us to achieve in and out of the classroom. We dove into the crazy, driven and exciting pace of life at a very reputable Big Ten University, ready to reap all of the benefits that an undergraduate degree has to offer. As one of the thirty students in that very classroom, I had come to know this lifestyle well. To me it was the best and most intense of all worlds that I had seen up to that point in life, and it was the most satisfying. Yet being comfortable in the realm of undergraduate engineering arose in me a curiosity about other worlds. The curiosity developed into an urge to deviate from the well-founded path, and risk stepping into a complete unknown. The wheels began to turn, the plans formed, and several semesters later I was sitting in a somewhat different classroom. The students numbered around 60. They sat at long desks, ten seats in a row, elbow to elbow. Their style of dress was similar to what I knew, though there was not a baseball cap to be found on top of anyone's brow. They sat attentively, pens in hand, paper ready for taking serious notes. The professor stood before the room, waiting as stragglers walked in. No bell rang to signify the start of class. When enough stragglers had made it in, the professor walked over to the door and shut it.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Quality Education, the Need of the Hour in the Societ Essay
QUALITY EDUCATION, THE NEED OF THE HOUR IN THE SOCIETY. What is education? Education is an act or process of educating to give intellectual, moral and social instruction. It is a formal and prolonged process. It is also a development of character or mental powers which decides the future of an individual. Why do we need education? With the advancement of science and technology, the world scenario and the environment have changed. In order to fit and survive with the changing world, one has to educate himself. One cannot survive with the traditional systems and cultures whenits surroundings are already in the stage of computerization i.e., advanced technology. We have to catch and absorbed ourself with the changing technologies. Education for what? The human development report of 1993 turned the economic growth of the developed countries as â€Å"jobless growth†with adverse consequences. While we pride ourselves as processing a large stock of high quality manpower, the critical index of development will be the number of job created in relation to the population. Both extensive job creation and urgent population and social harmony. Considering the limited scope for extensive job creation in the government job only is likely to end in frustration. NGO’s & Self supporting enterprise:- the Government of india has recently developed a policy to encourage youth in the development works through Non-government organizations or throught self supporting schemes. There are several projects under the government of india which could be taken up by educated unemployed youth for the development of specifies areas. For implementing such project, one needs quality educated youth. Education should be taken as the only means to secure Government job. (the wise man/educated man should build his house upon the solid rocks). Economics of Education:- it is painful to see some youth who have considered himself educated but could not compete others and could not do anything good for himself and his supporting parents. He spent all hi youth days in school/colleges at the expense of his parents. It is not only the wastage of time & money but the total productivity & ecnomy of his families were also adversely effected. The hope and aspiration of the parents also shattered as he could not acquired the desire quality of education to compete the every growing competitions. This the reason why we are at this day in which we should not. Considering the changing scenario of competitiveness in education, it is my personal opinion that every individual and parents should study the capacity & capabilities of the child before the subject of his education is decided. Washing time and money in education without been able to reach the desired level of quality education is the main reason for our economic backwardness. One should set his own goal and accordingly plan to achieve the set target. Only then success and recognition in the society shall follow.
Monday, September 16, 2019
The Significance Of The Philadelphia Convention
Despite its comparatively condensed existence, America has swiftly scaled the summit of world power. This could not have been accomplished without the written constitution that was drawn up at the legendary Philadelphia convention. The convention was a secretive gathering, which brought together representatives of twelve of the thirteen states for the â€Å"sole and express purpose of revising the articles of confederation†. It began in May 1787, having been proposed the previous year at an assembly in which five states took part. Fifty-five state representatives took part, although there were rarely more than thirty-five at any one session. It was held in the State House at Philadelphia; â€Å"the city of brotherly love†, an appropriate location for the establishment of the new America. The delegates worked in small groups, six days a week, five to six hours a day, under the experienced gaze of presiding officer George Washington. After four months of exhausting talks, the delegates emerged having drawn up a completely rewritten constitution that now required ratification from nine states to come into effect. Removal of British rule had left America without an effective government. Although the articles of confederation had been devised to replace the British government in America, they were â€Å"nothing more than a treaty of amity, of commerce and of alliance between independent and sovereign states. It was soon apparent that the articles were unable to adequately overcome the problems that arose. Many leading figures became anxious over this issue and the need for reconsideration ensued. The convention acknowledged this and allowed the opportunity for the most prominent figures in America to rectify the predicament. In early post-independent America, many unforeseen difficulties had occurred. Disputes over trade routes and in particular war debt repayment had materialised due to separate state government. Between 1785 and 1786 seven states had issued paper money, which quickly became worthless, to repay their debts. In certain states, creditors were even compelled to accept the paper money. The central government had to rely on state generosity for its funds and authority, and a unanimous vote if key decisions were to be passed, which did not function satisfactorily due to self-interest. This rendered America as a mere collection of isolated states, vulnerable to attack by natives or rival colonists. The disjointed effort of states to solve their individual problems was becoming worryingly uncoordinated. The short-term trigger of Shays†s rebellion embodied these flaws. Massachusetts had raised taxes to repay its debts, and this hit the poor (who were already struggling in the aftermath of the war of independence) hard. Daniel Shays†s, a discontented war veteran turned farmer, led a mob consisting of over one thousand equally dissatisfied farmers in an assault on the Springfield armoury. Although easy put down, the incident had caused widespread concern over America†s weaknesses, resulting in the necessity for the convention and the changes it would incur. America†s problems in the mid 1780†³s stemmed from an inadequate central government. Due to a lack of control over states and individuals, congress was incapable to regulate America†s economy sufficiently, neither was it empowered to effectively defend not only its territory but also the rights of the individual. Thus the convention was significant as it intended to address the causes of these problems, not the symptoms. Thomas Jefferson, though absent from the convention serving as an envoy to France, played his part. He famously assigned the description â€Å"an assembly of demi-gods†to the gathering. Although this may not have been entirely appropriate, the delegates were certainly formidable; among their number such legends as Franklin, Hamilton, Madison and Washington were to be found. The extensive reputations and abilities of these men are tribute to the importance and prominence of the convention. The collective qualities of the convention also included diversity; there were federalists and anti-federalists, speakers and listeners, idealists and realists. Most of the delegates were comparatively young like James Madison; the average age was forty-four, but there remained ample room for experience in the form of Benjamin Franklin among others. George Washington played a substantial role at the convention. Being revered Commander-in-Chief of the victorious American army during the war of independence augmented his already impressive national stature. He commanded colossal respect over his fellow Americans, demonstrated by his immediate and unanimous election as presiding officer at the convention. He applied this influence wisely, quickly settling disputes and safeguarding America†s best interests while maintaining the atmosphere of goodwill. As a fledgling nation, divided into states and possessing only a loose political system, America was in need of a formal and comprehensive but flexible and durable document under which it was to be run. The convention recognised this fact and accordingly created the Constitution of the United States. The constitution compromised the authority of state and federal governments; for every branch of federal government there was a corresponding arm of each states†government. The constitution also handed supreme power to the central government; the right of individual states to make treaties, coin money, declare war or maintain an army and it required approval from the federal government over regulation of trade. Federal law took precedence, and congress now had sufficient power over taxes, defence, commerce and legislation. The supreme federal court also had the power to overrule the decisions made by state judiciaries, although states still retained everyday management of their legal systems. Although the federal government now had supreme power and authority over important areas such as defence, it was generally perceived that the states would be predominant in organising and managing themselves, albeit under the supervision of the federal government. It was also necessary to compromise over the issue of state representation. To satisfy both larger and smaller states, the house of representatives was to be based upon a system of proportional representation while each state would be equally represented in the senate. These concessions were acceptable to both small states such as New Jersey and larger states like Virginia and thus one of the most frequently debated issues of the convention was settled. The constitution created a sufficiently robust federal government that was now able to rectify the previous difficulties over taxes, debts, security, law and the economy. Although the American system was now comparatively democratic, it was not excessively so; only one-in-six adult males could vote so the fears of democracy arriving too abruptly were allayed. Both state and federal governments were to be deftly balanced. Each branch of government was responsible for regulating the others and could never possess a dominance of authority. For example, the president could make most key decisions, but could be overruled by the senate if the vote was adequate. He possessed much authority but due to the democratic method by which he was elected, it was unlikely that he would abuse it and congress were able to remove him if it proved necessary. Thus the constitution was also engineered to avoid its abuse and ensure that no section of America†s government could grow too powerful. America†s future as a viable nation hung in the balance following its political severance from Britain. Its governmental system was previously untried and thus susceptible to defects. The situation in the North American continent was potentially a very difficult one. There were huge expanses of land mainly to the east still under contention from Indians, the French and the Spanish. Europe was undergoing a great many changes; consequently America†s links with Europe would possibly be compromised. Thus America needed a strong position with which to confront forthcoming problems, and the new constitution provided this.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Zoe’s Tale PART I Chapter Four
Let me tell you about that jade elephant. My mother's name – my biological mother's name – was Cheryl Boutin. She died when I was five; she was hiking with a friend and she fell. My memories of her are what you'd expect them to be: hazy fragments from a five-year-old mind, supported by a precious few pictures and videos. They weren't that much better when I was younger. Five is a bad age to lose a mother, and to hope to remember her for who she was. One thing I had from her was a stuffed version of Babar the elephant that my mother gave to me on my fourth birthday. I was sick that day, and had to stay in bed all day long. This did not make me happy, and I let everyone know it, because that was the kind of four-year-old I was. My mother surprised me with the Babar doll, and then we cuddled up together and she read Babar's stories to me until I fell asleep, lying across her. It's my strongest memory of her, even now; not so much how she looked, but the low and warm sound of her voice, and the softness of her belly as I lay against her and drifted off, her stroking my head. The sensation of my mother, and the feeling of love and comfort from her. I miss her. Still do. Even now. Even right now. After my mother died I couldn't go anywhere without Babar. He was my connection to her, my connection to that love and comfort I didn't have anymore. Being away from Babar meant being away from what I had left of her. I was five years old. This was my way of handling my loss. It kept me from falling into myself, I think. Five is a bad age to lose your mother, like I said; I think it could be a good age to lose yourself, if you're not careful. Shortly after my mother's funeral, my father and I left Phoenix, where I was born, and moved to Covell, a space station orbiting above a planet called Omagh, where he did research. Occasionally his job had him leave Covell on business trips. When that happened I stayed with my friend Kay Greene and her parents. One time my father was leaving on a trip; he was running late and forgot to pack Babar for me. When I figured this out (it didn't take long), I started to cry and panic. To placate me, and because he did love me, you know, he promised to bring me a Celeste doll when he returned from his trip. He asked me to be brave until then. I said I would, and he kissed me and told me to go play with Kay. I did. While he was away, we were attacked. It would be a very long time before I would see my father again. He remembered his promise, and brought me a Celeste. It was the first thing he did when I saw him. I still have her. But I don't have Babar. In time, I became an orphan. I was adopted by John and Jane, who I call â€Å"Dad†and â€Å"Mom,†but not â€Å"Father†and â€Å"Mother,†because those I keep for Charles and Cheryl Boutin, my first parents. John and Jane understand this well enough. They don't mind that I make the distinction. Before we moved to Huckleberry – just before – Jane and I went to a mall in Phoenix City, the capital city of Phoenix. We were on our way to get ice cream; when we passed a toy store I ran in to play hide-and-seek with Jane. This went smashingly until I went down an aisle with stuffed animals in it, and came face-to-face with Babar. Not my Babar, of course. But one close enough to him that all I could do was stop and stare. Jane came up behind me, which meant she couldn't see my face. â€Å"Look,†she said. â€Å"It's Babar. Would you like one to go with your Celeste doll?†She reached over and picked one out of the bin. I screamed and slapped it out of her hand and ran out of the toy store. Jane caught up with me and held me while I sobbed, cradling me against her shoulder, stroking my head like my mother did when she read the Babar stories to me on my birthday. I cried myself out and then when I was done, I told her about the Babar my mother had given me. Jane understood why I didn't want another Babar. It wasn't right to have a new one. It wouldn't be right to put something on top of those memories of her. To pretend that another Babar could replace the one she gave me. It wasn't the toy. It was everything about the toy. I asked Jane not to tell John about Babar or what had just happened. I was feeling out of sorts enough having just gone to pieces in front of my new mom. I didn't want to drag my new dad into it too. She promised. And then she gave me a hug and we went to get ice cream, and I just about made myself throw up eating an entire banana split. Which to my eight-year-old mind was a good thing. Truly, an eventful day all around. A week later Jane and I were standing on the observation deck of the CDFS Amerigo Vespucci, staring down at the blue and green world named Huckleberry, where we would live the rest of our lives, or so we thought. John had just left us, to take care of some last-minute business before we took our shuttle trip down to Missouri City, from where we would go to New Goa, our new home. Jane and I were holding hands and pointing out surface features to each other, trying to see if we could see Missouri City from geostationary orbit. We couldn't. But we made good guesses. â€Å"I have something for you,†Jane said to me, after we decided where Missouri City would be, or ought to be, anyway. â€Å"Something I wanted to give you before we landed on Huckleberry.†â€Å"I hope it's a puppy,†I said. I'd been hinting in that direction for a couple of weeks. Jane laughed. â€Å"No puppies!†she said. â€Å"At least not until we're actually settled in. Okay?†â€Å"Oh, all right,†I said, disappointed. â€Å"No, it's this,†Jane said. She reached into her pocket to pull out a silver chain with something that was a pale green at the end. I took the chain and looked at the pendant. â€Å"It's an elephant,†I said. â€Å"It is,†Jane said. She knelt down so that she and I were face-to-face. â€Å"I bought it on Phoenix just before we left. I saw it in a shop and it made me think of you.†â€Å"Because of Babar,†I said. â€Å"Yes,†Jane said. â€Å"But for other reasons, too. Most of the people who live on Huckleberry are from a country on Earth called India, and many of them are Hindu, which is a religion. They have a god called Ganesh, who has the head of an elephant. Ganesh is their god of intelligence, and I think you're pretty smart. He's also the god of beginnings, which makes sense, too.†â€Å"Because we're starting our lives here,†I said. â€Å"Right,†Jane said. She took the pendant and necklace from me and put the silver chain around my neck, fastening it in the back. â€Å"There's also the saying that ‘an elephant never forgets.' Have you heard it?†I nodded. â€Å"John and I are proud to be your parents, Zoe. We're happy you're part of our life now, and will help us make our life to come. But I know neither of us would want you ever to forget your mother and father.†She drew back and then touched the pendant, gently. â€Å"This is to remind you how much we love you,†Jane said. â€Å"But I hope it will also remind you how much your mother and father loved you, too. You're loved by two sets of parents, Zoe. Don't forget about the first because you're with us now.†â€Å"I won't,†I said. â€Å"I promise.†â€Å"The last reason I wanted to give you this was to continue the tradition,†Jane said. â€Å"Your mother and your father each gave you an elephant. I wanted to give you one, too. I hope you like it.†â€Å"I love it,†I said, and then launched myself into Jane. She caught me and hugged me. We hugged for a while, and I cried a little bit too. Because I was eight years old, and I could do that. I eventually unhugged myself from Jane and looked at the pendant again. â€Å"What is this made of?†I asked. â€Å"It's jade,†Jane said. â€Å"Does it mean anything?†I asked. â€Å"Well,†Jane said, â€Å"I suppose it means I think jade is pretty.†â€Å"Did Dad get me an elephant, too?†I asked. Eight-year-olds can switch into acquisition mode pretty quickly. â€Å"I don't know,†Jane said. â€Å"I haven't talked to him about it, because you asked me not to. I don't think he knows about the elephants.†â€Å"Maybe he'll figure it out,†I said. â€Å"Maybe he will,†Jane said. She stood and took my hand again, and we looked out at Huckleberry once more. About a week and a half later, after we were all moved in to Huckleberry, Dad came through the door with something small and squirmy in his hands. No, it wasn't an elephant. Use your heads, people. It was a puppy. I squealed with glee – which I was allowed to do, eight at the time, remember – and John handed the puppy to me. It immediately tried to lick my face off. â€Å"Aftab Chengelpet just weaned a litter from their mother, so I thought we might give one of the puppies a home,†Dad said. â€Å"You know, if you want. Although I don't recall you having any enthusiasm for such a creature. We could always give it back.†â€Å"Don't you dare,†I said, between puppy licks. â€Å"All right,†Dad said. â€Å"Just remember he's your responsibility. You'll have to feed him and exercise him and take care of him.†â€Å"I will,†I said. â€Å"And neuter him and pay for his college,†Dad said. â€Å"What?†I said. â€Å"John,†Mom said, from her chair, where she had been reading. â€Å"Never mind those last two,†Dad said. â€Å"But you will have to give him a name.†I held the puppy at arm's length to get a good look at him; he continued to try to lick my face from a distance and wobbled in my grip as his tail's momentum moved him around. â€Å"What are some good dog names?†I asked. â€Å"Spot. Rex. Fido. Champ,†Dad said. â€Å"Those are the cliche names, anyway. Usually people try to go for something more memorable. When I was a kid I had a dog my dad called Shiva, Destroyer of Shoes. But I don't think that would be appropriate in a community of former Indians. Maybe something else.†He pointed to my elephant pendant. â€Å"I notice you seem to be into elephants these days. You have a Celeste. Why not call him Babar?†From behind Dad I could see Jane look up from her reading to look at me, remembering what happened at the toy store, waiting to see how I would react. I burst out laughing. â€Å"So that's a yes,†Dad said, after a minute. â€Å"I like it,†I said. I hugged my new puppy, and then held him out again. â€Å"Hello, Babar,†I said. Babar gave a happy little bark and then peed all over my shirt. And that's the story of the jade elephant.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Explore the various reasons for Hamlet’s delay Essay
Shakespeare presents the subject of hamlet’s provocation in a way that many different reasons could be suitable and debateable at the same time. Through the whole play, Shakespeare makes it clear that hamlet delays the intended murder for reasons such as preventing Claudius from going to heaven, waiting for the right opportunity to strike, hamlet trying to get proof that his ghost’s father is right and possibly that he wants to kill Claudius and lie with his mother. In the early stages of the play, the audience is introduced to the death of hamlet’s father â€Å"the king†and soon afterwards his mother marries Claudius. Hamlet’s father’s ghost appears suddenly to hamlet and tells him to kill Claudius, the man responsible for his death but spare his mother. However hamlet delays because he is uncertain if his father’s ghost is real or the devil sent to deceive him and damn his name as quoted †that spirit I have seen maybe the devil, sent to damn out of my weakness and melancholy. †The term â€Å"maybe†clarifies that hamlet has doubts about the true form of the ghost and therefore he needs solid proof and believes that the devil exists with bad intentions of making people sin. However, hamlet clearly fears weakness and melancholy or he does want to be taken advantage of. At this point in time, he shows how smart he is by saying†I will have grounds more relative that this, the play is the thing. †This quotation suggests that hamlet decides to search for his proof to make sure that he is right and fair but at this time, his mind is troubled because he does not know the truth yet but is eager to find out by making the players play his father’s death where in that process he will observe Claudius’s reactions. It’s fair to say that hamlet is a religious person and his religious beliefs that ghosts are agents of the devil are the ones which make doubt his father’s ghost and therefore delay his revenge. When hamlets get proof that Claudius is indeed the murderer, the opportunity of killing him in the church presents itself but hamlet does not take it because he does not want to send Claudius to heaven as quoted from his soliloquy †a villain kills my father and I, son do and send him to heaven! No†hamlet withdraws from killing Claudius because Claudius has confessed his sins and if he dies now, Claudius will go to heaven to enjoy while he and his father suffer in hell and clearly hamlet does not want that. One of the reasons he does not want them is the fact that he does not want let down his father’s ghost which told him to kill Claudius in sin so that he suffers the same fate as his father and hamlet clearly wants Claudius to suffer for killing his father. After he withdraws, hamlet says to himself that he will wait for the time when Claudius is in sin as his father was and then strike. Hamlet’s final judgement prevents him from acting which is based on religion. However, this lost opportunity can be attributed the reason that hamlet is moral and different from Claudius and by killing Claudius is like him being compared to a murderer. I also assume that his psychological status, that is his troubled mind which I think is depressed and possibly a real madness prevents him from carting out the murder. Some critics say hamlet delays because he is waiting for the right time. I agree with that because he has an opportunity to kill Claudius in the church but he does not take it and says that he will wait for the time when Claudius in sin as quoted †when he is drunk asleep, or in his rage, or in the incestuous pleasure of his bed. †The term when suggests a time it will right in hamlet’s mind to kill Claudius and so he waits for that right time. However, other reasons for the right time might be that Claudius is a king and so well guarded that it’s not easy for hamlet to strike him down and hamlet fears the consequences if he kills Claudius. He fears he will hurt his mother for a start which he does not want to happen and secondly, he has no clear proof to prove that Claudius is the villain except for the ghost which people assume is an agent of evil or the devil and so people will deny his proof. Hamlet wants Claudius to be seen as the villain but if he kills Claudius, people will assume that he is the villain and probably be driven out of the country. In conclusion, hamlet’s provocation is due to many reasons which all make sense and sound right as presented by Shakespeare. His delay could be as a result of waiting for the right so that everything goes as planned by him and also the need to get concrete proof his father’s ghosts is right to avoid deception by the devil which is smart.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Canada Multiculturalism Immigrants and Citizenship †Free Samples
This is to be noted that two hundred traditional origins were marked in the Canadian population according to the 2011 National Household Survey (NHS) (Schultz and Caroline). It is evident that the traditional origins had exceeded significantly one million marks. This is to be mentioned as per the report authorized by AMP that significant migrants of Canadahas arrived from China, United Kingdom and New Zealand. It is also to be noted that as per the 2006 Census by the particular Statistics Canada, 783,795 Canadian populationrecognized as black, marked as 2.5% of the overall population of Canada (Owusu-Bempah and Wortley). This is clearly evident that 11% of the black population is recognized as the cross-race of the black and white. The term banana in ‘I’m Banana and Proud of It’ refers to the yellow outwardly and white inwardly. According to Choy, the Chinese who are born in the North America act and behave like the white people but they still look like the Asians and therefore they are given the nickname of banana. He comments that the other cultures also earns other nicknames as well, like for example, the Indians are often said ‘apples’ and the blacks are named as ‘Oreo cookies’. Where else, in Canada Multiculturalism immigrants and citizenship’, it is said that Canada offers the perfect idea of Multiculturalism comprised with significant co-existence of diverse and different cultures (Modood). This is to be mentioned that the diverse culture comprises ethnic, spiritual, or traditional groups and is established in accustomed practices, cultural conventions and ethical values, thought process, and significant communicative skills and practices. As per t he Canadian history, there is a clear and significant impact of European culture and ethnicity, exclusively French and British on their culture by the individuality of the specific indigenous culture. This is to be noted that the important essentials of the cross-cultures of Canadian significant immigrant people have started playing a major role in the mainstream culture of Canada. Choy in his book reveal the very painful experiences of his parents that they endured while arriving in North America. His parents being belonging from the Chinese culture had faced racial bias from the people of North America. On the other side, Canada knows to identify and respect the significant society comprised with multiplicity and diversity among dialects, customs, and religious believes. This is to be noted that in the year1982 multiculturalism was recognized and rewarded by the particular section 27 of the significant ‘Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms’ (Baldwin). The significant ‘Canadian Multiculturalism Act’ was passed by Brian Mulroney, the former Canadian Prime Minister at that time. This is to be mentioned that the significant Canadian Multiculturalism Act is known as a particular law, authorized in the year of 1988. This significant lawhas an objective to realm and enrich multiculturalism specifically in Canada. According to the multiple historical records thesignificant centralized government, led byPierre Elliott Trudeau,the former Prime Minister acknowledged in the year 1971 that Canada would accept cross-cultural policy (GgraÃ… ¾ulis, Vladimiras, and Vladimiras).It can be said that Canada would acknowledge and appreciatethe significant diversity in languages, civilizations, religious faith in the Canadian Society. I’m banana and proud of it depicts the racial biases that people still suffers from while moving to some other nation and entering into their culture. However, Canada became significantly the first country in the entire world to adopt the practice multiculturalism as an official strategy in the year 1971 (Pfohman and Shannon). It is evident that the specificproclamationsignificantlyrefers to statement of former Prime Minister Trudeau in the House of Commons of Canada on the 8th October 1971(Pacione and Darren). This is to be noted that this incident took place afternegotiation, the strategies of multiculturalism and bilingualism would be applied in Canada. It is evident thatCanadian Multiculturalism Act (CMA) of 1988 was authorized as the outcome of this strategy statement(Hershey and Samantha). This is to be noted that Canada is playing a major role in order to executing the multicultural strategy as their official policy. The dedicated organization named Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is taking all the responsibilities related to thedevelopment of significant strategies and policies and handling specifically permanent and temporary abode visa, refugee security and citizenship submissions. They lead the significant refugees and immigrants to settle in Canada by the significant fund raising companies as the Canadian Caregivers Association to offernew arrivals with significant and exclusive settlement events. These dedicatedcompanies are known as the significant service provider companies. Choy further acknowledges how the Chinese people risked their life during the Word War II by joining army and only after that they had gained the right to be the citizen of North America. He also considered the view point of the elders of china about the young generation of China who assimilated so very well into the life of North American. He claims that Chinese will never forget their roots as they look into the mirror, it always reflects back. He also pointed out the fact that they are been brainwashed by the lifestyle of North Americans. However, he realized that he is not from any of the world and he therefore tries to find out the foundation of his Chinese roots. And finally, he accepted that he is a banana and he is proud of being a Chinese. Hence, from the story ‘I’m banana and proud of it’ it can be analyzed that Wayson Choy argued about the tough times his parents faced as an immigrant and first nation in Canada, whereas in ‘Canada Multiculturalism immigrants and citizenship’ Will Kymlicka argued that how Canada welcomes diversity spreading both its hands. Canada is known as one of the country marked by multiculturalism in the significant Western Government. They have already stated the example that immigration can be comprehended as significantly the first and foremost step to the citizenship. Canada has made people learn that the generosity of a country lies in the acceptance of an immigrant and transform the person into a citizen but the story of Choy differs from this. Aknin, Lara B., et al. "Prosocial spending and well-being: Cross-cultural evidence for a psychological universal." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 104.4 (2013): 635. Baldwin, Caroline Maureen. Canadian Roman Catholic Young Adults Who Persevered In Faith. Diss. 2015. Casella Colombeau, Sara. "Policing the internal Schengen borders–managing the double bind between free movement and migration control." Policing and society 27.5 (2017): 480-493. GgraÃ… ¾ulis, Vladimiras, and Vladimirasmockien?. "Multiculturalism through the prism of history: experiences and perspectives and lessons to learn." human resources management & ergonomics 11.1 (2017). Hershey, Samantha. Ethical Pluralism and Informed Consent in Canadian Health Care: Exploring Accommodations and Limitations. MS thesis. University of Waterloo, 2017. Modood, Tariq. "Multiculturalism, interculturalisms and the majority." Journal of Moral Education 43.3 (2014): 302-315. Owusu-Bempah, Akwasi, and Scot Wortley. "Race, crime, and criminal justice in Canada." The oxford handbook of ethnicity, crime and immigration (2014): 283-320. Pacione, Darren. "The FLQ trials, 1969-1971: judicial tensions and constitutional questions." Quebec Studies 55 (2013): 101-118. Pfohman, Shannon. A Comparison of the Situation of Bosnian Refugees in Berlin and Chicago. Diss. FreieUniversità ¤t Berlin, 2014. Schultz, Caroline. "Mapping of Population Diversity in Canada and Germany: Different Strategies, Similar Pragmatism." Review of European and Russian Affairs 11.1 (2017). Getting academic assistance from
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