Saturday, November 30, 2019
Psychology Adolescent Depression The Under Acknowledged Disease Depre
Psychology Adolescent Depression: The Under Acknowledged Disease Depression is a disease that afflicts the human psyche in such a way that the afflicted tends to act and react abnormally toward others and themselves. Therefore it comes to no surprise to discover that adolescent depression is strongly linked to teen suicide. Adolescent suicide is now responsible for more deaths in youths aged 15 to 19 than cardiovascular disease or cancer (Blackman, 1995). Despite this increased suicide rate, depression in this age group is greatly underdiagnosed and leads to serious difficulties in school, work and personal adjustment which may often continue into adulthood. How prevalent are mood disorders in children and when should an adolescent with changes in mood be considered clinically depressed? Brown (1996) has said the reason why depression is often over looked in children and adolescents is because "children are not always able to express how they feel." Sometimes the symptoms of mood disorders take on different forms in children than in adults. Adolescence is a time of emotional turmoil, mood swings, gloomy thoughts, and heightened sensitivity. It is a time of rebellion and experimentation. Blackman (1996) observed that the "challenge is to identify depressive symptomatology which may be superimposed on the backdrop of a more transient, but expected, developmental storm." Therefore, diagnosis should not lay only in the physician's hands but be associated with parents, teachers and anyone who interacts with the patient on a daily basis. Unlike adult depression, symptoms of youth depression are often masked. Instead of expressing sadness, teenagers may express boredom and irritability, or may choose to engage in risky behaviors (Oster Mood disorders are often accompanied by other psychological problems such as anxiety (Oster Brown, 1996; Lasko et al., 1996) and suicide (Blackman, 1995; Brown, 1996; Lasko et al., 1996; Oster The signs of clinical depressi on include marked changes in mood and associated behaviors that range from sadness, withdrawal, and decreased energy to intense feelings of hopelessness and suicidal thoughts. Depression is often described as an exaggeration of the duration and intensity of "normal" mood changes (Brown 1996). Key indicators of adolescent depression include a drastic change in eating and sleeping patterns, significant loss of interest in previous activity interests (Blackman, 1995; Oster Blackman (1995) proposed that "formal psychologic testing may be helpful in complicated presentations that do not lend themselves easily to diagnosis." For many teens, symptoms of depression are directly related to low self esteem stemming from increased emphasis on peer popularity. For other teens, depression arises from poor family relations which could include decreased family support and perceived rejection by parents (Lasko et al., 1996). Oster This "distraction" could include increased disruptive behavior, self -inflicted isolation and even verbal threats of suicide. So how can the physician determine when a patient should be diagnosed as depressed or suicidal? Brown (1996) suggested the best way to diagnose is to "screen out the vulnerable groups of children and adolescents for the risk factors of suicide and then refer them for treatment." Some of these "risk factors" include verbal signs of suicide within the last three months, prior attempts at suicide, indication of severe mood problems, or excessive alcohol and substance abuse. Many physicians tend to think of depression as an illness of adulthood. In fact, Brown (1996) stated that "it was only in the 1980's that mood disorders in children were included in the category of diagnosed psychiatric illnesses." In actuality, 7-14% of children will experience an episode of major depression before the age of 15. An average of 20-30% of adult bipolar patients report having their first episode before the age of 20. In a sampling of 100,000 ado lescents, two to three thousand will have mood disorders out of which 8-10 will commit suicide (Brown, 1996). Blackman (1995)
Monday, November 25, 2019
Spans of control and scalar chain Essay Example
Spans of control and scalar chain Essay Example Spans of control and scalar chain Paper Spans of control and scalar chain Paper Flour Daniels opted to implement a decentralised structure largely due to them being forced by the changing environment, and as a result of this they merged and became much larger in size. In order to assess this new structure Flour Daniels would have considered the nature of the product and service being offered, policy making, day-to-day management and standardisation of procedures and contract terms for employees. This would have meant that senior management still needed to maintain effective control and co-ordination of all the activities of the organisation. Ideally, organisations thinking of moving to decentralisation need to blend the benefits for customer orientation and increased responsiveness, taking into account the advantages of size, common resources and economies of scales. Mercy Hospital adopted a completely team based approach which involved a participative style of managerial behaviour, which encouraged supportive relationships between superiors and subordinates. Group methods of organisation, decision making and supervision led to a sustained improvement in work performance reacting positively to the change in the organisations structure. Both companies changed their organisation structure, as this was clearly essential for continued economic performance and competitiveness. In adopting these changes it is apparent that due to their current success they took into account a similar framework as Christensen and Overdorf suggest, in their management styles and approaches. This framework helps managers understand what types of change the organisation is capable and incapable of handling by considering the following: Resources access to abundant, high quality resources increases and organisations chances of coping with change. Processes the patterns of interaction, co-ordination, communication and decision making employees use to transform resources into products or services. Values the standards by which employees set priorities that enable them to judge whether an order is attractive, of if a customer is more or less important or an idea for a new product is attractive or marginal. Analysis of Mercy Hospital and Fluor Daniels Before the re-organisation of structure design within Mercy Hospital and Fluor Daniels both companies reflected a tall hierarchical structure. This is normally associated with bureaucratic organisations such as these where they were working within specialisation of tasks, hierarchy of authority and decision making with systems of rules and regulations, with many layers. This resulted in simple tasks being dealt with inefficiently due to the number of levels of authority in order for a decision to be made. As Tom Peters suggests there are three key things that must happen to an organisational structure if they are to change quickly to different circumstances. Layers of management must be radically reduced. No more than five layers are necessary, regardless of the size. Most support staff must be assigned to the operations of the business, reporting to line managers. They should be encouraged to be business team members rather than narrow functional specialists. A radically increased ratio of non-supervisors to supervisors must be established so that there is a wide span of control. The minimum being one supervisor to every 25-75 non-supervisors. Although adopting different approaches as a reaction of change both companies reflect the above suggestions of Tom Peters. Before the reorganisation employees had little or no say on how they wish to see the organisation going, with no delegated power of decision making which leads to frustration due to the beauracacy involved. Today, both companies enable empowerment of individuals allowing them greater freedom, autonomy, and self control over their work as well as responsibility for decision making. This results in the decision making process being speeded up, the release of creative innovative capacities, greater job satisfaction, motivation and commitment as well as their employees gaining a greater sense of achievement from their work. The movement of tighter and leaner organisations has increased emphasis on the demand of a flexible firm; this is highlighted by economic pressures and rapid developments in information technology. One particular approach to flexible structural design is the concept of a shamrock model. Charles Handy describes this as an organisation which possesses several parts which are nevertheless attached to a whole. This could be described as the approach taken by Fluor Daniels. Mercy Hospital and Fluor Daniels were aware that they needed to improve their efficiency and competitiveness, whilst appreciating the demand for more participative styles of management and greater involvement of staff. This drew their attention to the consideration of looking at their spans of control and scalar chains. Flatter structures, not only has benefits to both companies due to a reduction and savings on managerial costs but also by the image perceived by customers by reducing unnecessary layers of the scalar chain, with fewer levels between the top and base of the hierarchical pyramid. Mercy Hospital and Fluor Daniels observed the conclusion made by Meredith Belbin the pre-eminence of team working in current and future scenarios will inevitably lead to trapezium organisations where autonomous work groups or teams are supported by a small number of operational managers, and where strategic decisions are taken by a small group of separate managers in a balanced team. They both incorporated the classic structure recommended for empowering, whereby their separate organisations are an inverted triangle, drawn to illustrate the role of the board of directors and facilitators in supporting positions rather than authoritative positions. Both these organisation which are team based do not require managing, it merely requires their managers and supervisors to become skilled people in facilitating, communicating good and bad news, breaking down barriers and providing expert information and knowledge. Drucker stated There are only organisations, each of which has distinct strengths, distinct limitations and specific applications. It has become clear that organisation is not an absolute. It is a tool for making people productive in working together. As such, a given organisation structure fits certain tasks in certain conditions and at certain times.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Bacterial Conjunctivitis Treatment Experiment
Bacterial Conjunctivitis Treatment Experiment Introduction and Background Thanks to the wildly popular Judd Apatow hit â€Å"Knocked Up†, an alarming number of Americans believe that you can contract â€Å"pinkeye†(conjunctivitis) by farting into your pillow. Contrary to popular belief, simply passing gas is not enough to spread conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is categorized by the redness or swelling of the conjunctiva – the membrane that lines the eyelid and eye surface. This membrane is typically clear but when it is infected, it becomes red or pink and swells – thus, the common name â€Å"pinkeye†since the infected eye literally appears to be pink. 10 Common symptoms associated with conjunctivitis include eye redness (hyperemia), swollen or red eye lids, an excess of tearing, a burning or itching feeling in the eye, sensitivity to light (photophobia) and drainage from the eye. Conjunctivitis is common but not typically considered threatening – as it can disappear on its own in 7 to 10 days. However, particular strains of bacterial conjunctivitis – namely those caused by the sexually transmitted infections gonorrhea or Chlamydia – can very harmful.9 Most cases of conjunctivitis are caused by viruses or bacteria. However, dry eyes caused by lack of tears or over exposure to wind and sun, chemicals, fumes or smoke (known as chemical conjunctivitis) and allergies are also common culprits. The viral and bacterial forms of conjunctivitis are the contagious forms and subsequently, the most common. The majority of cases are caused by adenoviruses and can be attributed to poor hygiene (i.e. not washing your hands after using the restroom or poor care of contact lenses).10 Since there is no medication available to treat the viral form of conjunctivitis, patients are advised to avoid contact with others until symptoms begin to improve – which typically lasts three to five days. Bacterial conjunctivitis can be treated with a wide variety of antibioti cs including Levofloxacin, Vigamox Opht (Vigamox), Azasite Opht (Azasite) and Polymyxin B Sul-Trimethoprim Opht (Polytrim).5 Patients may return to usual activities such as work and school 24 hours after taking their first does of the prescribed antibiotic. To test and diagnose conjunctivitis, your primary care physician or optometrist can take a sample of eye secretions from the conjunctiva and send the sample to a laboratory for analysis. To prevent the spread of conjunctivitis – bacterial or viral – patients are advised to wash their hands often, to avoid sharing any form of eye make-up, to replace contacts with eye glasses if available and to wash all bed linens, pillowcases and towels with hot water and detergent. Bacterial Conjunctivitis Bacterial conjunctivitis is relatively less common than viral conjunctivitis, especially in adults.3 and essentially, despite having clinically suggestive signs and symptoms of bacterial conjunctivitis, the diagnosis can be incor rect in approximately 50% of cases. Further, bacteria that reside among the normal ocular flora can result in â€Å"false positives†when microbiologic tests are performed.3 This makes treatment of this form of conjunctivitis difficult. In fact, according to multiple studies, general practitioners are unable to determine whether conjunctivitis is bacterial or viral and therefore resort to prescribing antibiotics regardless. According to an article published in BMJ, when confronted with acute infectious conjunctivitis, most general practitioners feel unable to discriminate between a bacterial and a viral cause. In practice, more than 80% of such patients receive antibiotics. Hence, in cases of acute infectious conjunctivitis, many unnecessary ocular antibiotics are prescribed.4 In 2001 in the Netherlands; more than 900,000 prescriptions for topical ocular antibiotics were issued, at a cost of  £8.85 million ($10.9 million). In England 3.4 million community prescriptions f or these antibiotics are issued each year, at a cost to the NHS of  £4.7 million ($7.1 million, $8.7 million).4
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Holocaust Heroes Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Holocaust Heroes - Research Paper Example The holocaust The holocaust was an ultimate occurrence of accumulated inter racial conflict that developed from the German’s perception that they were â€Å"racially superior†as compared to the Jews and other races. As a result, the Germans believed that other races did not deserve the right to life. This led to pre-holocaust discrimination of the other races by the Nazi regime and the ultimate execution. The Germans, following their influence in the Second World War that put many territories across Europe under Hitler’s control, took advantage of their authority to eliminate the Jews. Though the Jews previously submitted to oppression from the Nazis, the native Germans still considered them as enemies and a threat. Consequently, â€Å"nearly two out of every three Jews†were killed in the German’s move to eliminate the Jews. The German regime â€Å"deported millions of Jews†from Germany and their captured territories to designated location s at which the Jews were killed (Ushmm, p. 1). Though there were individual efforts against the Nazi’s forces to clear off the Jews, the ultimate end of the Holocaust was the defeat of the Germans in the world war in the year 1945 when the Germans â€Å"forces surrendered unconditionally†(Ushmm, p. 1). ... He for instance illustrates of a woman who took him together with his â€Å"brother to a train station†(Drucker, n.p.). This experience illustrates a heroic move by the woman who disregarded racial differences to facilitate safety of the vulnerable children at the time. Her heroic state is also identified by the brave move that she took with respect to taking risks of taking Drucker and his brother to the station. This is because she dared being treated as a traitor by the Nazis forces that could lead to her execution. Similarly, she could be mistaken for a Jew following her association with them to become a victim of the holocaust. Druker also explains that his parents’ â€Å"lives were saved by the gentile farmers of the town†(Drucker, n.p.). This exhibits compassion at both individual and communal level. To denounce the racism and on the contrary protect a Jew amidst the racial and national controversy during the war was heroic. Restraining from betraying th e individuals, who saved Drucker’s parents, to the forces identifies the level of compassion that the town people had. As Drucker presents the experience, the whole town undertook the initiative to protect Jews from Nazi’s wrath. Similarly, Meyer, a survivor of the holocaust, talks of a â€Å"good man by the name Jeff†(Mayer, n.p). Jeff was also daring to try to rescue Jews from the military offensive. His bravery and compassion that defied racism defines his heroic attitude (Mayer, n.d.). Another heroic move to save Jews from the military offensive was done by Oscar Schindler who succeeded in rescuing more than 1000 Jews. As reported by the Holocaust, Oscar made personal sacrifices to ensure protection of the Jews from the forces.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Information And Research Methods In Business Paper
Information And Methods In Business - Research Paper Example Immediately prior to the generalization, however, we review the recent literature immediately available on the topic to reexamine our perspective and build our generalizations on a more stable foundation. There are three basic ways of identifying, summarizing and analyzing product quality problems. One basic way is to identify, summarize, and analyze product quality problem from the point of view of the consumer. The second basic way is to identify, summarize, and analyze product quality problems from the viewpoint of distributors. The second will only be applicable for businesses that tap distribution companies for a product. The third basic way is to identify, summarize, and analyze product quality problems from the point of view of our retailers. Like the second, this will not always apply to all types of businesses. Finally, the fourth basic way is to identify, summarize, and analyze product quality problems from the perspective of quality control and of a quality control system. In identifying product quality problems as perceived by our consumers, we can implement two kinds of research. One research can identify, summarize, and analyze product quality problem as perceived by the consumers of our product. The second research can focus on the target consumers of our product and identify, summarize, and analyze product quality problems as perceived by the target consumers of our product. In doing a research on quality problem among our consumers, we may want to follow the statistical protocol with regard to computation of the percentage of our consumer who desires certain changes or improvements in our product. A good material for this is Walpole et al. (2007, p. 299-302). For estimation related to means, Walpole et al. (2007) are also useful but one may wish to supplement the discussion on the material with insights from Dekking.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Campaign for Philippine Independence Essay Example for Free
Campaign for Philippine Independence Essay Balanced diet and Physical work out has a major role in attaining long healthy life. The increasing awareness of effects of foods on health has made us diet conscious and left us confused in the land of nutrition. We want to satisfy our palate and eat healthy as well. This often restricts our food choices. The major nutrients for the body are protein, carbohydrate, and fat. These provide the body with energy for various functions like beating of heart, activity of muscles and brain. In addition the body needs vitamins, and minerals for it’s optimal functioning. The importance of balanced diet are: * Optimal macronutrient intake * Total macronutrient intake * Hydration * Eat varied diet Picture of balance diet What is good posture? Posture is the position in which you hold your body upright against gravity while standing, sitting or lying down. Good posture involves training your body to stand, walk, sit and lie in positions where the least strain is placed on supporting muscles and ligaments during movement or weight-bearing activities. Proper posture: * Keeps bones and joints in the correct alignment so that muscles are being used properly. * Helps decrease the abnormal wearing of joint surfaces that could result in arthritis. * Decreases the stress on the ligaments holding the joints of the spine together. * Prevents the spine from becoming fixed in abnormal positions. * Prevents fatigue because muscles are being used more efficiently, allowing the body to use less energy. * Prevents strain or overuse problems. * Prevents backache and muscular pain. * Contributes to a good appearance. Proper Posture Requirements Accessories A woman’s wardrobe can have an endless list of accessories, but there are few basics which cannot be missed out for anything. A classy narrow or broad leather waist belt for formal occasions and a fabric belt for casuals is a must. Footwear comprising of a pointed toe dress shoe in stiletto pattern, a semi-casual peep toe with medium heels, knee high boots, pair of sneakers in feminine shade and funky flip flops will suit every activity you plan to indulge in. B. Fashion and finesse considers the visual languages, politics, and poetics of personal appearance. Dandyism has been most closely associated with influential caucasian Western men-about-town, epitomized by the 19th century style-setting of Oscar Wilde and by Tom Wolfes white suits. The essays collected here, however, examine the spectacle and workings of dandyism to reveal that these were not the only dandies. On the contrary, art historians, literary and cultural historians, and anthropologists identify unrecognized dandies flourishing among early 19th century Native Americans, in Soviet Latvia, in Africa, throughout the African-American diaspora, among women, and in the art world. Moving beyond historical and fictional accounts of dandies, this volume juxtaposes theoretical models with evocative images and descriptions of clothing in order to link sartorial self-construction with artistic, social, and political self-invention. Taking into consideration the vast changes in thinking about identity in the academy, Dandies provides a compelling study of dandyisms destabilizing aesthetic enterprise. Example of Fashion and Finesse The Color Of Summer Revenge Fashion C. Perfume or parfum is a mixture of fragrant essential oils or aroma compounds, fixatives, and solvents used to give the human body, animals, objects, and living spaces a pleasant scent. The odoriferous compounds that make up a perfume can be manufactured synthetically or extracted from plant or animal sources. Perfumes have been known to exist in some of the earliest human civilizations, either through ancient texts or from archaeological digs. Modern perfumery began in the late 19th century with the commercial synthesis of aroma compounds such as vanillin or coumarin, which allowed for the composition of perfumes with smells previously unattainable solely from natural aromatics alone. Cologne is a toiletry, a perfume in a style that originated from Cologne, Germany. However, it has come be a generic term for scented formulations in typical concentration of 2-5% essential oils, or a blend of extracts, alcohol, and water.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Farm Experience :: essays research papers
Hi! Today I wish to share my farm experience with you. Last month I visited farm fields several times. There I got an opportunity to get close with nature (once again!) Well this was a pleasant sight. Small children were playing ball around the grazing cattle. A group of birds was twittering and hovering on field, eager to feed on the crop. The sight is more beautiful when you see pet dogs running for balls with the boys. Wow! These all make a great sight. Hey! wait! If you have seen a sparrow & a Parrot sitting on a branch of tree and singing. Well I hope if you have seen something like this you will never forget it. Any way, when I moved across the field I saw the crops in full-fledged form. The green looking color of crop makes you pleasant. If you have planted some sunflower crop nothing needs to be said. All is beautiful! I was moving round the field in the evening. The leaves seemed busy in moving with wind as if they were agree with it and wanted to accept its invitation of a big party. The branches were steady and up right as if they were absolutely vigilant on the notorious act of the wind. And the birds on its branch made it a live sight! Hands off to nature! Suddenly I felt an odor. It was coming from the mint. I saw that while walking through fields I had reached the mint farming area. All the atmosphere was absolutely filled with mint aroma. What to say after that! I watched it for some while. This was a pleasant feeling. Then I moved forward. While crossing through road I met a huge banyan tree that had sent spiral roots to earth as if its branches wanted to be self-dependent. The tree had no objections with it because it was making it more stable for long term. We have a planning commission for work strategies but what about them! Hands off nature! I returned back as it was getting dark. The next morning I woke up early to see the sunrise from the field. I have seen the sunrise behind mountains, sea and rivers but it was a first opportunity to see it emerging from field! I was at field in time. Farmers were going to inspect their field. The birds had taken their flight.
Monday, November 11, 2019
The Taste of Watermelon
The story was written by Borden Deal, who died in 1985. He was an American novelist and writer of short stories. The story was set in the United States of America in a small village of the countryside. The main characters in the short story were, Freddy Grey and J. D. who are the narrators friends, Mr. Wills who is the father of the beautiful girl, and of course the beautiful girl – Willadean. The narrator has known his guy friends, Freddy Grey and J. D. for years since he moved to this place and started going to school. Willadean is this girl that the narrator is interested in, she is tall and slender. Mr. Wills who is Willadean’s father who everybody was afraid of. He has bright, fierce eyes under heavy eyebrows. The story is about this boy (the narrator) who moved to this certain place and started going to school, was never interested into girls, but he did have an eye on this girl called Willadean. Last year she was nothing compared to who she is now. The narrator mentions how her walk started to turn him on, and how beautiful she really was. But he was afraid to get close to her, cause of her father Mr. Wills who would shake anybody’s soul inside them, with his yelling and always being angry. He had been growing this specific watermelon for a really long time but the narrator decides to steal it at night, most probably to get closer to Willadean, to show that he is not afraid of Mr. Wills where as he really is. He brings his friends Freddy Gray and J. D. with him for support and to help him out, the boys tell him not to do this terrible thing, but unfortunately, he does it. In the end Mr. Wills gets sad after finding out that his watermelon has been kidnapped and bursts out into tears. The narrator does not get closer to Willadean unfortunately and doesn’t even try anymore. The style of the story is written in 3rd person. It uses a lot of hyperbole sentences to make it sound and look more dramatic has really warm atmosphere which really gives the love atmosphere away, which explains a lot of details in certain paragraphs of the story ‘The taste of watermelon’. Maybe the narrator would be able to add some alliteration to make it seem more dramatic. And I would add some more details about the characters to get a much better idea of the characters and be able to picture the characters in your head, to make it seem much easier to you. I enjoyed reading this story. I found it interesting because of the theme of the story, which is basically – love. Because this boy (the narrator) is in love with this girl Willadean and to get closer to her, he decides to steal her father’s watermelon which he had been growing for a really long time. As well as making him extremely mad for once to see the father’s reaction. In the end, the father burst into tears and was very sad for losing his ‘baby’ watermelon; he loved his watermelon so much that Willadean thought he loved the watermelon more than his own daughter. It just really interested me. The Taste of Watermelon Taste of Watermelon is written by Borden Deal. Taste of Watermelon is written in the year of 1979. It is a short story. He is an American author who is dead! He has been dead 25 years. The Taste of Watermelon is set in the country side where a bunch of farmers live. It is set in the states because of the language used. For example ‘golly’ and ‘gosh’. It is set in around the 1970s, the time it was written in. There are 4 main characters I would say. There is Mr. Will who is an old man who is a farmer and every night he guards his huge watermelon with a gun. Then there is a boy who steals the watermelon and eats it up with his friends. He then after he steals it feels really bad and collects the seeds from the floor and gives them to Mr. Wills The story is basically about a boy who steals the watermelon from Mr. Wills and together with his friends; Freddy, Gary, and J. D. , they eat as much as they can of the watermelon and destroy whatever is left. The boy goes home and watches Mr. Wills as he realizes that his watermelon has been stolen. He freaks out and starts destroying all the other watermelons and the boy after a night of not sleeping together with his dad collects all the seeds he could find and gives them to Mr. Wills to plant a field of watermelons for the following year. Mr. wills accepts his apology and is pleased to hear that the boy would love to help Mr. Wills in planting all these seeds. Mr. Wills is happy ?. The author uses 1st person. I personally prefer reading stories written in first person so I as the reader can make a character. When a story is written in first person it is usually more emotional and personal. The language used in this story is pleasant. It is not to formal or informal. The dialogue is funny as it is written in Old American Farmer Language like when they use ‘golly’ and ‘gosh’ I find it very amusing. There isn’t too much description in this story which I absolutely hate so ? I think the main point of this story is to entertain. Yes there is a morale behind everything like in this case it is basically don’t steal and if you do have the courage and decency to own up. But still it seems to me as if the idea of this story is that the writer wanted to write a story that would interest people and they would enjoy reading it. I don’t think that he wanted to send a message across to his readers. It was a great story and I really enjoyed it. It was a bit on the longish side but still enjoyable. The idea was original and really interesting to read. There was a good amount of suspense in this story and it was balanced out between boring bits and funny of interesting bits. As I said before the description wasn’t over done which I can’t stand so on a whole it deserves a ?
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Upper Tier Rights
There are many cases in the history of constitutional law that involve the wording of the United States Constitution. One case that deals with many parts of the constitution is Miranda v Arizona. This was a case that the Supreme Court voted on in 1966. This is a case of upper tier rights, because it deals with the constitutional rights. It mostly deals with the fourteenth amendment which is a right to due process and the sixth amendment which is a right to counsel.A suspect, Ernesto Miranda, was arrested on mostly circumstantial evidence for the kidnapping and rape of an 18 year old female. During the interrogation by the police Miranda confessed to the kidnapping and rape of the female. He also signed a paper that said he was giving a voluntary statement to the police and that the police were not forcing him to confess to the crimes which he may or may not have committed. To most this sounds like the police did an alright job they got a confession out of him and there was no signs o f abuse by the police.So many would say what is the problem? Why is this even considered a constitutional law case? How did Miranda v. Arizona turn into a landmark United States Supreme Court case? When this case went to trial Miranda’s court appointed attorney found out that the police never informed Miranda of his Constitutional right to counsel. So in fact by not informing Miranda that he had the right to counsel the police violated his Fourteenth Amendment which is the right to due process and his sixth amendment which is a right to counsel.If he would have had counsel present in the room he may never have signed that form confessing to the kidnapping and rape of that 18 year old woman. Miranda’s court appointed attorney at trial objected to the confession saying that his clients fifth, sixth, and fourteenth amendment rights were violated. The trial judge overruled the objection mainly because the defendant never formally asked to have an attorney present or to see or speak with his attorney. So Miranda was convicted of the crime and sent to up to 30 years in prison.Miranda’s attorney the appealed the decision all the way up to the Arizona supreme court. The Arizona Supreme Court ruled that they also believed that his rights were not violated because he never asked for an attorney. The Next step Miranda’s Attorney took was that he asked the United States Supreme Court to hear the case and they did. Then on June 13th, 1966 then United States Supreme Court ruled that Ernesto Miranda’s Constitutional rights had been violated by the police. The vote was close it was a 5-4 vote.Chief Justice Earl Warren along with Justices, Black, Douglass, Brennan, and Fortas thought that Miranda’s rights were violated and Justices Clark, Harlan, Stewart, and White thought that the police had acted in the correct manor. This was one of the most historical cases in United States Supreme court history. This basically told police that if you did not inform the individual that he has a right to counsel you can not use any confession or information gathered from that. This is considered an upper tier rights case because it not only deals with one amendment but it actually deals with two others.The fifth, sixth and fourteenth amendments all come into play with this case. Police no Mirandize all suspects before talking to them and almost all law enforcement personal actually do it as they are arresting the suspect just to make sure. A suspect has the right to waive Miranda but then can not use it in the court case later on. In conclusion Miranda v Arizona became a land mark case in United States law history because it one had many constitutional rights broken in it that were corrected by the United States Supreme Court.It also actually helped the law enforcement agencies do their job better. It helped prevent other suspects from having their rights broken like Ernesto Miranda had his. Like stated earlier this is a prime example of upper tier rights because it not only deals with one constitutional right but three and they are three of the most important amendments, the fifth, sixth, and fourteenth amendments.Sources Miranda v. Arizona, U. S. Supreme Court Case Summary & Oral Argument. (n. d. ). The Oyez Project | U. S. Supreme Court Oral Argument Recordings, Case Abstracts and More. Retrieved December 10, 2010, from http://www. oyez. org/cases/1960-1969/1965/1965_759 Miranda v. Arizona. (n. d. ). LII | Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law School. Retrieved December 10, 2010, from http://www. law. cornell. edu/supct/html/historics/USSC_CR_0384_0436_ZS. html The Supreme Court . Expanding Civil Rights . Landmark Cases . Miranda v. Arizona (1966) | PBS. (n. d. ). PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. Retrieved December 10, 2010, from http://www. pbs. org/wnet/supremecourt/rights/landmark_miranda. html
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Biology coursework Essay Example
Biology coursework Essay Example Biology coursework Paper Biology coursework Paper In Madeleine L`Engle`s children`s novel A Wrinkle in Time, the mitochondria in one of the characters starts to die. Describe what would happen to people who lost their mitochondria, and explain why it would happen. It is important to note that mitochondria are cellular organelles and it functions in the energy production within the cell. It is an inevitable component of the cell, in whose absence all cellular functions that require energy cease to be exist, or are replaced by less effective ones. Anything that happens to the mitochondria first affects the metabolic status of the cell, the tissue in which it is found and the organ formed. Mitochondria functions in the production of energy for various cellular functions such as maintenance of membrane permeability and pumps, transport within the cell, synthesis [anabolism] and catabolism of cellular structures. All these would be lost when mitochondria are lost or reduced in number in an organism. People who lost their mitochondria would experience widespread dysfunction of organ systems. Since there is no energy production, there is lethargy and death may ensue if there is timely intervention addressing the cause of the insult. One of the most dramatic environmental changes today is the increase in carbon-dioxide levels in the atmosphere. We usually hear about it in connection with global warming, but that’s not the only issue. What effect would increased carbon dioxide have on plants? If more trees are planted, would this stand to have any effect on atmospheric levels? Evaluate. Carbon dioxide is an important raw material used by plants, for the production of glucose through photosynthesis. It is produced as a waste product of metabolism in most animals. An excessive concentration of carbon dioxide saturates the atmosphere and there is a distortion in the balance of the ecosystem. This amount can be toxic to plants. Its influence on global warming also contributes to its influence on plants. Carbon dioxide has a limited concentration in atmospheric air, less than 1%. An increase on this amount affects the availability of other constituents of air. Such cycles such as nitrogen, carbon and oxygen are affected creating an imbalance that may be incompatible with life including plants. It is noteworthy that the stomata of the plants are closed and there is reduced uptake of carbon for plant use and transport within the plants transport system. Why is it accurate to think of each human being as the owner of a library of ancient information? This can be explained using biological concepts. Man is made up of cells, as its unit basic structure. This comprises the nucleus and cytoplasm. The nucleus contains the genetic material of each human being, and it is very useful as the control centre of all activities each cell carries out. In this nucleus is the genetic make-up of the individual that contains information that inherited from parents. One notices a sequential and generation inheritance of information through parent and offspring, which is modified through the ages by primary genetic changes, adaptive formulations, and environmental factors. This inheritance constitutes the pathway by which each human individual becomes an owner of a library of ancient information encoded into microscopic structures called genes. This encoding has helped reduce the space to contain the avalanche of information so that it can be available within the nucleus of the cell. This also points to the fact that the cell is really not as simple as we may think, as Darwin presumes. It is a complex structure reduced to appreciable size. The amount of information stored in the nucleus has proven to be larger than that of the Universe. Each man owns the cell, the information contained therein; heredity and genetics being major contributors.
Monday, November 4, 2019
The English Legal System assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The English Legal System assignment - Essay Example The construction process is, therefore, a cohesive process that begins with the survey of the land and the determination of the effective terrestrial features thus influencing the development of property that sustains the investment for all the parties involved. The land surveyor may face legal responsibility for negligence on their jobs in the survey and design of the house depending on the complaints and conflicts that arise thereafter. Such complaints may arise from either the property owner or the eventual client who either buys or rents the property. The complaints may include any boundary feuds that arise thereafter or the nature of the structure that arises from the design. Surveyors inform the architect on the nature of the land and its ability to support particular designs and populations. A surveyor should determine if a land is swampy and therefore advise the architect on the design of the structure and the possible reclamation methods capable of making the land usable for the purposes of constructing a residential property. Legal cases would arise in case a building sinks later since such portrays evident lack of effective land survey. In a bid to ascertain the security of the citizen, the government of Britain asserts more importance on the practice and, consequently, evaluates every surveyor. The government certifies the survey schools and the courses taught in such facilities. Additionally, it certifies every surveyor thus permitting their practice. This way, it becomes possible to track any fraudulent surveyors who cause the loss of either property or lives. The property owner always contracts a surveyor who may be a real estate agent. The agent then...England, unlike most of the European countries, has a unique constitution; the country’s constitution arises from several acts of parliament, legal documents, and judicial decisions. In determining the negligence as discussed above, the court uses such acts of parliament, torts, and past pr ecedence . The courts employ relative yet effective applications of the statutes. In doing this, the courts must ensure that they protect the interests of all the parties involved by instituting fairness to all. The courts consider precedents as set by the courts in past similar cases. By doing this, the courts avoid instances of unfairness as either party in such cases may compare past cases to their current case and identify inconsistencies. In the case of unique cases, the courts analyse the statutes and state laws thus maintaining fairness in the determination and in the setting precedents for future cases. In retrospect, land surveyors may face negligence cases depending on the manner in which they offer their services to the public. The English legal system provides an elaborate process of falsifying a contractor and determining negligence in their cases. The courts thus use the existing legislations to ensure effective compensation for the losses incurred by the parties conce rned.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 25
Art - Essay Example The statue sits in a corner spot, well lit by natural windows from behind and both sides. This position forces the viewer to appreciate the work from the frontal position, and does not allow a good view from the sides or the back. The positioning of what amounts to a severed head onto a base places great emphasis on the facial expression. The work is representational and very detailed, showing realistic touches such as the wrinkles on the forehead and the waves of hair sticking out in patches from the head. This realism is modified somewhat by the blue coloring, which is an unusual choice for a representational self-portrait because it does not represent the human skin tones very accurately. The head maintains the usual proportions of adult human anatomy and conveys an expression of intensity and concentration, indicated by the pursed lips and protruding neck veins. The beard, head hair and eyebrows are represented by tufts and clumps and they all sit frame-like around the central eyes and nose which form the focus of the whole piece. This lumpy texture contrasts with the smoother texture of expanses of skin. The glaze is shiny, which makes the surface of the cheeks and the forehead glisten. This adds to the realism of the piece because it is reminiscent of human perspiration. My first reaction on viewing this work was surprise. The incongruous color and startling expression drew my attention to the piece. At first I did not notice the inscription on the base and I wondered what the meaning of the strange expression might be. I imagined that the head was rendered speechless by something that it had seen. It did not look too pleased, and something about the eyes suggested to me that the person was unhappy and perhaps a little afraid. The head reminded me of an ancient sculpture and the color made me think of the sea. I thought it might be an ancient image of the sea god Neptune or perhaps a Biblical character like Noah or Moses. When I
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